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    Originally posted by teammelli1 View Post
    Why do they need to settle it in Malaysia?

    Is their underground fight club in Malaysia we're not aware of lol?

    I'm sick and tired of this ass clown Asadi. I'm sick and tired of hearing about him in the media, listening to his voice, looking at his face and realizing how much dumber I get when he is mentioned.

    Bere gomshe!

    In pedarsookhte baba o nanash bayad ba Mafia Eslami bashan ke behesh migan doctor. Martikeye **************
    What Asadi said about CQ recently? Nothing but CQ attacked him and said he does not the difference between potato and soccer training field. Whether you like it or not CQ does not have good reputation in terms of behavior. Remember why he was sacked as Portugal coach. In terms of technical aspect, he was overall a decent coach for us but you should be aware of his misconduct too.


      Originally posted by teammelli1 View Post
      Hichkas az shoma khoshesh nemiad Asadi!

      70 million Iran k00neto pare mikonan age bebinanet. Makhsoosan havadaraye Team Melli.

      Boro gomsho pedar sag!
      I am not Asadi fan and do not care about him. I care about success of our team more than anything else but you are great example of a blind fan.


        Originally posted by Sarbaze-Vatan View Post
        I am not Asadi fan and do not care about him. I care about success of our team more than anything else but you are great example of a blind fan.
        Everyone knows about Carlos Queiroz' behavior.

        Ever since the Man U days. I'm aware of his behavior. But when somebody starts talking about football when they have 0 expertise regarding that sport, anyone with common sense would react.

        Thanks for reminding me that I'm a blind fan. I did not know that until now, thanks


          Originally posted by Sarbaze-Vatan View Post
          What Asadi said about CQ recently? Nothing but CQ attacked him and said he does not the difference between potato and soccer training field. Whether you like it or not CQ does not have good reputation in terms of behavior. Remember why he was sacked as Portugal coach. In terms of technical aspect, he was overall a decent coach for us but you should be aware of his misconduct too.
          You should go work for IFF for 5 years. After dealing with the corruption, lies, and bs, how are you surprised at CQ's behavior? If you want to sit here and tell me that CQ doesn't deal with constant corruption as TM coach, then we should not engage in any discussion. It's irrational to suggest otherwise to be quite honest.

          We know how screwy IFF is, and you want a coach who shuts his mouth and does what the clowns who should be mopping floors at the local grocery store say? It seems you have different priorities for TM. Instead of a guy who wants these bi-mokh's out of power, so some people who have actual football experience and want to help our football can come in, you seem to prefer a coach who is satisfied with the status quo of corruption.

          The current IFF should be ousted in my opinion. I can say that they have only done a handful of decent things in the past 5-10 years, one of them being hiring CQ. Otherwise, for a long time, CQ was having to find friendlies through his friends, and we were practicing with substandard kits (which were likely phonies), and our players can't even practice on a respectable training pitch.

          I really wish that there was one of these vatani mafiosos as our coach so some of you could see the outcome of your attitudes. If you really, truly believe that CQ is the problem, after having us be undefeated by Asian opposition for so long, basically sweeping the Arabs every time we have faced them since 2011, then, again, we cannot have a rational discussion on the subject.


            I never had any problem to see CQ as our head coach until 2018 and I said that before but sometimes I do not like his behaviors. He should focus on finishing his job now instead of raftane be hashiye. I am done and not going to argue about it any more here.


              He needs to behave like this unfortunately, to maximize Team Melli's chances.


                Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                He needs to behave like this unfortunately, to maximize Team Melli's chances.

                that's are my thoughts too.
                I hope it doesn't backfire, but CQ knows how to handle them. If he really leaves, then it means, the situation has become really helpless.

                Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


                  Originally posted by Afat11 View Post
                  You should go work for IFF for 5 years. After dealing with the corruption, lies, and bs, how are you surprised at CQ's behavior? If you want to sit here and tell me that CQ doesn't deal with constant corruption as TM coach, then we should not engage in any discussion. It's irrational to suggest otherwise to be quite honest.

                  We know how screwy IFF is, and you want a coach who shuts his mouth and does what the clowns who should be mopping floors at the local grocery store say? It seems you have different priorities for TM. Instead of a guy who wants these bi-mokh's out of power, so some people who have actual football experience and want to help our football can come in, you seem to prefer a coach who is satisfied with the status quo of corruption.

                  The current IFF should be ousted in my opinion. I can say that they have only done a handful of decent things in the past 5-10 years, one of them being hiring CQ. Otherwise, for a long time, CQ was having to find friendlies through his friends, and we were practicing with substandard kits (which were likely phonies), and our players can't even practice on a respectable training pitch.

                  I really wish that there was one of these vatani mafiosos as our coach so some of you could see the outcome of your attitudes. If you really, truly believe that CQ is the problem, after having us be undefeated by Asian opposition for so long, basically sweeping the Arabs every time we have faced them since 2011, then, again, we cannot have a rational discussion on the subject.
                  Oh I fucking hate it how CQ comes all of a sudden and qualifies for one World Cup. So what. Even in 2010 we were so close, so as in 2002. CQ is getting pooroo and simply won't shut his big mouth.


