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    No Asadi but Hasani...

    با حسنی خو نگاهی امیدوار داریم
    کی روش: اولویت من صعود به جام جهانی است
    کارلوس کی روش سرمربی تیم ملی این بار با لبخند مقابل خبرنگاران قرار گرفت

    با حسنی خو نگاه امیدوارانه ای داریم

    جلسه خیلی خوبی را پشت سر گذاشتیم و همان طور که کفاشیان گفت نگاه امیدوارانه ای به آینده داریم. هیچ شکی نیست که با حضور حسنی خو، نگاه خوش بینی وارد جلسه و مذاکرات شد. لازم است که یک بار دیگر مطرح کنم که همه امکانات و شرایط باید مهیا باشد تا تیم ملی به موفقیت برسد و راهی جام جهانی شود.

    اولویت من صعود به جام جهانی است

    مهم ترین مسئله این است که بهترین راه حل را برای رسیدن به موفقیت تیم ملی پیدا کنیم و طبق آن عمل کنیم. صعود تیم ملی به جام جهانی اولویت مهم ماست و اولین و مهم ترین هدف شخص من هم همین است. البته مطمئنم که خواسته اکثر هواداران و مسئولان هم رفتن تیم ملی به جام جهانی است ولی مهم ترین مسئله ای که باید به آن اشاره کنم این است که تنها با حمایت های بزرگ می توانیم به این موفقیت برسیم. مبنای موفقیت های بزرگ حمایت های بزرگ است.
    الان زمان تعهد دادن است نه قول دادن

    اکنون زمان قول دادن نیست بلکه زمان متعهد شدن است. بنا بر قول و وعده و وعیدها نمی توان کار را ادامه داد. تنها راه موفقیت ما انجام کارها با تعهد کامل است. در حال حاضر خوش بین هستیم و با نگاهی مثبت به دنبال راهکارها هستیم ولی زمان قول دادن ها همان طور که گفتم تمام شده است. الان زمان تعهد و پیدا کردن راهکارهاست. امیدوارم دست به دست یکدیگر راهکارها را پیدا کنیم و در ادامه موفق باشیم.


    Kafashian About The Meeting:

    در جلسه امروز مواردی که احساس کردیم مهم هست را بیان کردیم و خواستار حمایت سایر ارگان ها از طریق وزارت ورزش از تیم ملی شدیم
    تا دغدغه ها لغو شده و نماینده وزارت ورزش نیز قول حمایت و همکاری دهد.

    کفاشیان در مورد ممنوع الخروجی کی روش گفت:

    قرار شد تمام سعی و تلاش خود را کنیم تا این مشکل از مسئولان بالا حل شود و سریعا این اتفاق بیفتد.

    وی در مورد برنامه های تیم ملی گفت:
    ازبکستان پیشنهادی به ما داده که آن را قبول نکردیم و آنها باید شرایط ما را قبول کنند ضمن اینکه اردوهای تیم ملی خرداد ماه آغاز می شود.
    وی با بیان اینکه مردم از این به بعد می توانند به ادامه کار کی روش خوشبین باشند افزود:

    قرار شد کی روش جلسه ای را با هیات رئیسه گذاشته تا برنامه های 4 ساله خود را ارائه دهد تا طبق برنامه ریزی او دیگر هیچ مشکل و حرف و حدیثی نباشد.
    وی در پایان گفت: دستیار کی روش و سرپرست تیم ملی مشخص خواهد شد.



      One must give credit where credit is due... Hosni khoo sounds like a straight-up no-nonsense type of guy who wants to get shit done and not dwell in problems.

      Very impressed with him saying that Kaffashian needs to fire the people who're working against TM because they still disagree with CQ staying. He's basically saying a decision has been made, accept it and do your job or get the hell out.


        its about time someone put the All-appeasing, always safe-playing Kafash on the spot, and forced him to own up to his executive responsibilities.. ..!!
        Kafash's ultimate goal is always his own survival in his job and when conflicts arise in his organization, he always refuses to take any hard sides and make the tough decisions, this is mostly because he wants to survive in his job regardless of which side of the conflict ends up winning the argument..!!
        here he is basically told by HosniKoo that if your the Boss then its your responsibility ultimately to make a Final Decision on keeping or letting CQ go, and then assuring your subordinates are on-board with that decision or fire and replace those clowns who refuse to go along...!! about fking time..!!


