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Kafashian will meet CQ on Thursday to finalize the contract

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    Here is kafashian on CQ on NAVAD.


      Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
      Queiroz's demands look legitimate. He is willing to sign a long term contract with 25% of the contract being payed out in case of early termination. IFF want a top coach sign a long term contract which can be canceled basically for free in between. They also say they guarantee on-time payment, but won't pay penalties in case of late payment...a situation impossible to occur according to the own promise. Typical case of not putting the money where the mouth is.
      Actually Martin jaan, it's almost 40% of the contract being paid out for termination due to non-performance, with 10% of the duration of the contract having transpired... don't know why you feel that's legitimate. I don't know specifically about football coaches, but almost every contract of any kind can be terminated for non-performance without any penalties whatsoever.

      That's no different than any of us saying that if we don't achieve the goals set out in our employment contracts in the next 6 months, we expect our employer to pay us a one year severance at that time! What employer do you know who would agree to that? By law, you're entitled to two weeks' severance in Canada after one year of employment. The best union contracts may give you one year severance if you've been working somewhere for 20 years or more.


        Apparently some sites are reporting CQ bailed and did not show up to a meeting with IFF. I am not sure who to believe or what anymore, and I cannot find any news source from within Iran speaking of Quieroz's decision to not show up to a signing ceremony.

        Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


          Re: Kafashian will meet CQ on Thursday to finalize the contract

          Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
          Actually Martin jaan, it's almost 40% of the contract being paid out for termination due to non-performance, with 10% of the duration of the contract having transpired... don't know why you feel that's legitimate. I don't know specifically about football coaches, but almost every contract of any kind can be terminated for non-performance without any penalties whatsoever.
          That's no different than any of us saying that if we don't achieve the goals set out in our employment contracts in the next 6 months, we expect our employer to pay us a one year severance at that time! What employer do you know who would agree to that? By law, you're entitled to two weeks' severance in Canada after one year of employment. The best union contracts may give you one year severance if you've been working somewhere for 20 years or more.

          The way Carlos wants it is way too one sided. On the first contract he got what he wanted and now he wants the same thing.

          If IFF, goes with what CQ wants and for whatever reason he backs out after AFC, everybody on here would get all over IFF for losing so much money.

          You guys have to remember that it was IFF who brought CQ, and before that most of you mofos didn't even know who the hell CQ was or didn't even think about the possibility of him becoming a TM coach.

          Also, I think IFF is trying to teach CQ a lesson, since he had them hanging for more than a month while he was in Portugal checking "legal" issues. And in the middle of all these games, it is TM that is getting f'ed.

          Regardless, IFF has mishandled this very badly, they should have found a foreign backup coach in case with CQ it didn't work out.


            Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
            Queiroz's demands look legitimate. He is willing to sign a long term contract with 25% of the contract being payed out in case of early termination. IFF want a top coach sign a long term contract which can be canceled basically for free in between. They also say they guarantee on-time payment, but won't pay penalties in case of late payment...a situation impossible to occur according to the own promise. Typical case of not putting the money where the mouth is.
            They will pay late payments from here on out, but won't pay for the penalties for the past payments that were late (which is still bull crap).


              This is simply a case of a coach who went 4 years with late or no payments.

              All he is trying to do is make sure it doesn't happen again.

              And I don't know about you guys, but Kafashian and his smile promising it won't happen again wouldn't be much of a guarantee for me.


                this thing has dragged out too long for it to have a good ending.
                hope I am wrong.



                  most of you mofos didn't even know who the hell CQ was

                  You right mofo !!


                    Quierosh needs to calm the f**k down too
                    He is not GOD
                    so even tho IFF is bunckh of f**ked up a**holes but they shouldnt let CQ get away with murder
                    He must be acountable and Iran must at the very least finish in the top 3 in the AC next year


                      Soon, very soon...



                        Zendeh bad IRAN
                        Marg bar dictator


                          Funny how Arabs fire their coach and hire a better replacement in 48 hours and our idiotic, backward IFF run my Bache Choopons, headed by filthy Akhunds cant even tell people the truth about anything- REEDAM BE IN JOMHURI!!!


                            ^ Get used to it bro, it will hurt even more in Australia...


                              AW: Kafashian will meet CQ on Thursday to finalize the contract

                              So CQ is about to leave? Who could blame him, this is an utter joke.


                                Looks like negotiation was not fruitful and CQ has to leave due to visa issues today. Once he is gone there is no guarantee that he will be back. It seems termination issues did not go well with IFF and therefore no contract was signed.

                                به گزارش خبرنگار ورزشی خبرگزاری تسنیم، کارلوس کی*روش که برای تمدید قراردادش به ایران آمده بود با وجود برگزاری جلسات با مسئولان فدراسیون فوتبال به نتیجه*ای نرسید و امروز (جمعه) از ایران خواهد رفت.
                                مهمترین اختلاف دو طرف بحث فسخ قرارداد است. رقم فسخ قرارداد و همین*طور چگونگی پرداخت مبلغ آن جزو اختلافات اساسی طرفین است که با وجود برگزاری جلسات برطرف نشد تا این موضوع و البته یکی دو اختلاف دیگر باعث به نتیجه نرسیدن مذاکرات شود.
                                علی کفاشیان دوشنبه هفته*ای که گذشت،* گفته بود که کی*روش به*احتمال 99 درصد در ایران ماندنی است و تا روز چهارشنبه قراردادش تمدید می*شود اما این اتفاق رخ نداد. او البته پیش*تر گفته بود که اگر تا روز سه*شنبه قرارداد کی*روش تمدید نشود دیگر این کار انجام نخواهد شد.
                                کی*روش امروز ایران را ترک می*کند آن هم بدون امضای قرارداد و شواهد این*گونه نشان می*دهد که شاید دیگر بازگشتی به ایران نداشته باشد مگر اینکه در این چند روز اتفاق خاصی رخ دهد.
                                حال باید دید تکلیف نیمکت تیم ملی فوتبال ایران در فاصله 4 ماه مانده تا جام ملت*های 2015 استرالیا چه خواهد شد و آیا کی*روش بار دیگر روی این نیمکت می*نشیند یا مربی ایرانی سکان هدایت تیم ملی را در دست خواهد گرفت.

