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Draft Evasion

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    Draft Evasion

    Draft Dodgers

    به گزارش خبرگزاری فارس، در برنامه امشب نود، از سوی سازمان لیگ اسامی 10 بازیکن که کارت پایان خدمت*شان از سوی سازمان نظام وظیفه عمومی ابطال شده است، اعلام شد.
    اسامی این بازیکنان به شرح زیر است:علیرضا ابراهیمی، علی پورخسروانی، سینا عشوری، مهدی محمدزاده، محمدحسین مهرآزما
    آرمان شهدادنژاد، حامد زمانی، مهربان عیسی پوران، رضا طاهری و فرهاد سالاری پور.
    این اسامی در حالی منتشر شده است که به گفته بهروان رئیس کمیته مسابقات سازمان لیگ، از زمان اعلام اسامی، بازیکنان یاد شده حق شرکت در مسابقات را ندارند.

    اسامی بازیکنانی که نام*شان از سوی نظام وظیفه اعلام شده، به شرح زیر است:آرش افشین، ولید مشایی*زاده، فرید دهکردی، ابراهیم صالحی، محمد معاوی، عباس عسگری، میلاد شیخی، توحید غلامی، میلاد مدیر روستا، کوشا بختیاری زاده، امیر شریفی و میثم کریمی

    Why no name of Pouladi ?
    He has gone to Qatar , refused to return fear of draft.
    why should he be included in TM ?
    درخشان: پولادی به خاطر مشکل سربازی نمی*تواند به ایران بیاید/


      Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
      اسامی بازیکنانی که نام*شان از سوی نظام وظیفه اعلام شده، به شرح زیر است:آرش افشین، ولید مشایی*زاده، فرید دهکردی، ابراهیم صالحی، محمد معاوی، عباس عسگری، میلاد شیخی، توحید غلامی، میلاد مدیر روستا، کوشا بختیاری زاده، امیر شریفی و میثم کریمی
      Why no name of Pouladi ?
      He has gone to Qatar , refused to return fear of draft.
      why should he be included in TM ?
      درخشان: پولادی به خاطر مشکل سربازی نمی*تواند به ایران بیاید/

      because TM and military service are totally un related things. and remember ashkan, gucci and davari all have not done it either


        Originally posted by hassonoo View Post
        because TM and military service are totally un related things
        Said who ?
        Military dodgers are not allowed to play IPL this season , why should any player be exception. If he is a military dodger he can't play in Iran , let alone TM. He is not like few iranian players born in different countries that got waiver, he is Iranian born player.
        He has to resolve his military issue one way or another if he want to play for TM.


          Latest on Cheaters.

          حالا حالاها از این لیست ها داریم

          بهروان: لیست جدیدی از کارت های معافیت باطل شده در راه است/ اعلام اسامی؛ هفته آینده

          خبرگزاری تسنیم: رئیس کمیته لیگ برتر فوتبال گفت: لیست جدیدی از کارت های معافیت باطل شده در راه است که هفته آینده اعلام می شود.

          غلامرضا بهروان در گفت وگو با خبرنگار ورزشی خبرگزاری تسنیم درباره اینکه به جز دو لیست 13 و 12 نفره اعلام شده، لیست جدید بازیکنانی که کارت های معافیت شان باطل شده چه زمانی منتشر خواهد شد، اظهار

          داشت: لیست جدید نظام وظیفه در راه است و به احتمال فراوان هفته آینده اعلام خواهد شد تا متخلفان مشخص شوند.
          وی در پاسخ به این سؤال که نام بازیکنان ملی پوش هم در لیست جدید وجود دارد یا نه، گفت:
          از من نخواهید از کسی اسمی ببرم اما بازیکنان لیگ برتری و ملی پوشی هم هستند که شاید کارت های معافیت شان باطل شود

          . به نظر می رسد در لیست جدید هم چند بازیکن مشهور حضور داشته باشند.
          رئیس کمیته مسابقات لیگ برتر یادآور شد: حالا حالاها از این لیست ها خواهیم داشت. به مرور وضعیت خدمتی بازیکنان بررسی خواهد شد و پس از مشخص شدن وضعیت آنها لیست ها اعلام می شود.


            Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
            Said who ?
            Military dodgers are not allowed to play IPL this season , why should any player be exception. If he is a military dodger he can't play in Iran , let alone TM. He is not like few iranian players born in different countries that got waiver, he is Iranian born player.
            He has to resolve his military issue one way or another if he want to play for TM.
            the question you should be asking why is it that our youth have to waste their talent in a joke thing called military service ?
            correct me if I'm wrong but as far I know for footballers military service means joining specific teams like malavan, tractor ...., what benefits does that bring to society ?. Jahanbakhsh also dogded military by signing up to a language course are you going to tell me it was better for him to stay and play in malavan ?


              Originally posted by hassonoo View Post
              the question you should be asking why is it that our youth have to waste their talent in a joke thing called military service ?
              correct me if I'm wrong but as far I know for footballers military service means joining specific teams like malavan, tractor ...., what benefits does that bring to society ?. Jahanbakhsh also dodgers military by signing up to a language course are you going to tell me it was better for him to stay and play in malavan ?
              Those are different questions that your are asking, they are logical , legitimate questions but this post is about Draft Dodgers base on existing rules.
              If pouladi is allowed to leave the country to dedge Draft then all of players in similar situation can do the same... it won't work.

              My personal ideas of military serve is either for all or none.


                Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
                Those are different questions that your are asking, they are logical , legitimate questions but this post is about Draft Dodgers base on existing rules.
                If pouladi is allowed to leave the country to dedge Draft then all of players in similar situation can do the same... it won't work.

                My personal ideas of military serve is either for all or none.
                with all respect your choice of language is apparent what your opinion is on those players "Cheaters, doggers" I would not call a player like pouladi who put his heart and soul in WC for his country a cheater to serve the country.
                and if you are talking about equality as I mentioned Jahanbakhsh, gucci, ashkan in the case of all them the rules were bent to accommodate their talents why not do it for the rest ?


                  I wonder if mojtaba khamenei and others similar to him have served in the military......

                  Then you have the council of experts.... Have they and their sons served.....

                  Heck why go that far... I wonder if the OP has served.

                  Let's first address those questions before we go after pooladi
                  “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


                    When a player refuse to come home for fear of draft ( base on news i posted) he is a draft dodger. You call it as you like.
                    When NT players pretend they are student but that is excuse then they are cheater , call it as you wish.
                    I am for equality for all with no exception.
                    When Iranian youth of similar age must do service and some spend time in the border with harsh conditioning specially during such time, they are the hero not a dodger who make millions during the time that should have served.

                    There is no different between players be Pouladi or anyone else.

                    System is unfair and corrupt and it's not just footballers who do the cheating, there are so many cheaters and mostly they buy their waivers and i am sure you are aware. I am afraid similar cases and violations will continue under such rules.


                      Better question is, why is there such a corrupt system in the islamic republic to enforce conscription in the first place?

                      S - E - C - U - L - A - R - I - S - M


                        Better answer should be discussed in political forum perhaps.


                          ^ what is your excuse for not serving in the military?
                          “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


                            Guys, conscription isn't changing anytime in Iran.

                            However this is very unfair to those who have had to go to sarbazi. You can't cheat and get away with it.



                              6 players were arrested for fake documents.

                              آ.ا Arash Afshin , و. م Valid Mashaei are included
                              ب. ر Bakhtiar Rahmani also has been summoned to the court for questioning.
                              Not sure if (ا. ع ) is Ahmad Abdollahzadeh.
                              م.ک is Mesam Karimi former Foulad player.
                              3 foulad players are in the list ( not including 2 from Fouldnovin )

                              6روز گذشته و توسط دادگاه شعبه 2 اهواز صورت گرفت

                              بازیکن فوتبال به دلیل کارت های جعلی در اهواز بازداشت شدند

                              روز گذشته 6 بازیکن از جمله مهاجم یکی از تیم های مطرح کشور توسط شعبه شمار 2 دادگاه اهواز به دلیل کارت معافیت جعلی بازداشت شدند.

                              به گزارش خبرگزاری فارس، در پی بررسی های صورت گرفته در خصوص وضعیت کارت های پایان خدمت جعلی تعدادی از فوتبالیست های شاغل در کشورمان روز گذشته (یک شنبه) 6 بازیکن بازداشت شدند.

                              آ.ا، م.ک، ا. ع، و. م و دو بازیکن از تیم فوتبال فولاد نوین اهواز بازیکنانی هستند که دیروز توسط دادگاه شعبه 2 اهواز بازداشت شدند.

                              ، .ب. ر یکی از بازیکنان کلیدی تیم مطرح لیگ برتری است هم دیگر بازیکنی است که برای ادای پاره ای توضیحات به این شعبه فرا خوانده شده است.-

