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Persian Gulf Cup Updates (Iran's opponents)

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    Persian Gulf Cup Updates (Iran's opponents)

    Originally posted by Keano View Post
    Kiarash jaan,

    In order to be successful in all aspects of your life, including in football you need to respect all your opponents/competition. The minute you start undermining your competition (Opponents in sports) is the start of when you deny the existence of others, and get into your comfort zone and neglect the upcoming threats. In Persian we say "Mesle kabk sar saresaho zire barf mikone" refusing to notice/see what's going on around, thinking by dipping its head into snow, no one else will see them, as they don't see anything else.

    Sare khodemoono ke gool nemizanim, all I am saying is that we have been bothered by these guys in the past, let's not let history to repeat itself, cuz if we do, then we're nothing but a bunch of idiots!

    In order to reach the finals, you just don't say, hameye teamhaaye dige be joz final be tok***me chapam! You respect them and fight like a man!
    We beat UAE last time 3-0 in Asian Cup 2011. We tied Qatar twice since 2011 yes but we always dominated them yet they came away with some tokhmi goals. I do not rate Qatar and UAE highly simply because we must be able to beat them any given time looking at our squad's quality compared to theirs. I didnt say I dont respect them, I said I expect Iran to beat them given our history and their weakness. This is not a weird thing to think. Some make it seem as if Qatar and UAE are world class teams.


      I don't think we're understanding each other. So I respectfully rest my case!


        CQ is here to mentally strengthen the team especially considering our group opponents and the history of hate between each other, he's aware of it and he speaks a lot about it during interviews as a key topic, so there shouldn't be a problem if we come prepared psychologically, it's the least I expect from CQ.

        If that's the case and TM comes into the tournament with a strong mindset, we shouldn't be troubled until the semis. We should beat any opponent in Asia if we play up to our ability. It's do or die for Carlos anyways, any sort of failure here will see him out. And that is why I expect a solid TM vs Arab sides.


          I think the real winner of this tournament were the refs who after every arab vs arab game went home with numerous bags of cash due to the double sauding.
          I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


            lol at saudis...the love i have for them losing is unnatural maybe i should see a psychologist but for the meanwhile..weeeeeeee


              Fact : 6 out of Qatar's starting 11 are not born there and are naturalized citizens


                Originally posted by sarbaz View Post
                Fact : 6 out of Qatar's starting 11 are not born there and are naturalized citizens
                It will be even more in the asian cup. Most likely 12 of their 11 starters will be naturalized south americans and africans


                  Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
                  Definitely not a good omen to have the current best Arab team and current best Arab striker in our group. Having said that, most of the goals in this tournament have been off some seriously ATROCIOUS defending.

                  As much as UAE's front line is very strong their goalie and defense are big time soorakh. That's why we have to take the game to them from the start.

                  Matey, for this to happen we must actually venture forward and attack, right?

