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Kafashian will meet CQ on Thursday to finalize the contract

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    قرارداد سرمربی پرتغالی تیم ملی فوتبال کشورمان تمدید شد

    Its a done deal


      AW: Kafashian will meet CQ on Thursday to finalize the contract

      Really done or 99 Iranian percent done?


        Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
        Really done or 99 Iranian percent done?
        Sounds like Kafashian is already looking forward to firing him after AC so it must be a done deal. Let the sabotage begin.


          ISNA reporting it too. It says he singed and now officially began.

          راه یکی است و آن راستی است


            Re: Kafashian will meet CQ on Thursday to finalize the contract

            راه یکی است و آن راستی است


              GN starts with his attacks on TM... He's saying that they need to have a meeting with CQ so CQ can tell GN why his TM players are out of

              راه یکی است و آن راستی است


                They actually signed? I was sure they were going to dick him around so much he was going to quit and then they were going to be forced to sign a domestic coach.

                ok now for the asian cup (and hopefully we perform well there :-/)


                  Any friendly matches for TM before the AC ?
                  Exept for s.korea !!


                    Camran, where's your Ghotbi celebration?!


                      Originally posted by rugs View Post
                      GN starts with his attacks on TM... He's saying that they need to have a meeting with CQ so CQ can tell GN why his TM players are out of

                      Heyfe noon


                        Originally posted by rugs View Post
                        After waiting for two months and this whole fiasco, they should have taken a picture holding up the last page of the contract showing the signatures at least!

                        I'm just glad this whole instability in TM is over and really hope that CQ delivers in the Asian Cup.


                          Guys, do we know any details about the new contract? Duration and what happens if TM fails in Australia?


                            به گزارش خبرگزاری دانشجویان ایران (ایسنا)، امیر قلعه*نویی با اشاره به رقابتهای لیگ برتر در فصل چهاردهم گفت:* امسال لیگ*مان، لیگ بسیار خوبی است اما برای من این سوال مطرح است که اگر به دنبال تقویت تیم ملی با برگزاری لیگ هستیم چرا باید چنین برنامه*ریزی داشته باشیم. لیگ برتر در سه مقطع به ترتیب 14، 19 و 50 روز تعطیل می*شود. کجا دنیا اینقدر برای یک لیگ تعطیلی می*گذارند؟ از لیگ افغانستان تا لیگ آلمان اگر نمونه*ای داشته باشید آن را قبول می*کنم. من مربی چطور می*توانم بازیکنم را در یک تعطیلی 50 روزه آماده نگه دارم؟

                            akhe marde hesabi, mage CQ barha nagoft ke taghvime FIFA baraye teamhaye bozorge donya dorost shode, iena ke nemian vase iran o ozbakestano baghie taghvimeshuno taghir bedan, taze.. TM be ien hame tamrin ehtiaj dare chera ke az baghieyeye teamha aghabim!

                            seriously this GN cannot understand simple and logical words that CQ says, bisavade ??


                              ^ he probably is. His brain must have some sort of damage, or some sexy Portuguese guy stole his girlfriend in his younger days. But most probably he suffer from some sort of brain damage, which makes him unable to understand the worlds simplest logic..


                                Ok, CQ finally signed the contract, so thank God that, after 12464 Thursdays passed, I can finally close this thread!
                                Persian Pride running through my veins!

                                Esteghlal for life!!

