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Can TM repeat the Melbourne legacy but this time in Sidney? (video)

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    Can TM repeat the Melbourne legacy but this time in Sidney? (video)

    Not much time left to AFC-2015 in Australia. Can our TM repeat what they have down in Melbourne to qualify for WC-1998? Can TM bring the AFC 2015 cup back to Iran?

    Last edited by Siavash; 11-28-2014, 05:16 PM.

    it can be possible, i believe they will do it


      actually the game was in Melbourne and the next in Asian cup might be in Sidney. :-)
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      We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented

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        Perfect timing for this video. The anniversary of the game is tomorrow.
        I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.




            17th anniversary of Melbourne 1986;


              I wouldn't count on it. I may even be dificult to go to 2th round. This time we have a better defense but worse other field


                Still remember that day like it was yesterday. Watched the game with the whole family and Dick Howard in the VERY dingy and smokey Swan Club in Toronto - the only place that was showing the game. I tell you, I had never seen an Englishman become a fan of TM so quickly!

                He was of course supporting Australia and after a jubilant celebration of the 1st Australia goal and realizing he was the only one cheering for Australia, in a sea of 200-300 somber Iranians sitting on tables, sticking out of doors and windows and hanging from lamps he had a much more reserved celebration on the 2nd goal.

                By the time Iran scored the 2nd goal, he was a hardcore TM fan and was going nuts with the celebrations with the rest of the crowd jumping up and down giving everyone hugs. He suffered with the rest of us for those last 15 nail-biting minutes and after the game told me that in his whole football career and travelling to commentate on games, he had never seen fans like us - but then again, there are no fans like TM fans, are there?!


                  Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
                  Still remember that day like it was yesterday. Watched the game with the whole family and Dick Howard in the VERY dingy and smokey Swan Club in Toronto - the only place that was showing the game. I tell you, I had never seen an Englishman become a fan of TM so quickly!

                  He was of course supporting Australia and after a jubilant celebration of the 1st Australia goal and realizing he was the only one cheering for Australia, in a sea of 200-300 somber Iranians sitting on tables, sticking out of doors and windows and hanging from lamps he had a much more reserved celebration on the 2nd goal.

                  By the time Iran scored the 2nd goal, he was a hardcore TM fan and was going nuts with the celebrations with the rest of the crowd jumping up and down giving everyone hugs. He suffered with the rest of us for those last 15 nail-biting minutes and after the game told me that in his whole football career and travelling to commentate on games, he had never seen fans like us - but then again, there are no fans like TM fans, are there?!
                  Dick Howard is a class act. I remember him working on the TSN World Cup TV broadcasts during World Cup 1998. He actually knew a few of our players and he even mentioned that he watched some Iran games with passionate Iranian fans in Toronto.
                  He was very fair to Iran always.
                  Good on you guys for getting him on our side.


                    Originally posted by DireStraits View Post
                    I wouldn't count on it. I may even be dificult to go to 2th round. This time we have a better defense but worse other field
                    what the hell is 2th round
                    WE ARE THE UNDER DOGS


                      Originally posted by persiangodfather View Post
                      what the hell is 2th round
                      Seconth, Thirth...


                        Originally posted by DireStraits View Post
                        I wouldn't count on it. I may even be dificult to go to 2th round. This time we have a better defense but worse other field
                        does your accent help you in getting pussies?
                        WE ARE THE UNDER DOGS


                          Az daste shoma


                            Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
                            Still remember that day like it was yesterday. Watched the game with the whole family and Dick Howard in the VERY dingy and smokey Swan Club in Toronto - the only place that was showing the game. I tell you, I had never seen an Englishman become a fan of TM so quickly!
                            He was of course supporting Australia and after a jubilant celebration of the 1st Australia goal and realizing he was the only one cheering for Australia, in a sea of 200-300 somber Iranians sitting on tables, sticking out of doors and windows and hanging from lamps he had a much more reserved celebration on the 2nd goal.
                            By the time Iran scored the 2nd goal, he was a hardcore TM fan and was going nuts with the celebrations with the rest of the crowd jumping up and down giving everyone hugs. He suffered with the rest of us for those last 15 nail-biting minutes and after the game told me that in his whole football career and travelling to commentate on games, he had never seen fans like us - but then again, there are no fans like TM fans, are there?!
                            Every TM fan knows exactly what went down that night. I remember it like it was yesterday. Me and 4 buddies drove up to a place in the valley called Khaneye To. After a few Johnny Walker Blacks & olovieh and Boranis the game supposedly started but the big screen went black. We bitched a few minutes and the manager promised to recoop the picture but to no avail. Finally everybody gave up and bailed without paying of course. Everybody knew that the English pubs in Santa Monica were also showing the game so all of a sudden 200 BMWs with 600 hairy Iranian dudes went south on the 405. Once we got there we saw another 500 hairy Iranian dudes peaking through the two pubs as the places were so packed the fire department had to show up. After that we gave up and went to one of our mates house in West LA. Over there he got on one of the Iranian football sites (which was the 1st time I got introduced to these sites IK,ISP & PFDC) and luckily somebody was reporting the game. We were wasted & ready to go home as it was probably around 2 AM but then Iran scored the 1st goal. We started celebrating with an eight ball that my friend scored earlier in the valley. Once the 2nd goal was scored we went crazy & after the final whistle we drove to Westwood Blvd and there was so many Iranians going crazy.
                            Funny thing is we went to this other place the next day to watch the game and saw how lucky we got. I don't think there is another game that was this memorable. The ones that come to mind are the US game and the infamous Bahrain game.


                              Interview with Viera about the "hemashe Melbourn":

