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    "Asian Cup ambassadors Ellyse Perry, Mel McLaughlin, Kyah Simon and Sarah Walsh having a ball on Sydney Harbour!"

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      Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
      Seeing the Glass as half full...

      I recall Afazeli took Omid after Ghelyoongate when Mansourian resigned only 2-3 weeks prior to Oman Tournament (I was there in Muscat and attended the games and meet players). He took the job reluctantly when no one dare or volunteer to take it.
      He did not do well and was criticized. Since then he refused several time IFF offer to be assistant to vingada and he refused and made his reasoning public. When time was running out and Vingada still in Dubai despite contract, He accepted to start the process and invited over 100 players for trial and training. When Vingada arrived he only needed to work with selected player but he Said he does not know these players and unable to go to the same process. Under such condition Afazeli accepted to be with the team as advisor and help not as assistant. Only weeks before Incheon game he accepted to be assistant when IFF refused hiring someone else.

      I have my serious disagreement with his approach and analysis but really it's unfair to lay the blame on him.
      CQ as a Team Monitor , Vingada as a coach and IFF are responsible.

      As for Tech Committee:
      At lease he resigned, much more honorable than those who stay.
      Definitely not blaming him for anything azeez, other than maybe being too melodramatic and not entertaining enough in this clown show we call IFF!

      His performance at the U-22 games definitely left much to be desired, but it's not like he was campaigning for the position or that he failed us in a very easy group like Vingada did.

      At the end of the day, if he's in a constant struggle with the IFF, he's probably better off finding himself a less stressful job - for his own sake.


        Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
        Afazeli resign from TM technical Committee. Last week he resigned from U22.

        وقتي از راديو مي شنوم کريمي مربي تيم ملي شده

        افاضلي: همان بهتر که در کميته فني نباشم

        هومن افاضلي مربي سابق تيم ملي و مدير فني تيم المپيک ايران به نظر از سمت خود کناره خواهد گرفت.
        [TABLE="width: 95%, align: center"]
        [TD="colspan: 3"]
        [TD="colspan: 3"][FONT=tahoma][SIZE=2][COLOR=#000]به گزارش "ورزش سه"، افاضلی که در جلسه این هفته کمیته فنی در رابطه با بررسی عملکرد نلو وینگادا در تیم امید غایب بود، قصد ندارد درباره غیبتش توضیح چندانی بدهد اما به خبرنگار ما می گوید:
        Well, I can't blame him.
        While he can't be a expecting a head coaching job, but he certainly has the right to think he knows more about football than Karimi.

        And before karimi fans jump in, shouting, ''knowing about football'' doesn't mean if you can dribble 6 players at a time. It is the THEORETICAL stuff that Houman knows more than karimi.

        So CQ's extremely strange and irrational pick of karimi IS an issue many find hard to swallow


          Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
          Definitely not blaming him for anything azeez, other than maybe being too melodramatic and not entertaining enough in this clown show we call IFF!

          His performance at the U-22 games definitely left much to be desired, but it's not like he was campaigning for the position or that he failed us in a very easy group like Vingada did.

          At the end of the day, if he's in a constant struggle with the IFF, he's probably better off finding himself a less stressful job - for his own sake.

          As I understand, he is currently employee there and I doubt he has a good offer somewhere else. He has gain valuable experience during past 10 years on & off with IFF & various TM groups, perhaps he feel home at IFF!

          He must be busy somehow not updating his HP

          IFF is total mess and I have come to question integrity, sincerity of some official in charge, not sure if they really want to improve.

          In a short visit I had in Iran, I Visited IFF with a proposal. Proposal to organize, establish 4 international youth Tournaments for U14-15, U16, U19, U21 in Khuzestan, Esfahan, Azerbaijan, & Gilan /Kish. It was detailed proposal and I think could help youth program that is failing in regional & international games despite having good players.
          I had hard time talking with right people and those I met they did not care and mostly inquired about me and my intentions and I gave up, waste of my time.

          There are those who surprised we ended up 3rd in group of 3 behind VN & KR. Few years ago both these countries started similar tournaments and indeed for past few years we are attending their international youth tournaments ( since 2008 i posted their match here).
          They practice defeating us! And they did.
          2 years ago in VN, our U19 team (same U22 team today ) attended their U22 tournament; although it was U22 tournament we send our U19 team (Akbar Mohammadi ). It was a good games and Iran made it to final after defeated most celebrated team of Qatar Academy (mostly African talents) but lost 2-1 to VN U22 during mud sludge.

