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    Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
    Do not attack their website. Just express your disappointment or disapprove of their FA's action politely. Keep it classy and let their supporters to read it without retaliatory actions.
    Yes, if everyone just jumps on the FB page and start blasting away foul language than we are the ones who are going to look bad. And for the love of god don't put aksept and fooloo on there


      I was told that Dadkan quit the first time as president. Why did he quit? Is he corrupt? I was too young during his time so i have no clue of his reputation.


        JB's birthday photo from August


          Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
          Do not attack their website. Just express your disappointment or disapprove of their FA's action politely. Keep it classy and let their supporters to read it without retaliatory actions.
          LOL on the comments on the first post there is an Iranian guy living in Guam who is cheering for the Guam team XD


            Originally posted by Kian B. View Post
            LOL on the comments on the first post there is an Iranian guy living in Guam who is cheering for the Guam team XD
            We also live in US and we may cheer for US if there is match between US and Mexico or other countries. I just want football to be taken more seriously in US to be proud. It is natural for people living in Guam loving their team no matter their background. I usually cheer for American women football team. Does it make me less Iranian? I am sure it does not. We need to embrace both our ancestral roots and residential homeland. I love both US and IRAN almost equally and in a match between Iran and US I will go with both flags, but I will cheer for Iranian team!


              Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
              We also live in US and we may cheer for US if there is match between US and Mexico or other countries. I just want football to be taken more seriously in US to be proud. It is natural for people living in Guam loving their team no matter their background. I usually cheer for American women football team. Does it make me less Iranian? I am sure it does not. We need to embrace both our ancestral roots and residential homeland. I love both US and IRAN almost equally and in a match between Iran and US I will go with both flags, but I will cheer for Iranian team!
              No no, I meant that, even in Guam, you can find Iranians. We are everywhere XD


                According to reports about the recent training, it's almost sure that Beiranvand will start the game vs Turkmenistan, therefore we shouldn't worry that much about Haghighi not being able to travel to Guam as he may not even be the guaranteed first keeper anymore regardless

                "* علیرضا بیرانوند امروز تمرینات اختصاصی را با گاسپار انجام داد که به نظر می*رسید این دروازه*بان برای بازی مقابل ترکمنستان گلر اصلی تیم ملی باشد."

                Taremi was among the best and sharpest players in practice despite his suspension for the Turkmenistan game. And apparently Pourghaz got injured in training... We are now extremely limited in our defensive options, with Montazeri out and Pourghaz recently injured, we only have Kanaani and Pouraliganji as CBs which is very risky, and the long travel distance to Guam is likely to make things even worse fatigue wise, as we can't even rotate our squad that much, especially if the visa problem is true and the 4 players won't join.

                Oh and Azmoun is also out because of injury for the Turkmenistan game at least if I understood correctly.


                  Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                  JB's birthday photo from August

                  are those dildos coming outa his girly bd hat..??


                    ^ I know you're joking. But just in case anybody is curious, that's a birthday cake hat with candles.


                      Watching these highlights make me really sad that Kalatbari isn't with TM. This little dude has got some legs on him.


                        Originally posted by arvin_guzoo View Post

                        Watching these highlights make me really sad that Kalatbari isn't with TM. This little dude has got some legs on him.
                        What a goal keeper Rah Ahan has! Wow! If they didn't have him Rah Ahan should have lost the match with more than 5 goals.


                          Originally posted by OFFSIDE_1 View Post
                          I have never seen a country not issue Visas to players for a national team game scheduled in their OWN freaking country. How lame can this be ???? I don't care what the paperwork issues are.
                          this is just outright cheating.

                          If these guamese form of people can't resolve VISA issues, they should not be allowed to host countries ......

                          As long as the field is semi-playable, we will destroy this team. My only concern is the field.
                          Its obvious its a ploy to deny Iran a good chance of beating them, I will not be surprised if the team gets delayed at the airport for 12 hours upon arrival for "Visa formalities" thus tiring our players further! they are using dirty ARAB tactics to weaken our team and hope for a draw at best! IMO, Iran has very very little friends and every team wants a piece of us! but not to fret, we are people of hardship and we always rise to challenges!!


