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    It is mind boggling to me why we will only play 1 friendly vs. other nations , when all of our opponents
    Have 7-8 friendlies ?????
    What do we get from playing none sense matches with Portuguese and South African football clubs only ???


      Sv: TM-News-

      Originally posted by sarbaz View Post
      It is mind boggling to me why we will only play 1 friendly vs. other nations , when all of our opponents
      Have 7-8 friendlies ?????
      What do we get from playing none sense matches with Portuguese and South African football clubs only ???
      You must understand, that no one wants to play us. Plus, all the clowns inside IFF are regards..


        Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
        I wasn't even a critic bro and I'm totally critical of this decision. Let's wait and see what the real critics are going to say about this, but I highly doubt anyone other than the unconditional supporters (for both CQ and Karimi) will have anything positive to say about this.

        And I also HIGHLY doubt we will have any youngsters developing under Karimi. Don't forget, 6 months ago he was trying to get on TM at the expense of players like JB and Hajsafei!

        What do you mean? Did he say anything in the press?

        I thought he was very accepting of not being invited or playing in the WCQ.
        راه یکی است و آن راستی است


          Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
          Reading some comments from this thread coming from a member called clipsport I realize how much we don't deserve CQ. Actually we deserve a thug like GN who exactly fits our sick and pathetic football ''culture'' like portrayed right here.
          CQ is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

          Can you imagine what would happen if CQ played a friendly with TM against Rah Ahan and tied them 1-1 before the Asian Cup like GN did? I wonder what these people would say?

          Or if CQ started 40 year old Sohrab Bakhtiarizadeh as a sweeper like GN did with Fekri....

          Proper criticism is always welcome, but freaking out over Ali Karimi being named assistant, especially when that clown from SS who was our last assistant whined and ran away, is ridiculous. The guy is a legend and deserves a shot to show us if he is capable of the position.
          راه یکی است و آن راستی است


            He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt, for he has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice. Albert Einstein

            Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, and the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most that has made it possible for evil to triumph.


              Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
              Because Japan, Australia and South Korea showed their maximum potential at the World Cup because they had decent friendlies.
              Yes thats why japan did reached 2 times the Round of 16 of the wc and won the AC 4 time the last 20 years.
              Iran could not just reach the final the last 50 years.
              And lot spectacular wins agains huge teams like Brazil Spain Argentina, Italy......

              the same with korea .
              I would not be surprised if they would send us again at home during the Ac.

              And they do play fottball, not like iran a bunch of chickens who are trying defence the goal 90 min.

              2 goals again germany or other euro teams , we are far far away from them.


                Originally posted by persianallstars View Post
                says the guy who has been warned several times....
                Says the mod who is trying to go back and forth with a member lol.


                  Originally posted by rugs View Post
                  What do you mean? Did he say anything in the press?
                  Yeah, it was all over the press before the provisional squad was announced. I remember quite a bit of discussion on it here too.


                    Originally posted by Darloc View Post
                    Says the mod who is trying to go back and forth with a member lol.
                    one week for you to rethink your way of communicating with other members!

                    -EDIT: perm. banned! good bye IranNationalist!
                    Last edited by persianallstars; 09-26-2014, 10:53 AM.
                    TEAM MELLI UNTIL THE END


                      ۳ دیدار تدارکاتی دیگر در برنامه تیم ملی فوتبال پیش از حضور در جام ملت‌های آسیا قرار گرفت

                      Iran to play 2 friendlies in its third camp which will be in south africa or kish. Iff is contacting national teams and if they agree to come to kish then tm camp will be in kish if not then tm will go to south africa and play 2 club teams there. After third camp tm will go back to tehran and play an arab team in tehran before they leave for australia.


                        Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                        Reading some comments from this thread coming from a member called clipsport I realize how much we don't deserve CQ. Actually we deserve a thug like GN who exactly fits our sick and pathetic football ''culture'' like portrayed right here.
                        Most CQ fans are the fans that were not grew up in Iran although they may have Iranian blood.

                        HAHA, know that Ghalenoei was one of the main reasons that we qualified to the WC. CQ fucked up the first 5 games of final round. In last 3 games he used 7 players from Ghalenoei's team in his line up. It was Ghalenoei who prepared those players well and smashed each team with Esteghlal and those 7 players. Note that it was GN who put Montazeri as right back and Heydari as right winger for first time and CQ did that after GN. GN is one of the good Iranian candidates for NT with other Iranian coaches like Jalali.

                        I m not against foreign coach. In fact I think it is better for Iran Senior NT to have a foreign but I do not agree with every foreign coach. IMO CQ should have left NT after the WC.


                          Originally posted by Arash_1998 View Post
                          Most CQ fans are the fans that were not grew up in Iran although they may have Iranian blood.

                          HAHA, know that Ghalenoei was one of the main reasons that we qualified to the WC. CQ fucked up the first 5 games of final round. In last 3 games he used 7 players from Ghalenoei's team in his line up. It was Ghalenoei who prepared those players well and smashed each team with Esteghlal and those 7 players. Note that it was GN who put Montazeri as right back and Heydari as right winger for first time and CQ did that after GN. GN is one of the good Iranian candidates for NT with other Iranian coaches like Jalali.

                          I m not against foreign coach. In fact I think it is better for Iran Senior NT to have a foreign but I do not agree with every foreign coach. IMO CQ should have left NT after the WC.
                          Lol, the only additions were Beikzadeh (b/c Pouladi was injured, nothing against Hashem, he did great) and AH Sadeghi.

