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Privatization News

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    Privatization News

    Hedayati, owner of Steel Azin has announced that his company, along with 3 other private companies and a private bank are ready to purchase Perspolis.

    He is asking Goudarzi to let them know what steps need to be taken. Goudarzi and other officials announced awhile back that many of the clubs need to be privatized in order to take the financial burden off the Ministry.

    There has been talks about this in the past as well so no one is holding their breath.

    We shall see what happens.ه...یم

    سه*شنبه ۴ شهریور ۱۳۹۳ / Aug 26 2014
    تعداد کل اخبار: 671

    هدایتی: آقای وزیر! ما آماده*ایم
    راه یکی است و آن راستی است

    Persepolis needs to be injected with big $$. But Hedayati has to do things right, by making Persepolis a benchmark and model for other professional clubs in Iran. For example not only spending money on big players, but spending big money on the academy and making it the best in Iran. Or creating a massive world class training complex for all persepolis teams (imo derafshifar is a very subpar complex). Or even building a new stadium for the club. This is a great opportunity and we need it to be taken.


      I support privatization as it is the only way to compete with the AFC giants. I just don't understand how they can privatize when the ticket prices are so low in Azadi. Tickets are 1 toman for upper deck and 2 toman for lower deck when I went 5 years ago.

      When you privatize the team needs to make money. For years the Iranian government has been supporting IPL teams with money.


        Originally posted by pdot View Post
        I support privatization as it is the only way to compete with the AFC giants. I just don't understand how they can privatize when the ticket prices are so low in Azadi. Tickets are 1 toman for upper deck and 2 toman for lower deck when I went 5 years ago.

        When you privatize the team needs to make money. For years the Iranian government has been supporting IPL teams with money.
        Well now the tickets are 5,000T-18,000T.

        But first thing that needs to happen is that they need to get their own stadium. Once they have that they can do like all other teams around the world do. Make parts of it high end for high end customers, expensive food, merch booth, etc...

        They need to make going to the stadium an event instead of an inconvenience. It needs to be more than entertaining yourself by swearing at the other team.

        From start to finish, every aspect of going to the stadium has to entertain. Once that happens, they will make $$.
        راه یکی است و آن راستی است


          Privatization of the sorkhabi clubs is like the building of Naghshe jahan. A lot of empty promises for years.


            Privatization won't help our league. The people who would invest in the club's aren't better then the gov. I mean they also have no idea of football. Hedayati is owning estil azin, so what are they doing? Did they develop our football? A club being owned by a person in Iran is very risky. Imagine the guy suddenly doesn't have any more money or a story like babak zanjani.
            And isn't sepahan and foolad a gov team? They do very well in my eyes.


              Privatization doesn't mean anything without TV rights.
              Most pro clubs make the majority of their money from TV rights. Owning a stadium, and tightly controlling the marketing also helps but from what I last remember 70% of club income is from TV.


                all perspolis needs is for the fucking government to leave it alone.
                that's all.

                but I doubt it will ever happen. Not with this government. they make too much money off perspolis to let it go.


                  This old thread is closed now so I will continue this here as it is relevant:

                  Rah Ahan has now been given to the Oil Ministry by the Prosecutor's office in Tehran.

                  This is because the former owner of the club, Babak Zanjani, owes money to the Oil Ministry.

                  It's sad to see one of Iran's oldest clubs caught up in this mess. The Oil Ministry apparently will hold an auction and sell the club.

                  It has gone from private to public and hopefully will return to private control.

                  راه یکی است و آن راستی است


                    If they really privatize PP and SS, both teams will go bankrupt within 6 months, they can't pay salaries under government control, how do they want to pay their depts after privatization
                    TEAM MELLI UNTIL THE END


                      Privatizing clubs makes absolutely No Business Finacial Sense, Without also Privatizing the Broadcasts & Revenue sharing of HUGE Sums of advertising income made by the TV broadcasters..!
                      or allowing the PGL as a united group, to negotiate for a Broadcast rights Fee to share amongst the privatized teams ..!
                      Currently the necessary pretext for a club's financial survival under privatization doesn't exist ..!
                      So as it stands Privatizing would likely result in major Fail for clubs & government would stand to benefit even further..!


                        You guys make good points. It's a process that has to happen at some point, i guess the question should be "what is the first step?"
                        راه یکی است و آن راستی است


                          didn't this guy buy few clubs already and dumped them when the media interest faded away
                          it is clear this man wants attention only, and going by his record in steel azin I hope he never steps a foot in perspolis


                            Obviously there were no bids on PP and SS and thus the auction that was planned for tomorrow is postponed!

                            مزایده دو باشگاه پرسپولیس و استقلال لغو شد
                            خبرگزاری تسنیم: رئیس سازمان خصوصی*سازی گفت: مزایده دو باشگاه پرسپولیس و استقلال که قرار بود فردا برگزار شود لغو و به زمان دیگری موکول شد.
                            printنسخه قابل چاپ
                            پوری حسینی در گفت*وگو با خبرنگار ورزشی خبرگزاری تسنیم، گفت: با توجه به اینکه تا این لحظه پاکتی برای خرید دو باشگاه پرسپولیس و استقلال به دست ما نرسیده است مزایده فردا لغو و به زمان دیگری موکول شد.
                            وی ادامه داد: تا پایان وقت اداری امروز متقاضیان فرصت داشتند پیشنهاد خود را ارائه کنند و چون این اتفاق رخ نداد طبیعتاً مزایده*ای هم برگزار نمی*شود.
                            رئیس سازمان خصوصی*سازی در پاسخ به این سؤال که زمان مزایده بعدی چه روزی خواهد بود، خاطرنشان کرد: ما همچنان آمادگی دریافت پاکت متقاضیان را داریم و شنبه هفته آینده جلسه هیئت واگذاری در این باره برگزار می*شود و اگر شرایط مهیا باشد و پاکت به دست ما برسد یکشنبه یا دوشنبه هفته آینده زمان بعدی مزایده را اعلام خواهیم کرد.
                            انتهای پیام/*

                            Zendeh bad IRAN
                            Marg bar dictator


                              Siasi is interested in buying the club himself. So wouldn't it be in his interest to have the club be in a very bad shape (at least in terms of football) so he can buy it for cheaper?

