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    Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
    Holy shit, this is getting REALLY ANNOYING. What is that, 5 TM players with sarbzai issues now?! Khalilzadeh, Mahini, Pouladi, Rahmani and Rafei?!!!
    His case is different . just like Bakhtiar he took his case to administrative court..
    Even if declare him Sarbaz , he can play for TM but not Foulad. His case did not involve alleged fabrication.


      I just don't understand why some of these players are having issues in their mid to late 20's. Don't you have to have your sarbazi figured out at 18 anymore? I'm seriously starting to think that some people (within the IR) are trying hard to sabotage TM for the Asian Cup - I just don't know if it's to get rid of CQ or to reduce nationalistic sentiments.


        Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
        I just don't understand why some of these players are having issues in their mid to late 20's. Don't you have to have your sarbazi figured out at 18 anymore? I'm seriously starting to think that some people (within the IR) are trying hard to sabotage TM for the Asian Cup - I just don't know if it's to get rid of CQ or to reduce nationalistic sentiments.
        I am 20 and I don't feel like solving my sarbazi by spending so much money to buy it off as long as I can visit Iran once in a while(last time was July 2010). I think this applies for many people like me who have been born outside Iran.


          Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
          I just don't understand why some of these players are having issues in their mid to late 20's. Don't you have to have your sarbazi figured out at 18 anymore? I'm seriously starting to think that some people (within the IR) are trying hard to sabotage TM for the Asian Cup - I just don't know if it's to get rid of CQ or to reduce nationalistic sentiments.
          young men for various excuses can delay service for 2-3 years. Some of these guys like thousands others find loophole and got waivers . some got waiver legally some fabricated ,forged documents in process. when sepahan and Perspolis ( Daei in particular) made a case against Bakhtiar they did not expect this mess. They were hoping IFF will penalized Foulad , reverse few result and ali Daei's team will be declare champion and Sepahan will replace Foulad in ACL!.

          Military was forced to expand investigation and the hell broke loose.
          while Sepahan lost Hamoudi & Khalizad, Perspolis lost Mahini , Fouad lost many , Bakhtiar himself may not go to Sarbazi after all !!
          A big Mess.

          One actual example. one of player n the list asked his parens to divorce so he can declare himself caretaker of mother and get a waiver. He got a waiver and his parent got married after a week or so. !


            تا ترکیب مان کامل نشود، نمی توانیم در مورد برنامه ریزی ها صحبت کرد

            کی روش: از مقامات ایران عاجزانه خواهش می کنم تا مشکلات برخی بازیکنان را حل کنند

            سرمربی تیم ملی گفت: از همه مسئولان و مقامات کشور ایران عاجزانه خواهش می کنم تا مشکلات برخی بازیکنان را حل کنند
            تا بتوانیم این اردو را با ترکیب کامل اعلام شده قبلی پشت سر بگذاریم

            مسئولان و مقامات کشور ایران تا بحال و در همه مراحل ما را همراهی کردند و امیدوارم از این پس نیز بخاطر نام ایران باز هم ما را همراهی کنند تا بتوانیم در اردوی آفریقای جنوبی بازیکنان را به صورت کامل داشته باشیم.
            چرا که قصد داریم با دست پر به استرالیا برویم و هدف ما این است که در جام ملت های آسیا دل ایران و ایرانی ها را شاد کند.
            کی روش در مورد برنامه بازی های تیم ملی در اردوی آفریقای جنوبی، گفت: ابتدا امیدوارم بتوانیم از ترکیب کامل خود استفاده کنیم تا اردوی ژوهانسبورگ ما را به هدفی که داریم نزدیک کند؛

            بنابراین تا ترکیب ما کامل نشود، نمی توان در مورد برنامه ریزی هایی که برای این اردو داریم به صورت کامل صحبت کنیم. باید دست به دست هم دهیم تا در این اردو موفق شویم



              Well ! did not take long for Military to respond to Rafiei & Queiroz.
              Kamali: NO mean NO !