                          Your post is the perfect example of "grasping at straws".

                          I want you all to rewind a little bit. Remember when we lost to Uzbekistan? All the emotionally unstable ones here kept saying "CQ's job was to qualify us to the WC. He failed." HOW MANY TIMES DID WE HEAR THIS?

                          Then it turns out, hey, we qualified. Those people either vanished into the background, or pretended they never spewed their nonsense.

                          Then during/after the WC they came back. "CQ's job was to get us to the round of 16".

                          All of a sudden his job from 4 years ago changed?

                          This is the typical CQ hater. Full of contradictions, full of arguments about the smallest detail or preference, say one thing today and the opposite tomorrow, etc.....


                            Wait, didn't CQ kick Rahmati out then GN copied him by kicking him out as well?

                            I think GN is the cheater here...
                            راه یکی است و آن راستی است


                              Originally posted by rugs View Post
                              Wait, didn't CQ kick Rahmati out then GN copied him by kicking him out as well?

                              I think GN is the cheater here...
                              With all respect, I do not waste time to answer to the ridiculous comments.


                                بزرگترین خدمت را قلعه*نویی به تیم ملی کرده؛ مصطفوی: بهانه*های کی*روش غیر منطقی است/او با مقررات فیفا آشناست

                                در مرام ما نمک خوردن و نمکدان شکستن نیست که کی*روش حالا چنین کاری می*کند. مگر رفتن بازیکنان استقلال به کشورهای عربی دست قلعه*نویی بوده؟
                                دوشنبه 14 بهمن 1392 - 10:25
                                رئیس سابق فدارسیون فوتبال گفت:* کی*روش پایش را از فدراسیون فراتر گذاشته و به باشگاه*های بزرگ ومربیان بزرگ و کل فوتبال ما توهین می کند.
                                داریوش مصطفوی در گفت*وگو با خبرنگار ایلنا اظهار داشت: ثمره هدایت نادرست کی*روش به جایی رسیده که پایش را از فدراسیون فراتر گذاشته و به باشگاه*های بزرگ ما و مربیان بزرگ ما و حتی به کل فوتبال مملکت ما توهین می*کند. مگر کی*روش برای فوتبال ما چکار کرده؟ او فقط در یک بازی مقابل کره*جنوبی خوب کار کرد و همه می*دانند چطور در آن بازی به پیروزی رسید. کی*روش برود بازی*های تیم ملی که او روی نیمکت بوده را ببیند تا متوجه عملکرد تیم ما در بازی با ازبکستان و لبنان و قطر بشود.
                                وی افزود: من یک سوال از کی*روش دارم؛ او برود و ببیند بازیکنان کدام باشگاه بیشترین خدمت را به تیم او کرده*اند. در تیم ملی 7 بازیکن از استقلال بودند که قلعه نویی در طول فصل زحمت آنها را کشیده است. در مرام ما نمک خوردن و نمکدان شکستن نیست که کی*روش حالا چنین کاری می*کند. مگر رفتن بازیکنان استقلال به کشورهای عربی دست قلعه*نویی بوده؟ مگر حضور بازیکنان ملی*پوش از تیم*های عربی در اردوی تیم ملی دست قلعه*نویی است؟ فیفا یک قانون کلی دارد و برای بازی*های غیر رسمی باشگاه*ها بازیکنان را در اختیار تیم*های ملی قرار نمی*دهند.
                                رئیس سابق فدراسیون فوتبال اظهار داشت: الان حق با قلعه*نویی و باشگاه*ها است و این تقصیراتی که کی*روش گردن قلعه نویی می*گذارد، درست نیست. باعث صعود تیم ملی ما به جام*جهانی قلعه*نویی و باشگاه استقلال بوده و این ایراداتی که کی*روش می*گیرد، تبلیغاتی بوده و به نفع خودش است. کی*روش شب*گذشته در جلسه رونمایی از پیراهن تیم ملی شرکت نکرده و امروز هم در جلسه با معاون وزیر ورزش حاضر نشده است. حتما کی*روش پیشنهاداتی از کشورهای دیگر دارد که چنین کارهایی می*کند و اگر نمی*تواند از مملکت ما برود چون قرار داد دارد و فیفا او را جریمه می*کند.
                                مصطفوی در پایان گفت: این راهم بگویم که چرا فدراسیون فوتبال برای کی*روش امکانات، اردو و بازی*های تدارکاتی مهیا نمی*کند؟ وزیر ورزش هم اعلام کرد از تیم حمایت کرده و کمک می*کند، بنابراین بهانه دست کی*روش ندهند تا او بهانه*های غیر منطقی راداخل بهانه های منطقی نکند چراکه مردم فکر می*کنند او درست می*گوید. تنها ایراد درستی که کی*روش گرفته عدم برگزاری اردوی تیم ملی و بازی*های تدارکاتی است و گرنه بازیکنان خارج از ایران تحت قوانین فیفا هستند و فیفا اجازه نمی*دهد آنها زودتر از موعد به اردوی تیم ملی بیایند و فدراسیون هم نمی*تواند اجازه آنها را بگیرد. بهانه*های کی*روش غیر منطقی و غیر اصولی است و او با مقررات فیفا آشنا نیست. به نظرم بزرگترین خدمت به تیم ملی را قلعه*نویی کرده و نباید اینگونه تقصیرها را گردن او انداخت.

