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Originally posted by TheBoss View PostIRI's politics is no different than handling a pressure cooker ..... As the pressure builds up, you slowly let the steam out just a tad bit so that you don't see overflow, and once the pressure from below is less, you put the lid down again and raise the temperature.
Post match comments from Guam coach Gary White:
"“Now that we’ve got that experience under our belt, we’ll continue to learn from it and move forward,” White said. “It took our team too long to adjust to the speed of play, which is natural. … For us to come out in the second half, the way we did, in the manner we did; we played some good football. I think that’s a better representation of the two teams.”"
Originally posted by aenima_8 View PostPost match comments from Guam coach Gary White:http://www.guampdn.com/story/sports/...-wcq/71641118/
Isnt this the most pathetic thing to say: white - ??!!!!
coming out?? fantastic?!! seriously what are these islander smoking!!!???
Originally posted by eerooni View PostIsnt this the most pathetic thing to say: white -“The way we came out in the second half was fantastic,” White said. “I’m so proud of them." ??!!!!
coming out?? fantastic?!! seriously what are these islander smoking!!!???
اعلام آمادگی کی روش برای ترک ایران
کارلوس کی روش سرمربی تیم ملی در پایان نشست مطبوعاتی با انتقاد از برخی شرایط ایجاد شده برای تیم ملی اعلام کرد اگر مسوولان فکر می کنند او مشکل تیم ملی است آمادگی ترک پستش به عنوان سرمربی تیم ملی را دارد.به گزارش "ورزش سه"، سرمربی تیم ملی با انتقاد از اتفاقی که برای بازیکنان سرباز تیم ملی افتاده است گفت:
ما دو سال با بختیار رحمانی و سروش رفیعی تمرین کردیم و حالا آنها را در اختیار نداریم. این همان اتفاقی است
که ممکن است سال آینده برای سردار آزمون بیافتد یا دو سال بعد برای مهدی ترابی. ما هرگز زمان را نمی توانیم به دست بیاوریم،
جام جهانی روسیه فرداست و این بازیکن ها بنا به دلایلی که همه می دانید و شاید بازگو کردنش باعث ناراحتی بشود
در جمع ملی پوش ها حضور ندارند. من حاضرم اگر که فکر می کنید مشکل تیم ملی من هستم بی دردسر پست خودم را ترک کنم.
وی ادامه داد: چیزی که ما می خواهیم ذره ای احترام است و نه چیز دیگری. اگر می خواهیم به جام جهانی صعود کنیم باید همه با هم متحد باشیم در غیر این صورت من آمادگی این را دارم که نیمکت تیم ملی ایران را تحویل فرد دیگری بدهیم.
کی روش با این جمله نشست مطبوعاتی خود را به پایان رساند تا حتی با یک پیروزی 6 بر صفر هم اوضاع کاملا عادی نباشد.
I totally understand and agree with CQ onnthe issue of missing players due o military service. It is dumb and stupid to punish so many players along with TM (and by default, Iran), just because one player was dumb enough to defy the rules and refuse to come back to Iran (pouladi).
This barring the players from exiting along with the team is pretty moronic to begin with anyway. This rule already has caused much damage to our football to force the developing clubs to rethink their methods and maybe even abandon investing in the youth programs (the biggest damage to any footballing nation). They ought to redo this moronic rule and keep the priorities as what benefits IRAN, not just a bunch of koon nashosteh IRGC sardars who are obsessed with money
Originally posted by Ab-Gosht View PostThis team honestly will miss pooladi big time when we reach 2nd round unless we somehow find another left back
CQ worked real hard in the background to pull some strings in order to offer him that last chance (as he seems to be doing here to help ease S.rafie and Rahmani back into TM Mix) and Pouladi pissed away all his efforts by still refusing to show up and now CQ will face a far bigger challenge trying to smoothen over his other Sarbaz players situation convincing a bunch of KaleKhar sarhangs to make some sensible exceptions to their bs kiri rule...!
i'd guess that by now even if Mehrdad fixed his sarbazi, Carlos will be unlikely to invite him again...!!?
i wish that Mohamadi kid that had a trial run in europe woulda given a run in vs Guam..! we need to dress up another left back soon and i cant think of a better time than these easier games in our WCQs..!
Originally posted by eerooni View PostIsnt this the most pathetic thing to say: white - ??!!!!
coming out?? fantastic?!! seriously what are these islander smoking!!!???.... At the end I am nothing other than ordinary
Originally posted by irani8perspolis View Postey baba, the saga starts again, grab your popcorn kids........ here we go again
The problem with CQ has nothing to do with football. It has to do with the dallals and moftkhor around TM. They need to be involved with who plays on TM, the kit, sponsors, etc. For better or worse CQ is interfering with this 37 year old tradition. Therefore he must go.
Franky, which of the IFF promises have come through since the last round of divorce arguments with CQ?.... At the end I am nothing other than ordinary
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