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    در نهایت برنامه ای تدوین و به تصویب طرفین رسید که طی آن مقرر شد

    تا فصل شانزدهم لیگ برتر 3 روز زودتر آغاز شده تا این 3 روز در نهایت به اردوی تیم ملی قبل از دیدار با قطر و چین متصل شود.

    بر همین اساس طبق برنامه قبلی قرار بود تیم ملی از تاریخ 2 شهریور ماه سال جاری به مدت 14 روز برای دیدار با قطر و چین که دو تاریخ 11 و 16 شهریور برگزار می شود اردوی تدارکاتی خود را برگزار کند که به تبع آن نیز لیگ برتر به همین میزان یعنی 2 هفته تعطیل می شد اما طبق برنامه جدید مقرر شد تا اردوی تیم ملی 3 روز زودتر یعنی از تاریخ 30 مرداد آغاز شود که به این ترتیب لیگ برتر نیز 17 روز تعطیل خواهد شد.

    در این بین رایزنیها برای برگزاری دیدارهای تدارکاتی نیز آغاز شده است. البته از آنجایی که تا قبل از 8 شهریور، تقویم کشورهای مختلف با روزهای فیفا دی مطابق ندارد، این موضوع کار را برای پیدا کردن حریف تدارکاتی برای شاگردان کی روش سخت کرده

    با این حال رایزنی ها برای برگزاری دیدار دوستانه قبل از دیدار با قطر و چین ادامه دارد.
    این در حالی است که حتی این امکان وجود دارد که تیم ملی برای برگزاری دیدار تدارکاتی نیز راهی اروپا شود ضمن اینکه مذاکرات با فدراسیون های تایلند و استرالیا نیز ادامه دارد تا یکی از این دو کشور قبل از دیدار با ایران به در دیداری تدارکاتی به مصاف کشورمان بروند

    به نظر می رسد در حالی که تایلند پاسخ مثبت خود را ارائه کند، این دیدار دهه اول شهریور در تهران برگزار شود.


      Didn't I tell you all 4 days ago that all this fuss is all about nothing important and that TM will have 2 weeks camp before the Qatar match and play a friendly match
      Now you all should believe me always always always
      Taj said that TM iran will have a 17 day camp in Europe before the Qatar game and play a friendly with either Australia or Tailand in Europe or Tehran 😃😃😃😃😃😃


        Originally posted by Iran_19 View Post
        Ajab sirisheye in martike.. baba bekesh biroon!!! WTF!!!

        Conversations with a narcissist, especially if you disagree about anything that contradicts with their opinion of what is the gospel truth, are jam-packed with a barrage of covert manipulation tactics that are intrinsic to the narcissist and entrenched in their personality. They will make you wish you never disagreed with them in the first place and regret that you had ever dared to express your point of view. A simple disagreement will often incite an full fledged attack on you. Some how, they manage to twist the conservation so you wind up feeling like the bad guy/girl and while they assume the role of the innocent victim- of you.

        When you challenge your narcissist’s lies, discrepancies, groundless accusations, suggest that they are less than perfect, try to get them to understand your point of view, confront them on their cruel behaviors, or approach them about the lack of reciprocity in the relationship, the discussion will likely decay into a crazy making, chaotic, drama packed, mind-spinning, migraine induced headache that is intended to manage you down and punish you for suggesting or exposing a fact that doesn’t support their grandiose view of themselves or maintain their need to feel superior and in control.
        Narcissists never enter into conversations. They enter into verbal competitions. Their goal is to win at all costs. They have no interest in seeking understanding, clarification, compromise or reaching a meeting of the minds. Their conversations are only meant to manipulate, confuse, control, destabilize, deflect accountability, cast doubt, distort reality and create drama.
        Narcissists only surround themselves with people who are either so charmed by them that they blindly believe every word they say is true or people who have learned that it’s easier to keep their mouths shut rather than reap the wrath of expressing an opposing opinion.


          In 17 roz 9 Rozesh fifa day hastesh va 4 rozesh ke baraye bazi qatar o chine va ye parvaz be chine. Kollan 8 roz zodtar ligo tatlil mikonan ke 3 roz ham ke recovery hastesh. Darr koll 5 roz baraye cq mimone ke entezar Darim ba in team chikar kone nemidonan ba 5 roz. Hamom qatar ke mayeligohan 1 Mah ligo tatil kard o raft ye ordoye tolani va 4 bazie taderekati ham dasht rid bargasht. Ye moghayese ham bekonim bad nist.


            Harfe shoma dorosteh vali khob Baz hichi behtareh, dar zemn dashtane yek bazieye tadstokati digeh va parvaz mostaghim

            Be chin ba havapeymaye charter khosoosi ham komake bozorgi be TM mikoneh dorosteh?


