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    I recently read on a post on the iran football twitter account that Kaffashian has proposed a football channel on sedaosima which is run by IFF.

    Could be interesting. Couldn't find a link to an article about it.


      Originally posted by pres80 View Post
      I recently read on a post on the iran football twitter account that Kaffashian has proposed a football channel on sedaosima which is run by IFF.

      Could be interesting. Couldn't find a link to an article about it.
      Team faghat PERSPOLIS


        Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post

        Football is scoring more goal than the opponent
        You know you could say Football is conceding less goals than the opponent (basically the only way you can ensure you score more goals than the opponent is to concede less than them!!!)
        Team faghat PERSPOLIS


          Might be my farsi is not good enough, but I think this is talking about something different (overseas channels showing IPL, rather than a dedicated football channel in Iran).


            Originally posted by pres80 View Post
            Might be my farsi is not good enough, but I think this is talking about something different (overseas channels showing IPL, rather than a dedicated football channel in Iran).
            You might have missed this section:
            ی در پاسخ به این سؤال که آیا توافقات اگر صورت بگیرد همان 160 میلیارد خواهد بود یا خیر، گفت: همان مبلغ است و چیزی کم و زیاد نشده است. البته ما روی یک مبلغ پافشاری نکرده*ایم بلکه گفته*ایم موارد دیگر را هم بررسی کنیم ما می*خواهیم هرچیزی هست داخل یک سبد بریزیم و با هم تقسیم کنیم یا اینکه یک شبکه خصوصی به ورزش اختصاص دهند و ما هزینه*اش را هرچقدر باشد پرداخت می*کنیم.
            - See more at:
            Team faghat PERSPOLIS


              earlier arab broadcasters wanted to broadcast IPL


                Originally posted by pres80 View Post
                I recently read on a post on the iran football twitter account that Kaffashian has proposed a football channel on sedaosima which is run by IFF.

                Could be interesting. Couldn't find a link to an article about it.
                Best news i have heard all week. It would be sort of like the Super Lig channel they have in Turkey which is the only channel that shows games.


                  Originally posted by irani1378 View Post
                  Best news i have heard all week. It would be sort of like the Super Lig channel they have in Turkey which is the only channel that shows games.
                  And if they provide live streaming like La Liga then we are talking serious coverage and endless ad revenue possibilities inside and outside Iran.
                  Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                    all 4 Iran friendly matches are now on FIFA calender
                    vs. Kenya on Nov.14 th

                    vs. South Korea on Nov.18 th

                    vs. Zimbabwe on Dec.19 th

                    vs. Iraq on Jan.4 th


                      Originally posted by sarbaz View Post
                      all 4 Iran friendly matches are now on FIFA calender
                      vs. Kenya on Nov.14 th

                      vs. South Korea on Nov.18 th

                      vs. Zimbabwe on Dec.19 th

                      vs. Iraq on Jan.4 th
                      Not bad!


                        Originally posted by kami_kakashi View Post
                        You know you could say Football is conceding less goals than the opponent (basically the only way you can ensure you score more goals than the opponent is to concede less than them!!!)
                        If two teams think like that, the game will end in 0/0 and nobody will win. I prefer German hungryness for scoring goals.

                        Each time Iran score a goal in an important match (Australia, USA, Japan, etc...) it is an exceptionnal feeling I don't have with any of my other favourite teams (PSG and France). Specially when it is in a full azadi with 120 000 of my countryman sheers together.

                        I didn't feel anything after Iran/Nigeria 0/0


                          Originally posted by Afat11 View Post
                          I don't think we are disagreeing on the point of our offense needing to tune up before the Asian Cup.

                          Where I think we are disagreeing is on what is more beneficial for the team to develop its offensive character in just a few weeks. I think we can agree that a game against Germany (although it would be entertaining) is not what we need between now and January. If we didn't defend the whole game, we would likely lose 8-0 like Saudis. It would be a great test for our defense, but as you said we cannot rely on our defense.

