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    ^^ Just to have a word kinda related but not really:

    You guys have to know that part of the reason why our players don't get bought and are seen negatively by European clubs is for marketing purposes. As you all probably know by now, politic plays a lot in Football: When you send a Japanese or a Korean player in the Bundesliga, the general public will see them positively because of the influence of their country in general and the monopoly of their companies (Samsung, Panasonic etc..) as a whole on the market, football included, they will make a lot of marketing sales (shirts, advertisements etc..) and at the end the club, the sponsors, the brands will all benefit from it.

    However Iran. If you buy an Iranian player as a English or German club for example, you will most probably get a premature negative response from the public/fans regardless of our player's ability, the average football fan is fooled by the medias very easily and isn't mentally independent, will think of Iranian players as crap mostly because of the name "Iran", therefore you will have some bad advertising, not as much revenue and benefits as buying an Australian/Japanese/Korean player.

    Of course, you can apply the same logic for our shirt sponsors, if you are wondering why we always get crap sponsors regardless of how good we are, while Korea/Jpn/Aus all get fancy Nike/adidas deals with 300 modelling photo shoots of their players for ads. Same thing for our dual nationality players; Zandi, Dejagah, Ghoochannejhad all were way more hyped and seen as "more fancy" under the Dutch or German nationality, but quickly saw their careers crumble when they started playing for Iran.

    That reality is sad and not fair, but we have to cope with it now because nothing will change under the actual regime. We can only ignore the sanctions and the obstacles and fight with gheyrat even if we don't have the same "shortcuts" as our Asian rivals. The situation is improving and we have more youngsters given chances by European club, but it will be a slow process. I have faith that things will get better now especially if guys like Azmoun and JB prove the popular opinion about Iranian football wrong in few years.


      Also, AFC has awarded the 2015 u22 championships (olympic qualifiers) to Qatar instead of Iran.
      Very obvious fifa and afc are trying their best to make qatar a good team for 2022 $$$


        And I can promise you that AFC will also give the 2019 Asian cup to UAE

        Not Iran


          از سوی فدراسیون فوتبال کشورمان برای حضور بازیکنان لژیونر در اردوی آفریقای جنوبی درخواستی به باشگاه های شان فرستاده شد.

          مهدی محمدنبی در گفت وگو با خبرنگار ورزشی خبرگزاری تسنیم

          در خصوص اینکه گفته می شود شاید بازیکنان لژیونر به این دلیل که اردوی آفریقا در فیفادی برگزار نمی شود،

          در اردو حاضر نشوند، گفت: شاید این اتفاق رخ دهد اما وظیفه ای که ما داشتیم صورت گرفته و درخواست مان را برای حضور بازیکنان لژیونر در اردوی آفریقای جنوبی به باشگاه های مدنظر فرستاده ایم.
          وی درباره اینکه برای حضور جواد نکونام در اردوی آفریقای جنوبی درخواستی شده یا نه اظهار داشت: برای باشگاه اوساسونای اسپانیا درخواست مان را فرستاده ایم تا جواد نکونام در اردوی آفریقای جنوبی حضور پیدا کند.

          همین درخواست به باشگاه نایمخن هلند برای حضور
          علیرضا جهانبخش، به باشگاه روبین کازان روسیه برای حضور سردار آزمون و به باشگاه پنافیل پرتغال بابت حضور علیرضا حقیقی ارسال شده است.دبیرکل فدراسیون فوتبال یادآور شد: باشگاه های عربی هم درخواست ما را گرفته اند و به باشگاه العربی قطر بابت حضور اشکان دژاگه، به باشگاه الشحانیه قطر برای حضور مسعود شجاعی، به باشگاه الاهلی قطر بابت حضور سیدجلال حسینی و به باشگاه الکویت کویت بابت حضور رضا قوچان نژاد در اردوی آفریقای جنوبی نامه زده ایم.
          نبی تأکید کرد: ما منتظر تصمیم گیری باشگاه ها هستیم و باید دید کدامیک از لژیونرها می توانند تیم ملی را در اردوی آفریقای جنوبی همراهی کنند.


            Sv: TM-News-


              Absolutely zero chance the qatari teams release the players. Also doubtful for the european teams as well so south africa camp with probably be all ipl


                God Damn

                we are go all the way to South Africa to hold a fricking camp and not even one fifa sactioned friendly with another
                just 2-3 bull crap club teams ????

                This is disasterious


                  Originally posted by sarbaz View Post
                  God Damn
                  we are go all the way to South Africa to hold a fricking camp and not even one fifa sactioned friendly with another
                  just 2-3 bull crap club teams ????
                  This is disasterious
                  there is no talks about friendlies even against club friendlies. this will be a camp with only IPL players, that could have been held in Iran, hence save the travel time and costs. Face it, we will be the least prepared team even for this low standard tournament, with 2/3 friendlies, and one of them being PALESTINE Yaay IFF and Jomhurie ashghal..



                    But I know for a fact that Qrosh and Kaffashian said that if South Africa makes it to the African cup of nations (which they did and finished first in thier group)
                    they will for sure play friendly with them as well as either Kenya or Zimbabwee.
                    So what happened to that ???

                    If we are not gona have any friendly games in South Africa then just go to Kish and save the money.


                      Originally posted by ali alipour View Post
                      Also, AFC has awarded the 2015 u22 championships (olympic qualifiers) to Qatar instead of Iran.
                      Very obvious fifa and afc are trying their best to make qatar a good team for 2022 $$$
                      Khak tu sareshun, AFC aghmagh!

                      They organise youth tournaments in countries such as Myanmar but Iran hasn't the right to organize such event?!?! I mean it is not the olympic or the world cup either ffs


                        Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
                        Khak tu sareshun, AFC aghmagh!
                        They organise youth tournaments in countries such as Myanmar but Iran hasn't the right to organize such event?!?! I mean it is not the olympic or the world cup either ffs
                        In Myanmar & Qatar women can attend stadiums - in Iran they can't. We can't really blame international organizations for not wanting to have anything to do with the utter chauvinism on display in the Eshalic Republic.


                          and because of this exact reason we will also loose the 2019 AC bid to UAE

                          I gurrantee it


                            Sv: TM-News-

                            Originally posted by sarbaz View Post
                            and because of this exact reason we will also loose the 2019 AC bid to UAE

                            I gurrantee it
                            It's 100%. Only Kafashian still believes in that shit.


                              I can see South Africa agreeing to play us if they end up in the same group as Tunisia or Algeria for the Africa Cup of nations (Draw December 3rd), because they may assume we play a similar style, but otherwise I don't see it happening.

                              We may also get lucky if one of the other teams grouped with Tunisia/Algeria decide to play us for the same reason, although almost all other teams (with the exception of Zambia and DR Congo) are from West Africa and are unlikely to make the long journey to S. Africa only yo pack up and travel back to West Africa in a few days for the cup.


                                مهرداد بیت‌آشور بعد از غیبت در چند اردو احتمالاً به تیم ملی بازخواهد گشت

                                Beitashour called up to south africa camp but it is mainly because of the absence of pooladi and mahini

