Originally posted by O-ZoNe
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Kafashian will meet CQ on Thursday to finalize the contract
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Originally posted by persianallstars View Postit's in German but they basically confirmed that Queiroz extended his contract until 2018 ( I believe it's 2017 plus until the end of a possible World Cup 2018).
IRNA: CQ said, I have reached full agreement with IFF and I will only go there to sign the contract or I will not come back.
کی روش: دفعه بعد یا قرارداد امضا می شود و یا دیگر نخواهم آمد
تهران - ایرنا- گزینه سرمربیگری تیم ملی فوتبال ایران با اشاره به اینکه با علی کفاشیان توافقات کامل برای ادامه همکاری داشته است، گفت : دیگر مذاکراه ای با مسوولان فدراسیون ایران نخواهم داشت و فقط برای امضای قرارداد به فدراسیون فوتبال خواهم آمد.
کی روش: دفعه بعد یا قرارداد امضا می شود و یا دیگر نخواهم آمد
به گزارش ایرنا، کارلوس کی روش امروز (دوشنبه )در محل فدراسیون حاضر شد و نشست چند ساعته ای را برگزار کرد اما بازهم قرارداد وی با فدراسیون فوتبال امضا نشد.
کی روش در پایان این نشست در جمع خبرنگاران گفت : همان طور که قبلا اعلام کرده بودم ، مساله مهم این است که توافق بین من و کفاشیان به طور کامل صورت گرفته است.
وی افزود: نتیجه این است وقتی رییس فدراسیون آمادگی امضا کردن قرارداد را طبق مفاد آن دارد من نیز آماده امضای قرارداد هستم.
کی روش خاطرنشان کرد: آخرین روزی است که به عنوان میهمان و برای مذاکره به فدراسیون آمدم و دفعه بعد یا قرارداد امضا می شود و یا دیگر نخواهم آمد.
Kafashian: CQ's Matter will be known tomorrow afternoon. Two issues are left to discuss and that is CQ must accept the conditions for termination of the contract.
تهران- ایرنا- رییس فدراسیون فوتبال گفت: وضعیت قرارداد کارلوس کی روش برای هدایت تیم ملی تا ظهر فردا ( سه شنبه ) مشخص می شود.
کفاشیان: وضعیت کی روش تا ظهر فردا مشخص می شود
به گزارش ایرنا، علی کفاشیان عصر امروز (دوشنبه) پس از جلسه با کارلوس کی روش در جمع خبرنگاران اظهار داشت: تا ظهر فردا وضعیت قرارداد با کی روش مشخص می شود و اگر بندˈ فسخ قرارداد ˈرا بپذیرد قرارداد امضا خواهد شد. دو نکته در این زمینه باقی مانده است که به او می گوییم.
Sv: Kafashian will meet CQ on Thursday to finalize the contract
Originally posted by O-ZoNe View PostLol I wonder if they realize all these delays won't change the date AC starts and we are just losing preparation time. While things progress elsewhere our footbal is in constant limbo.
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Apparently, IFF want to be able to sack CQ after the AC regardless of the outcome without having to pay a high compensation! Of course no one like CQ will accept that. Kafashian said on Navad that 99 percent he will sign today.. lets wait and see. CQ will not be hanging about much longer. Kafashian is saying that he has no other offers and will accept ours, I'm sure CQ feels tricked and used after rejecting the SA offer and im sure other offers too... Looks like he still hasn't learnt how these Iranians work!چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد
We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
I wouldn't put all the blame on IFF. They have every right to sack CQ after the Asian Cup [without any compensation] unless he's able to achieve some favorable results. Let's face it, the style that we played in the world cup not only hasn't helped TM in the long term by elevating our players to better leagues, it has actually hurt us and I'm sure that's playing into the equation. In fact, the majority of the players that didn't move down in their careers are the ones that didn't get any or much playing time in the WC!
Plus, CQ has had multiple chances to sign this contract and he has been playing games too, delaying the signing by taking off for vacation or saying his lawyer has to review the contract - why this couldn't be done by fax or e-mail over a month ago should be beyond anyone at this point. Based on Kaffashian's latest interview, he's obviously pretty pissed about this and he has every right to be, because he's sticking his head out for CQ and getting a lot of heat from others for it.
Kafashian will meet CQ on Thursday to finalize the contract
Originally posted by Bi-honar View PostI wouldn't put all the blame on IFF. They have every right to sack CQ after the Asian Cup [without any compensation] unless he's able to achieve some favorable results. Let's face it, the style that we played in the world cup not only hasn't helped TM in the long term by elevating our players to better leagues, it has actually hurt us and I'm sure that's playing into the equation. In fact, the majority of the players that didn't move down in their careers are the ones that didn't get any or much playing time in the WC!
Plus, CQ has had multiple chances to sign this contract and he has been playing games too, delaying the signing by taking off for vacation or saying his lawyer has to review the contract - why this couldn't be done by fax or e-mail over a month ago should be beyond anyone at this point. Based on Kaffashian's latest interview, he's obviously pretty pissed about this and he has every right to be, because he's sticking his head out for CQ and getting a lot of heat from others for it.
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