                            Originally posted by sarbaz View Post
                            So due to injuries,suspension and visa issues TM will miss 6 of its regular starters vs. Guam !!!???

                            That is very bad news guys

                            Guam is tough at home and we need all of our main players 😡😡😡😡
                            Wtf? Guam? Tough? Dejagah, well known EPL and Bundesliga player, would dribble the whole field with them parking the bus. If we are scared of Guam then we should quit football.


                              I just remembered something today. CQ is the master of BS and psychological warfare. Keep being calm and let them do their job. I am sure he has something under his sleeves. Peace!


                                While there is no doubt Guam visa policy is politically motivated and wrong, This MOFO iranian member of AFC has a different opinion.
                                This low life is better to stick with his twitter,FB, Hammihaan girl chats.

                                Shahin Rahmani
                                عضو ایرانی کنفدراسیون فوتبال آسیا خبر داد:
                                ایران نمی واند از گوام به فیفا شکایت کند

                                مشکل دریافت ویزای گوام، تبدیل به مساله اصلی تیم ملی قبل از برگزاری این مسابقه در دور برگشت مرحله اول مقدماتی جام جهانی 2018 در منطقه آسیا شده است.

                                به گزارش "ورزش سه"، بنابر گزارش ها 5 بازیکن ایرانی به دلیل مشکل دریافت ویزا از این سفر بازخواهند ماند. از این رو با شاهین رحمانی عضو ایرانی کنفدراسیون فوتبال آسیا تماس گرفتیم تا درباره این مشکلی که برای تیم ملی ایران به وجود آمده سوال کنیم. رحمانی درباره شایعه عدم همکاری دولت گوام با ایران می گوید: باید دید که مشکل هریک از افرادی که ویزای گوام را دریافت نکردند چیست. مثلا همه مشکلات نفراتی که هنوز ویزا ندارند، به مسائل اداری برمی گردد یا واقعا از سمت مقابل در این باره سختگیری یا کارشکنی صورت گرفته است. فدراسیون فوتبال ایران باید درباره تک*تک نفرات اسناد لازم را منتشر کند تا مشخص شود عدم دریافت ویزای هر یک از ملی پوشان به چه دلیل است. مثلا این مساله ممکن است به دلیل نقص پرونده یکی از بازیکن ها اتفاق افتاده باشد و همه افراد را نمی شود در یک زیرگروه جمع زد.

                                وقتی از او درباره روش مقابله با کارشکنی احتمالی سوال می کنیم، رحمانی می گوید: در مسابقات تحت پوشش کنفدراسیون فوتبال آسیا کشور میزبان متعهد به تامین ویزای میهمان است اما این مسابقات زیرنظر فیفا برگزار می شود و این مساله در قانون پیش بینی نشده. بنابراین وقتی چنین مشکلی پیش می آید کشوری که خواهان دریافت ویزاست به فیفا نامه می زند و تقاضای کمک می کند و فیفا در مقابل از کشور میزبان می خواهد که حداکثر همکاری را در این باره به عمل بیاورد. بنابراین قرار نیست اتفاق خاصی برای فدراسیون گوام رخ بدهد.

                                رحمانی درباره مسائل دیپلماتیک فی مابین ایران وآمریکا و تاثیر آن در سفر تیم ملی به گوام هم می گوید: آنها مستعمره آمریکا نیستند اما قوانین شهروندی شان طوری است که اگر کسی قصد سفر به این کشور را داشته باشد، باید طبق قوانین آمریکا ویزا دریافت کند. البته آنها هم برای حضور در ایران سختی کشیدند چراکه پاسپورتشان، پاسپورت آمریکایی است و همه می دانند که سفر یک شهروند آمریکایی به ایران یا بالعکس از سخت ترین انواع آن است و طبعا این عبور و مرور مشکل نخواهد بود.

