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    Re: TM-News-

    Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
    1/the teams you quote aren't as weak as Cameroun, Honduras, Iran, Australia or Saudi Arabia (in 2002), Jamaica (in 1998) etc... they are at worst average.

    2/ Greece won the Euro2004 and qualify from their group this year WC

    3/Spain won the WC four years ago so what? all teams have high and low. I can quote you team that didn't do well in Euro and did well 2 years after in the WC. It means sh1t.
    1. Yes they are. Serbia 2006. Did you forget the Argentina match?

    2. Again, Greece won. They would never win the WC.

    You still haven't explained why more than 50% of the Euro teams couldn't get out of the group stages. Surely if they are so good the would at least advance in the WC?
    راه یکی است و آن راستی است


      Originally posted by rugs View Post
      1. Yes they are. Serbia 2006. Did you forget the Argentina match?

      2. Again, Greece won. They would never win the WC.

      You still haven't explained why more than 50% of the Euro teams couldn't get out of the group stages. Surely if they are so good the would at least advance in the WC?
      Serbia was thrashed once so what? They are able to produce quality players.

      Euro teams did bad at one world cup doesnt mean they have a low level in general. Accident can happen. And you dont speak about all europeans that advance


        Re: TM-News-

        Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
        Serbia was thrashed once so what? They are able to produce quality players.

        Euro teams did bad at one world cup doesnt mean they have a low level in general. Accident can happen. And you dont speak about all europeans that advance
        Umm, 50% of Euro teams didn't advance in 2010 either.

        Again, you have no basis for what you say.

        Euro cup is like South America cup, they both have high quality matches, but nothing near the WC.
        راه یکی است و آن راستی است



            CALM DOWN


              Kafashian discovered Kish on a private holiday! lol
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              We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                Originally posted by rugs View Post
                Umm, 50% of Euro teams didn't advance in 2010 either.

                Again, you have no basis for what you say.

                Euro cup is like South America cup, they both have high quality matches, but nothing near the WC.
                This year world cup was very low quality except of some very high level matches in the group stage (Spain-Holland, Germany-Portugal, Italy-England) wow only european countries.


                  Originally posted by Salar View Post
                  Kafashian discovered Kish on a private holiday! lol


                    I thought this thread was for news only, but 90% of the posts in here recently have been random posts. Didn't a moderator state this only a few pages ago?????


                      Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
                      This year world cup was very low quality except of some very high level matches in the group stage (Spain-Holland, Germany-Portugal, Italy-England) wow only european countries.

                      So Italy-England was more exciting than Italy-Uruguay? Lol, c'mon now. You obviously missed the other exciting matches like Chile-Australia, Columbia-Ivory Coast, Uruguay-Costa Rica, Ghana-USA, Algeria-Russia!!

                      Oh, and Brazil-Chile was very boring. So was Brazil-Columbia. Oh and that awesome goal in Uruguay-Columbia was boring and Costa Rica-Netherlands was obviously a sleep fest!

                      Of course those matches are nothing compared to the awesome Euro quarterfinal match between Czech Republic and Portugal!!

                      Again, I don't know why you are arguing this nonsense. Greece won the Euro Cup. That just shows you how hard it is.
                      راه یکی است و آن راستی است


                        گزارش تصویری

                        تمرین تیم ملی در ورزشگاه آزادی
                        عکس: نعیم احمدی


                          Originally posted by rugs View Post

                          So Italy-England was more exciting than Italy-Uruguay? Lol, c'mon now. You obviously missed the other exciting matches like Chile-Australia, Columbia-Ivory Coast, Uruguay-Costa Rica, Ghana-USA, Algeria-Russia!!

                          Oh, and Brazil-Chile was very boring. So was Brazil-Columbia. Oh and that awesome goal in Uruguay-Columbia was boring and Costa Rica-Netherlands was obviously a sleep fest!

                          Of course those matches are nothing compared to the awesome Euro quarterfinal match between Czech Republic and Portugal!!

                          Again, I don't know why you are arguing this nonsense. Greece won the Euro Cup. That just shows you how hard it is.
                          it is not because a game is exciting that the level is high and vice versa.


                            ست توجیهی سرمربی تیم ملی با بازیکنان برگزار شد

                            کی روش: برای جام ملت ها سورپرایز دارم

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                            همانند این فیلم، جام جهانی هم تمام شده است. بعد از تمام شدن مسابقات جام جهانی به همه شما بازیکنان گفتم که از تک تک شما رضایت دارم و البته در آن زمان سؤالم این بود که فوتبال ایران چقدر توانسته احترام جهان را جلب کند.
                            زمانی که به کنگره فیفا در مالزی رفته بودم، تمام سخنرانان در مورد عملکرد ایران در جام جهانی و به ویژه بازی با آرژانتین صحبت می کردند و استناد آنها به عملکرد مثبت تیم ما بود

                            وی ادامه داد: احترام به دست آوردن آسان است اما با یک اشتباه همه آن احترام از بین می رود و به همین دلیل حفظ آن احترام سخت تر است. انتظار از تیم ملی ایران در جام ملت ها بالاست و شاید این موضوع سبب خوشحالی شما بازیکنان شود که این انتظار از شما وجود دارد

                            سرمربی تیم ملی تاکید کرد: همین چند دقیقه پیش بررسی کردیم و دیدیم که قطر از خرداد یعنی زمان پایان جام جهانی تاکنون 14 بازی تدارکاتی داشته و البته امارات هم 14 بازی.کی روش سپس با تعجب ادامه داد:

                            بحرین هم 13 بازی داشته است اما اینکه ما 3 بازی داریم یا 4 بازی مهم نیست چراکه من یک سورپرایز دارم و سورپرایز من هم شما بازیکنان هستید.
                            می دانم که می توانم همه شما را در جام ملت ها رو کنم اما این نیازمند آن است که نظم خود را حفظ کنیم و شما بازیکنان با شجاعت کنار هم باشید. همانطور که قبلا در برابر بهترین تیم ها ثابت کردید بازی خوب شما در این دوره هم ادامه خواهد یافت.
                            سرمربی تیم ملی یادآور شد:

                            با تیم کره جنوبی رفت و برگشت بازی کردیم و هر 2 بازی را بردیم اما این بازی ها تمام شده و ارزش تیم ملی ایران هفته آینده مشخص خواهد شد.

                            بنابراین بازی بعدی برای ما خیلی مهم است. کره شانس بیشتری داشته که مقابل برزیل یا آرژانتین بازی کرده است. آنها حتما تیم و بازیکنان خوبی دارند اما هفته بعد باید پیغام خود را برای حریفانمان همچون استرالیا، ژاپن و کره جنوبی ارسال کنیم و به آنها بگوییم ما داریم سعی می کنیم به هدفمان برسیم.



                              Originally posted by rugs View Post

                              So Italy-England was more exciting than Italy-Uruguay? Lol, c'mon now. You obviously missed the other exciting matches like Chile-Australia, Columbia-Ivory Coast, Uruguay-Costa Rica, Ghana-USA, Algeria-Russia!!

                              Oh, and Brazil-Chile was very boring. So was Brazil-Columbia. Oh and that awesome goal in Uruguay-Columbia was boring and Costa Rica-Netherlands was obviously a sleep fest!

                              Of course those matches are nothing compared to the awesome Euro quarterfinal match between Czech Republic and Portugal!!

                              Again, I don't know why you are arguing this nonsense. Greece won the Euro Cup. That just shows you how hard it is.


                                Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
                                it is not because a game is exciting that the level is high and vice versa.
                                Reported. Nothing to do with TM news.