              Originally posted by sarbaz View Post
              Didn't I tell you all 4 days ago that all this fuss is all about nothing important and that TM will have 2 weeks camp before the Qatar match and play a friendly match

              Now you all should believe me always always always

              Taj said that TM iran will have a 17 day camp in Europe before the Qatar game and play a friendly with either Sustralia or Tailand in Europe or Tehran 😃😃😃😃😃😃
              Sustralia kodoom gooriye dige?
              "History is a set of lies that people have agreed upon,"




                  I don't want to be a downer but heres what I think will happen. Either our clubs again will refuse to release their players or our legionnaires won't be able to join the camp and the whole thing will get scratched again.
                  "History is a set of lies that people have agreed upon,"


                    Originally posted by Ali Doust View Post
                    Sustralia kodoom gooriye dige?
                    Kollan migam. Cq vaghti alan baraye badan sazi nadare. Hame ma ham midonim ke badansaziye teamaye lig bedarde lige khodemon mikhore va bedarde bazihaye international nemikhore. Hala key to in 5 roz cq Mikhail berese recovery bad az bazie lig bazikona dashtan bekone + badan sazi bekone + team qatar o chin ro analys bekone va be bazikona taktike bazi ro yad bede+ karhaye taktiki ba team tamrin kone + Parvaz be chin dashte bashe + bazikonaro be sharayete ab o hava va saat chin adat bede + recovery bad az Parvaz bekone + badansazi ason bekone va bad bazi kone.
                    TEAM MELLI IRAN - PERSPOLIS


                      and then they say why QC is staying on holiday inEurope at home and does not come to Iran. why the hell should he come to iran early then? to play with his Balls????? or he spend time with the league that they dont give a sh!t about him and insult him??? ( except few ). and they call themselves F ing karshenas and now this lazy idiot ( AK) join the opposition. and dont say he should watch the games in person! look at his selection then say he should be present at the games!


                        Originally posted by BehnamT View Post
                        and then they say why QC is staying on holiday inEurope at home and does not come to Iran. why the hell should he come to iran early then? to play with his Balls????? or he spend time with the league that they dont give a sh!t about him and insult him??? ( except few ). and they call themselves F ing karshenas and now this lazy idiot ( AK) join the opposition. and dont say he should watch the games in person! look at his selection then say he should be present at the games!
                        The real losers are the Dumb Iranian people who Voted fro Karimi as the best Player ever. Never liked him. Just like guys like Rahmati he was always a cancer in the team. How could people say he was better then Mahdavikia is way beyond me.
                        "History is a set of lies that people have agreed upon,"


                          Now it's evident everyone is against TM from the league coaches to sports ministry to hidden elements in the regime. No one wants TM to succeed except CQ and the fans. We need to win the battle within before we even think of winning the World Cup preparation battle !


                            Originally posted by eerooni View Post
                            Now it's evident everyone is against TM from the league coaches to sports ministry to hidden elements in the regime. No one wants TM to succeed except CQ and the fans. We need to win the battle within before we even think of winning the World Cup preparation battle !
                            No doubt. Why would anyone think a sour guy like Karimi would want success for TM now when he wasn't able to have any success. Bunch of hasood and oghdeis.
                            "History is a set of lies that people have agreed upon,"


                              Originally posted by Ali Doust View Post
                              The real losers are the Dumb Iranian people who Voted fro Karimi as the best Player ever. Never liked him. Just like guys like Rahmati he was always a cancer in the team. How could people say he was better then Mahdavikia is way beyond me.
                              It seems the higher the individuals skills, the more of a drama queen they are. I pray to god that any of the talented young players, such as Azmoun & Ezatollahi, won't end up this way. But at the end, you are the product of your environment and at 18 years old people are still figuring out who they are. The football wold in Iran is toxic and being involved in it can have negative effect if you are young and can be influenced easily. I guess what I am trying to say is I am glad that a lot of our young talented players are leaving that toxic environment and going to places where they can hone their skills without all the damn drama.


                                Its crazy how different PP fans from inside Iran react to the current feud between Branko n CQ vs. PP fans outside Iran (PP fans of Persian

                                The PP fans in Iran are destroying CQ official page with Vulgar comments, and their opinions on 90tv. ir and other sites are border line disgusting.

                                PP fans from Iran are so wrapped in the feud with SS that they'll sell their own soul just to have an upper hand over SS fans.

                                I may not agree with all the moves CQ makes but he doesn't deserve whats been happening to his FB page. (its embarrassing for us Iranians as a whole) very Classless
                                Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.