              کيروش از قوانين ايران خبر ندارد
              کمالي: بحث خريد خدمت بازيکنان شايعه است

              در روزهايي که سازمان نظام وظيفه به هيچ وجه حاضر نيست از موضع خود در مورد سربازها کوتاه بيايد، گفته مي شود فدراسيون فوتبال در تلاش است تا امکاني را فراهم کند تا بازيکنان سرباز بتوانند پول خدمتشان را پرداخت کنند و در نيم فصل دوم براي تيم هايشان بازي کنند.

              به گزارش "ورزش سه"، با این حال سردار احمد کمالی جانشین منابع انسانی کل نیروهای مسلح این صحبت ها را فقط در حد شایعه می داند و ادعا می کند که بازیکنان متخلف باید مجازات شوند.

              سروش رفیعی نباید به تیم ملی دعوت می شد

              عده ای امروز به من زنگ زدند و گفته اند که چرا سروش رفیعی از فرودگاه دیپورت شد و نتوانست به آفریقای جنوبی برود. این نکته های کوچک چیزی نیست که لازم باشد ما در مورد آن صحبت کنیم. طبیعتا بازیکنی که سرباز است و کارت پایان خدمتش باطل شده است، نمی تواند از کشور خارج شود و این چیز عجیبی نیست.

              دلیل های رفیعی قانونی نبود

              رفیعی در مراجعه به سازمان نظام وظیفه ادعا کرد که معافیتش قانونی است اما مدارک او مورد تایید سازمان نظام وظیفه قرار نگرفت. او به دلیل مریضی پدرش معافیت گرفته اما یک نکته وجود دارد، زمانی که رفیعی پدرش مریض بوده اصلا به سن سربازی نرسیده بوده حالا اینکه چطور به این بازیکن کارت معافیت داده اند، من نمی دانم.

              کی روش از قوانین ایران خبر ندارد
              متاسفانه کی روش فکر می کرده که رفیعی نمی تواند در بازی ملی بازی کند و به همین دلیل او را به تیم ملی دعوت کرد. من فقط این را می گویم که کی روش از قوانین ایران خبر نداشته و مساله دیگری در این باره وجود ندارد. از مصاحبه ای که سرمربی تیم ملی امروز کرد، هم این مساله کاملا مشخص بود

              نمی خواهیم به آینده بازیکنان بازی کنیم

              با توجه به تخلفی که این افراد کردند موافقت افکار عمومی ما به این بازیکنان گفتیم که در13 هفته لیگ برتر نمی توانند بازی کنند. اما پرونده آنها هم اکنون در دادگاه قضایی است. حالا دادگاه می تواند آنها را تبرئه کند، جریمه کند یا هر چیز دیگری. عده ای از بازیکنان سرشان را پایین انداختند و به سازمان نظام وظیفه آمدند.
              پس ما صددرصد برای آنها تخفیف های ویژه ای قائل هستیم.

              اما من چند روز پیش یکی از بازیکنان را روی جلد یکی از روزنامه ها دیدم که دارد صورتش را می تراشد و در مورد سربازی اش صحبت می کند. من فکر می کنم رسانه ها نباید از چنین افرادی که تخلف انجام داده اند حمایت کنند.

              It seems Sardar Kamali contradicting himself . He said "Judiciary can decide their faith" and in case of SR , Divan e Edalat Edari reviewd his file and supported his case . Administrative court is part of judiciary so why Mr Kamali have issue with that. He said Cq does not know law of this land, does he himself know and respect law accordingly?



                is so much BS thank god our legioner player dont have sarbazi problems if not we would have been tosted, so since pooladi is not invited to SA camp he is for sure not going to asian cup, but we need sorosuh rafaei there, i am sure fedrasion can solve thier cases, thier cases is rare, and i am sure nezam vazife can see that also


                  Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                  I am 20 and I don't feel like solving my sarbazi by spending so much money to buy it off as long as I can visit Iran once in a while(last time was July 2010). I think this applies for many people like me who have been born outside Iran.
                  That's a different beast Kiarash jaan. These guys are/were living and working in Iran, not just visiting. I don't know what the rules are now for visitors (perhaps St. Mark can explain), but you were 16 last time you visited, so it didn't really matter, but I don't think you'll be able to go to Iran indefinitely without doing something about your sarbazi.