                    Well lately Asadi said that he feels sorry for Ferguson to have an assistant coach like CQ. In the meeting they had Asadi used the opportunity to not only criticize him, but also getting personal as far as I know. He even went on and said once that the players don't have quality. Well, that's not what I call cooperative.

                    He is even unpopular among IFF. He has a cold relationship with Kafashian, who has no better relationship with Goudarzi and the rest of the ministery of sports.


                      Dutch media outlet Voetbalzone (the most popular source for football in The Netherlands) has reported that CQ has quit as TM coach.

                      Carlos Queiroz heeft besloten niet door te gaan als bondscoach van Iran. De Portugese trainer was sinds 2011 werkzaam bij het nationale team en het was de bedoeling dat hij Iran naar deelname aan het WK 2018 in Rusland zou leiden. Na vijf jaar heeft Queiroz echter besloten de stekker eruit te trekken omdat hij de samenwerking zat is.Via een statement op zijn eigen Facebook-pagina laat Queiroz weten dat de omstandigheden waarin hij zijn werk moet doen niet goed zijn en dat er onvoldoende voorwaarden zijn geschept om nog door te gaan. “Er is een tekort aan faciliteiten en dat is niet wenselijk voor een selectie die mee wil doen aan het WK 2018. En erger nog dan de ontkenning zijn de leugens, de arrogantie en de onverantwoordelijkheid.”“We hebben hier te maken met mensen die anderen stompzinnig vinden en denken dat ze meer ervaring hebben dan anderen”, zegt Queiroz, waarbij het niet duidelijk is over wie hij het heeft. Naar het zich laat aanzien bedoelt hij de verantwoordelijken bij de Iraanse bond. Wie het nu over moet nemen bij Iran is nog onduidelijk, evenals wat Queiroz gaat doen. Hij is al sinds het eind van de jaren tachtig actief als trainer.Queiroz werkte als bondscoach voor Portugal Onder-20, het Portugese nationale team, Zuid-Afrika en de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten en in clubverband bij Sporting Portugal, New York/New Jersey Metrostars, Nagoya Grampus Eight, Manchester United (als assistent van Sir Alex Ferguson) en meest recent Real Madrid. Bij die laatste club mocht hij één seizoen blijven voordat Florentino Pérez hem wegstuurde.


                        Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                        Dutch media outlet Voetbalzone (the most popular source for football in The Netherlands) has reported that CQ has quit as TM coach.

                        There will be a meeting on Saturday to determine his future. His is gone when the contract is terminated, else he is Iran's coach


                          Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                          Dutch media outlet Voetbalzone (the most popular source for football in The Netherlands) has reported that CQ has quit as TM coach.

                          They're just picking up junk from Iranian sources and making it credible due to their name.

                          Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk


                            Originally posted by Gucci10 View Post
                            They're just picking up junk from Iranian sources and making it credible due to their name.
                            Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
                            Yeah, I commented on it because of their low quality journalism. They always post negative news regarding Iran, I'm getting sick of it.


                              Originally posted by Gucci10 View Post
                              Oh I fucking hate it how CQ comes all of a sudden and qualifies for one World Cup. So what. Even in 2010 we were so close, so as in 2002. CQ is getting pooroo and simply won't shut his big mouth.
                              LOL what a pre school esque argument. So what? That was one of 2 instances in Iran's history of qualifying as the top team in their group and one of four times of making it in our history you're acting as if qualification to the WC is a regular thing. We are not Japan or SK who makes it every time since the tournament got larger and more Asian slots opened up. "We were close" LOL since when is that something to be content with/proud of? That is an excuse for a loser.....close isn't making it. If you're content with sitting home in 2018 and watching Uzbekistan or UAE instead of us and thinking "we almost made it this year without CQ it's cool!" then I'm im sorry for even responding to this ridiculous comment. CQ is standing up against the unqualified a-holes who won't let him do his job and don't want the best for TM, that's been crystal clear since his first day in Iran.
                              Team Meli Iran
                              Perspolis FC
                              Malavan Bandar Anzali

                              "I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz



                                Originally posted by Gucci10 View Post
                                Oh I fucking hate it how CQ comes all of a sudden and qualifies for one World Cup. So what. Even in 2010 we were so close, so as in 2002. CQ is getting pooroo and simply won't shut his big mouth.
                                Forget CQ for a second.

                                Which one of these are you OK with?

                                1. The gov't forcing its own assistant on a TM manager.

                                2. Our players practicing on a pitch that could injure them.

                                3. Our players wearing fake kits.

                                4. Our players having to deal with extended travel delays.

                                5. Gov't interference in TM.

                                I'm sure there is plenty more i missed, but do tell us which of the above is acceptable to you and then we will go from there.
                                راه یکی است و آن راستی است

