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Kafashian will meet CQ on Thursday to finalize the contract

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    Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
    But it's not like the money for CQ is in IFF's budget. I suppose it would be specifically allocated for that by the ministry. If we get a cheaper coach, no football fields, training camps or coaching programs will be financed with that instead. This is not a professionally organized system.
    So what you are saying is that in all these years CQ hasn't organized the system?!

    Just add that to the long list of things CQ has not done for us.....

    Let me get this straight:

    1. We didn't win the world cup.

    2. We still have crap fields.

    3. Enayati's jenazeh is not scoring goals in the EPL.

    4. Khamenei is still in power.

    5. ISIS is near Iran's border.
    99. Our system is not organized?!?!!

    I must ask then. Why did we pay CQ?! Wy oh why oh why?!

    I can't believe we paid him, let alone are thinking about hiring him again!?!! FFS HE HASN'T EVEN MADE OUR HARAM PIGS FLY YET!
    راه یکی است و آن راستی است


      why don't they ask hedayati and other scumbags who stole money who are for the people and the countries developments to pay for everything?

      fking retarded people, faghat mikhan jibashuno por konan


        Originally posted by euphory View Post
        why don't they ask hedayati and other scumbags who stole money who are for the people and the countries developments to pay for everything?
        fking retarded people, faghat mikhan jibashuno por konan

        yet a better idea , why not Hiring this brilliant guy (Pishgah Hadian ) to resolve Money issue .. This genius has a noble idea and logic! something for something .

        His team Malavan owe Skoacic ( now at Foulad) about $60,000.00 from last season but refused to pay.

        His tit for tat argument:
        since Skocic work for Foulad and Foulad is paying him from public funds , in reality he is receiving money from Malavan since Malavan is public entity, this for that.

        مربیان بومی ملوان که سال ها برای این باشگاه و فوتبال ایران زحمت کشیده اند همچنان در جا زده اند و خیلی کمتر از اسکوچیچ پول گرفتند. آیا مربیان و بازیکنان دیگر که از ملوان طلبکار بودند طلب های شان را گرفته اند که اکنون او تهدید به شکایت می کند؟

        مدیر اجرایی باشگاه ملوان با اشاره به استفاده باشگاه ها از بودجه بیت المال، گفت: اکنون اسکوچیچ در فولاد پول بیت المال را می یرد و آن پولی که او می گیرد پول ما هم هست. ما در ایران باشگاه خصوصی نداریم که بنابراین نباید او باشگاه ما را به شکایت تهدید کند. حبیبی، پورغلامی، احمدزاده و همه مربیان دیگر در ملوان بودند و این اقا چندین برابر مربیان بومی پول گرفت و برای باشگاه هم زحمت کشید اما همه عوامل باشگاه در کنار هم بودند. که نتایج خوبی گرفتیم.Malavan owe Scocic money
        Malavan owe Skocic.
        SKocic getting money from Foulad.
        Foulad is public entity.
        Malavan is public entity
        so it's a
        = Trade off !


          with all due respect but I never heard anything close to this chertopert before


            I don't want any other coach but Sir Carlos Queiroz.


              So what will happen with our AC? And not to mention the never happening prep?


                Originally posted by Abtin View Post
                So what will happen with our AC? And not to mention the never happening prep?
                Apparently our Asian Cup will be the actual preparation and tournament in one


                  no CQ no party
                  WE ARE THE UNDER DOGS


                    even he is sad

                    TEAM MELLI UNTIL THE END


                      Today, Kafashian said CQ is waiting for his email.


                        Originally posted by Siavash View Post
                        Today, Kafashian said CQ is waiting for his email.
                        Waiting for Kafashian's email? Che chizaaye gonde tar az dahaneshoon mikhoran ina! He makes it sound as if CQ is impatiently and desperately waiting for his freaking email to hire him! They always pull these tricks on their interviews.


                          Originally posted by Siavash View Post
                          Today, Kafashian said CQ is waiting for his email.
                          Hehehe this is like saying: the bus is waiting for me


                            Originally posted by Siavash View Post
                            Today, Kafashian said CQ is waiting for his email.

                            update! email was sent and is on its way... we expect Microsoft to process the email within the next few minutes. Hopefully CQs internet connection is not slow as it would delay matters further.
                            CHECK OUT OUR FORUM RULES HERE:

                            Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


                              Originally posted by persianallstars View Post
                              with all due respect but I never heard anything close to this chertopert before
                              with all due respect هر کس به مقدار فهم خويش،


                                This just reminds me of the 56k modem days when u have to wait and wait and wait for a download. Then you're at "99 percent" and then someone calls your house. Multiplied by 30 times.

                                I was being really patient but now it is wearing very thin...