                  Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
                  young men for various excuses can delay service for 2-3 years. Some of these guys like thousands others find loophole and got waivers . some got waiver legally some fabricated ,forged documents in process. when sepahan and Perspolis ( Daei in particular) made a case against Bakhtiar they did not expect this mess. They were hoping IFF will penalized Foulad , reverse few result and ali Daei's team will be declare champion and Sepahan will replace Foulad in ACL!.

                  Military was forced to expand investigation and the hell broke loose.
                  while Sepahan lost Hamoudi & Khalizad, Perspolis lost Mahini , Fouad lost many , Bakhtiar himself may not go to Sarbazi after all !!
                  A big Mess.

                  One actual example. one of player n the list asked his parens to divorce so he can declare himself caretaker of mother and get a waiver. He got a waiver and his parent got married after a week or so. !
                  So, this is all the continuation of crap started by Daei last year?!

                  I don't understand why majles can't just pass a quick law that counts attending TM camps or playing for TM as part of your khedmat. Like I said before, what better way to serve your country than to represent it in a sporting arena. These guys can do a lot more good playing for TM than cleaning gun barrels!


                    Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
                    That's a different beast Kiarash jaan. These guys are/were living and working in Iran, not just visiting. I don't know what the rules are now for visitors (perhaps St. Mark can explain), but you were 16 last time you visited, so it didn't really matter, but I don't think you'll be able to go to Iran indefinitely without doing something about your sarbazi.

                    So, this is all the continuation of crap started by Daei last year?!

                    I don't understand why majles can't just pass a quick law that counts attending TM camps or playing for TM as part of your khedmat. Like I said before, what better way to serve your country than to represent it in a sporting arena. These guys can do a lot more good playing for TM than cleaning gun barrels!

                    Yes and Khatibi want to do the same.
                    Dec 2 2014 after he lost to Foulad .

                    He got mad, "orderd Lak to go back to sarbazi" and refused to let him board airplane with rest of the team. Lak and Dalir were asked to go back to Tabriz from Ahwaz by Bus ! no kidding.

                    از اول فصل مشکل دروازه باني داشتيم
                    خطيبي:مثل دايي تخلفات فوتبال را رو مي کنم

                    رسول خطيبي برابر فولاد روز خوبي نداشت و در اهواز شکست خورد.


                      TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian national football team flew to South Africa early Sunday to hold a preparatory camp in the country ahead of the 2015 AFC Asian Cup.

                      "Iran head to SA camp
                      14 December 2014, 13:26

                      Iran's national team left for South Africa on Sunday where they will train and play three friendly matches ahead of next month's Asian Cup, the football federation announced in Tehran.

                      Iran's highly-regarded Portuguese coach Carlos Queiroz, who despite an ageing side and chaotic preparation almost took his side into the World Cup second round in Brazil, took 21 players on the trip.

                      His team will take on Tanzania, Guatemala and South Africa during the near-two-week camp, the federation said, before returning to the Iranian capital for another friendly against Palestine on December 28.

                      The Asian Cup kicks off in Australia on January 9, with Iran playing Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates in the group stages.

                      Queiroz, 61, extended his tenure as coach with a four-year deal after coming back from Brazil.

                      His team's World Cup preparations were hobbled by cash woes, partly blamed on the economic sanctions imposed on Iran as punishment for pursuing a disputed nuclear programme.

                      Iran are aiming for a good Asian Cup - their opener is against Bahrain on January 11 - with Queiroz's next goal being to secure Iran's place at the next World Cup, in Russia, in 2018."

                      Last edited by aenima_8; 12-14-2014, 10:55 AM.


                        i still dont know how accurate the friendlies are


                          Do we have any pics of them leaving, in the airport?


                            ^^yea most probably bs. I can't seem to find any sources mentioning those Friendlies other than Iranian sources or articles quoting Iranian sources. It's a guessing game, let hope we can play even one decent friendly at the South Africa camp.


                              When are they comming back?


                                I think they will be in South Africa for about two weeks