                          The next possibility would be to play Costa Rica or Sweden. Do you think a young Sardar Azmoun will be able to find an offensive rhythm and goal-scoring confidence against these teams? These teams are strong, and would likely frustrate our players. I agree that these matches are extremely necessary after the Asian cup, but really, can you tell me with a straight face that our offense can develop in 2 months playing teams like this? Anything is possible, but this is not probable. CQ sees this and doesn't want to risk our strikers going into the cup without confidence.

                          Hence, playing teams like South Korea, Kenya, Iraq, and others of a lower caliber is all we can do in the next 2 months to develop and strengthen our offense. Our offense needs a few games to experience a little bit of freedom in play in order to develop our passing and vision.

                          We cannot do this when Swedish defenders are constantly hounding these players. We need them to gain some confidence and match-practice. Getting ready for better national teams should be our vision for Russia 2018. In the next 8 weeks though, we should focus on Asian football and preparing for this tournament. For this tournament, we have the right gameplan. After the tournament, if we are playing no friendlies or constantly playing Kenya, I am right behind you with the pitchfork.
                          I agree with your post, it is not needed to play Germany and so now.

                          However I think you overrate a team such as Sweden which on par with a team like Russia that we beated in 2011. I don't see why we would concede 8 goals against them.
                          OK Zlatan but he is getting old and is more and more frequently injuried.


                            I am sure the question was asked before but how to get tickets for a TM match in Azadi (e.g the Korea game in november).


                              مخالفت کمیته پزشکی فدراسیون فوتبال با اردوی تیم ملی در آفریقای جنوبی

                              خبرگزاری تسنیم: کمیته پزشکی فدراسیون فوتبال مخالفتش را با برگزاری اردوی تیم ملی فوتبال در آفریقای جنوبی اعلام کرد.

                              کمیته پزشکی فدراسیون فوتبال در نامه ای رسمی به رئیس این فدراسیون اعلام کرد که با توجه به اطلاعات دریافت شده از سوی سازمان بهداشت جهانی و وزارت بهداشت و درمان کشورمان، برگزاری اردوی تیم ملی در آفریقای جنوبی به دلیل ریسک بالای بیماری ابولا به صلاح نیست.دکتر احمد هاشمیان در این رابطه به خبرنگار تسنیم گفت: براساس بررسی هایی انجام شده و طبق اطلاعات سازمان بهداشت جهانی، همچنین وزارت بهداشت و مسئولان پزشکی داخل کشور، به این جمع بندی رسیدیم که برگزاری اردوی تیم ملی فوتبال در آفریقای جنوبی با ریسک بالای ابتلا به بیماری ابولا همراه است.رئیس کمیته پزشکی فدراسیون فوتبال افزود: به همین دلیل در نامه ای رسمی به رئیس فدراسیون فوتبال توصیه کردیم تا زمانی که این بیماری در قاره آفریقا تحت کنترل قرار بگیرد، در صورت امکان از برگزاری این اردو در آفریقای جنوبی خودداری شود.


                                خواسته عجیب تیم آفریقایی از فدراسیون ایران
                                اختلاف ۳۵ هزار دلاری، دیدار ایران - کنیا را لغو می کند
                                . شاید یک آفریقایی دیگر جایگزین کنیا شود

                                تیم های ملی ایران و کنیا در صورت توافق فدراسیون های دو کشور، در دیداری دوستانه به مصاف هم می روند.

                                مسئولان فدراسیون کنیا در نامه ای از فدراسیون فوتبال ایران برای برگزاری این دیدار مبلغ 50 هزار دلار را درخواست کرده اندفدراسیون ایران در پاسخ به این پیشنهاد فدراسیون کنیا اعلام کرده برای برگزاری این دیدار حاضر است فقط 15 هزار دلار به تیم آفریقایی بپردازد، ضمن اینکه هزینه 2 روز اقامت و بلیت رفت و برگشت 30 کنیایی (22 بازیکن و 8 همراه) را نیز متقبل شوند.

