Is it really too much to ask from the basij thugs to install some new HD cameras in the Azadi and actually make use of it?
Dear Mr. Basiji in charge of IRIB:
Instead of spending the dozdi money on your 'rich kids of tehran'-children, can just for once do something that is not in your personal interest but in the interest of the people of Iran?
This tv station and everyone who runs it has been a fcking embarassement for years!!
- 4:3 picture
- poverty SD picture quality
- weak ass sound quality, you can't even hear the stadium
- same lame ass commentators for the last 20 yrs
Poor Koreans rely on this shitty source material for their broadcasts.
Why is it of such an interest for these guys to destroy our image world wide?
Dear Mr. Basiji in charge of IRIB:
Instead of spending the dozdi money on your 'rich kids of tehran'-children, can just for once do something that is not in your personal interest but in the interest of the people of Iran?
This tv station and everyone who runs it has been a fcking embarassement for years!!
- 4:3 picture
- poverty SD picture quality
- weak ass sound quality, you can't even hear the stadium
- same lame ass commentators for the last 20 yrs
Poor Koreans rely on this shitty source material for their broadcasts.
Why is it of such an interest for these guys to destroy our image world wide?