          Those games provided them psychological edge knowing that they can defeat us.
          VN U22 coach in Incheon said he know he can defeat Iran U22 even before their match..

          International U-21 Football Tournament (Vietnam)

          نابرده رنج ، گنج میسر نمی شود
          مزد آن گرفت جان برادر که کار کرد
          هر کو عمل نکرد و عنایت امید داشت
          دانه نکاشت ابله و دخل انتظار کرد


            Originally posted by TheBoss View Post
            "Asian Cup ambassadors Ellyse Perry, Mel McLaughlin, Kyah Simon and Sarah Walsh having a ball on Sydney Harbour!"

            Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.

            Hope we actually wear our WC kits and not those qualifier ones though. The WC kits were definitely sexy!
            Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


              Sv: TM-News-

              Originally posted by O-ZoNe View Post
              Hope we actually wear our WC kits and not those qualifier ones though. The WC kits were definitely sexy!
              I'm pretty sure we will. Even our U16 and Asian Games team were wearing the new kit.


                Originally posted by TheBoss View Post
                "Asian Cup ambassadors Ellyse Perry, Mel McLaughlin, Kyah Simon and Sarah Walsh having a ball on Sydney Harbour!"

                Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.

                wtf, the number 9 hottie should be wearing our kit..!!


                  So, are Team Melli traveling to Portugal on Saturday?


                    Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
                    wtf, the number 9 hottie should be wearing our kit..!!
                    lmao, i know man! that was my first thought too! im glad we didnt get the gal thats wearing the korean jersey doe


                      Originally posted by saadat_abad View Post
                      lmao, i know man! that was my first thought too! im glad we didnt get the gal thats wearing the korean jersey doe
                      Agree haha They probably all fought to wear Iran's jersey because of Haghighi and the other sexy beasts they saw in Brazil!


                        Originally posted by Abtin View Post
                        Agree haha They probably all fought to wear Iran's jersey because of Haghighi and the other sexy beasts they saw in Brazil!
                        haha exactly! but bachelot has a point! the one in the aussie jersey is something else she has that innocent look to her if you know what i mean haha



                            رونمایی از حریفان تدارکاتی تیم ملی

                            فلسطین قطعی شد، آفریقای جنوبی و عراق در فهرست انتظار

                            خبرگزاری تسنیم: ۳ دیدار تدارکاتی دیگر در فهرست برنامه تیم ملی فوتبال ایران قرار گرفت.

                            طبق پیش بینی کی روش، عراق آخرین تیمی است که به احتمال زیاد ایران در کمپ سیدنی با آن روبرو خواهد شد.

                            بدین ترتیب برنامه کامل اردوها و دیدارهای تدارکاتی تیم ملی بدین شرح است:

                            اردوی نخست تیم ملی ــ 4 تا 15 اکتبر (12 تا 23 مهر) ــ لیسبون پرتغال ــ برگزاری 2 دیدار تدارکاتی با اشترول و بنفیکا

                            اردوی دوم تیم ملی ــ آبان ماه ــ تهران ــ بازی با کره جنوبی 18 نوامبر (27 آبان)

                            * اردوی سوم تیم ملی ــ نیمه دوم دسامبر تا پایان دسامبر (24 آذر تا 9 دی) ــ ژوهانسبورگ آفریقای جنوبی ــ برگزاری دیدار تدارکاتی با تیم ملی آفریقای جنوبی .

                            بازگشت به تهران در روز 9 دی و عزیمت به اردوی نهایی استرالیا در روز 12 دی

                            * اردوی چهارم تیم ملی ــ سیدنی ــ 2 تا 8 ژانویه (12 تا 18 دی) - دیدار تدارکاتی با عراق.

                            به گزارش تسنیم، تیم ملی فوتبال 8 ژانویه (18 دی) برای برگزاری نخستین دیدار از سیدنی عازم ملبورن خواهد شد


                              So we could play South Africa and Iraq after the Korea match. Both will be decent friendlies, lets hope they happen.
                              چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد
                              We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                                Originally posted by St_Mark View Post

                                Ali did not like it !