          "Carlos Queiroz to Stay as Iran Coach
          April 25, 2015 - 17:28
          TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Carlos Queiroz finally reached an agreement with Iran Football Federation(IFF) on Saturday to work until the 2018 World Cup.

          “I had a good session with the football federation and Iran's sports minister officials today. We are looking forward to the future,” Queiroz told reporters.

          The Portuguese coach had announced his resignation following a 3-1 friendly defeat to Sweden on March 31, claiming he had the support of neither the government nor the federation.

          Former Real Madrid coach took Team Melli (the Iranian national football team) charge in April 2011 and led the team to the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.

          Iran also made the quarterfinals of the Asian Cup in Australia earlier this year, where it was defeated on penalties by Iraq."

          TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Carlos Queiroz finally reached an agreement with Iran Football Federation(IFF) on Saturday to work until the 2018 World Cup.


            Originally posted by aenima_8 View Post
            "Carlos Queiroz to Stay as Iran Coach
            April 25, 2015 - 17:28
            TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Carlos Queiroz finally reached an agreement with Iran Football Federation(IFF) on Saturday to work until the 2018 World Cup.

            “I had a good session with the football federation and Iran's sports minister officials today. We are looking forward to the future,” Queiroz told reporters.

            The Portuguese coach had announced his resignation following a 3-1 friendly defeat to Sweden on March 31, claiming he had the support of neither the government nor the federation.

            Former Real Madrid coach took Team Melli (the Iranian national football team) charge in April 2011 and led the team to the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.

            Iran also made the quarterfinals of the Asian Cup in Australia earlier this year, where it was defeated on penalties by Iraq."

            good now we have stability, now we need young players to take over and expecially nekounam place


              At this point I don't believe it until he's sitting on the bench of the Turkmenistan game


                CQ now has the most unprecented support that a TM coach has ever had

                Now it's time for him to deliver and no more excuses


                  Originally posted by ehsan singapore View Post
                  good now we have stability, now we need young players to take over and expecially nekounam place
                  Yep, and given the past should be a relatively quiet 2 months before someone stirs the pot and we are back at square one. Btw, did Kaffashian throw a percentage out after these meetings?
                  Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                    Originally posted by O-ZoNe View Post
                    Yep, and given the past should be a relatively quiet 2 months before someone stirs the pot and we are back at square one. Btw, did Kaffashian throw a percentage out after these meetings?
                    The Kaffashiculator says 85.5%

                    Seems pretty good to me.



                        I hope from now on, CQ stops wasting his energy by reacting to every single comment against him in the Iranian media.



                          Originally posted by sarbaz View Post
                          CQ now has the most unprecented support that a TM coach has ever had

                          Now it's time for him to deliver and no more excuses
                          You mean verbal support? It is worth nothing, if they fix the TM camp's field, sign contracts with Iranian coaches in TM, organise overseas camps and friendlies, get clubs to release players on time, find us a decent kit provider, resolve some of the Sarbazi Issues, etc... Then we can expect him to deliver second round of WC.

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                          Team faghat PERSPOLIS


                            Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
                            Yet another meeting. It seems they can schedule more meetings than training sessions

                            کی روش
                            پیش از حضور در جلسه با مسئولان فدراسیون فوتبال در خصوص اینکه تمرینات تیم ملی از چه زمانی آغاز می شود اظهار داشت:
                            من چیزی نمی دانم و تنها چیزی که می دانم این است که امروز یک دیگر جلسه داریم

                            در واکنش به شروع تمرینات تیم ملی

                            من چیز دیگری نمی دانم و باید پس از جلسه ببینیم شرایط چگونه شده است.

                            کی روش: تنها چیزی که می دانم این است که تاکنون همه چیز متوقف شده است/ جلسه دیگری داریم

                            سرمربی تیم ملی فوتبال ایران گفت: من تنها چیزی که می دانم این است که در حال حاضر همه چیز متوقف است

                            Translation: "I'm sitting on my ass, and I'm getting paid for it. Cheers"


                              Originally posted by sarbaz View Post
                              CQ now has the most unprecented support that a TM coach has ever had

                              Now it's time for him to deliver and no more excuses
                              Trust me on this one. There will be plenty of excuses coming.


                                CQ,Kaffashian and the representative of the sports ministery ,Hosseini all signed a written agreement and then after the meeting
                                Hosseini said they want to CQ to remain as the TM coach and he has thier full support he also said anyone who doesnt support CQ can leave !!
                                This is unprecented in Iran since the revelution, now you are correct in saying that words are meaningless unless they are backed up by real action
                                so i guess time will tell us soon

