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Tractor Sazi, Tabriz and Iranian Azeris

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    Tractor Sazi, Tabriz and Iranian Azeris

    If there are any Iranian Azeris or people who lived in Tabriz or the region on this site I'd like some insight on this matter. People talking out their asses are not welcome.

    I've been reading about Tractor Sazi and how it's rivaling Esteghlal and Perspolis in terms of fanaticism and match attendance, something which I thought is really good for the IPL, and I'm finding that there is an ethnic tone to the support as well. Some (most?) Azeris have used the club as a symbol for Azeri nationalism.

    I don't know if this is a symptom of:
    A) Issues with the IR regarding learning the Azeri language at schools or other regional issues they find themselves at odds with (ironic since the most powerful man in Iran, Khamenei, is at least partially Azeri)

    B) Their way of supporting their club/shit-talk other regions' and cities' clubs like New Yorkers/Bostonians/LA people etc do in the states. Basically similar to ardent sporting regional rivalries anywhere in the world only more powerful since they have one club representing the entire 20 million~

    C) Sincere expression to separate from Iran entirely.
    I know that, historically, Iranian Azerbaijian had a few chances to become independent or join with the Ottoman Empire/USSR in the last couple centuries and have opted instead to remain with Persia/Iran. I also know that Tactor Sazi has had players from all over Iran play for its club.

    I just wonder if the hype about it being "Iran's Catalonia" is true or misinformed Western bandwagon activism.

    A couple articles I've stumbled on

    Maybe when chiefs of tractor Manufacturing Co. (ITMCO) decided to establish a football club in Tabriz city in 1970, they didn’t think that this football club will be converted to tribune of Azerbaijani people and it will be more than football club. Tractor Football Club (Persian: تراکتور , Azerbaijani : تراختور ) is an Iranian football club based in Tabriz . Red wolves play in Iran's Pro League . Average number of spectators at home games in Sahand stadium ( Yadegar-e-Emam , this name is governmental name, but popular and current name for this stadium is Sahand) is more than 60,000 . Even, nearly the number of tractor fans in games external like in Tehran is equal with the number of fans of home's teams. For example, the number of all fans at the games of tractor with Esteghlal and Persepolis teams was 80000 in last year, which half of them were tractor fans. One of their slogans in stadiums, which emphasise necessity of implementation of fifteenth article of Iran's constitution, is call for education of mother language ( Türk dilində mədrəsə--olmlıdır hər kəsə ) and another slogan relating to environmental disaster of Urmiyeh (Urmu) lake ask for saving of this lake from drying out." gəlin gedax ağlıyax—urmu gölün doldurax" that means : Let's go and cry--- fill lake up with our tears. Other slogans, for example, " viva the Azerbaijan " ( Yaşasın azərbaycan ), " long live Azerbaijan -- shame on enemies of Azerbaijan " ( azərbaycan var olsun--istəmiyən kör olsun ) and " Azerbaijan is our land—tractor is our red wolf "( Azərbaycan yurdumuz—tiraxtur boz qurdumuz ) which have national meaning for Azerbaijani Turks. But this team and its fans have faced with harsh and ruthless actions of security forces in this two year. Repressive and closed social conditions of today's Iran along with open atmosphere of football stadiums has caused that football fields is converted to the protesting meeting of Azerbaijani Turks. Recently tractor fans are pointing to ruthless actions such as violence, attacking with baton, illegal arrest and imprisonment, prevention and delaying behind the doors and other violent acts by security forces. At the present tens of tractor fans have been imprisoned and their crime is adoration to Azerbaijan and Tiraxtur. One of the most important features of these enthusiastic fans is high activity in internet. Many fans of tractor don’t believe governmental media and they follow news of Azerbaijan and tractor from independent media . But totalitarian system in Iran doesn't allow that this media to form a centralized place to flow news freely. Tractor fans have a lot of websites and every day many of them are filtered and closed. Most well-know websites of these enthusiastic fans were and that closed by security forces because their basic server located in Iran and managers and owners of this website are in prison. In addition to these obstructions, the fans of red wolves have a further problem that related to new military management of tractor sazi football club. Tractor sazi football club is sponsored by tractor manufacturing company and great amount of company's stock belong to governmental organisations, as a result, members of guardian's military of Islamic republic are assigned to management council and presidency posts by security organisations. According to the rules of FIFA, governments cannot interfere in affairs of football federations and clubs but there is no obstacle in front of security organisations in Iran. Unfortunately executives of FIFA don’t know about current affairs that happen in Iran. One of the issues that relates directly to FIFA is racist slogans that spectators of competitors are using in stadiums and television channels broadcast this slogans. As it is stated above, tractor FC has been related to the national consciousness of Azerbaijani Turks in Iran and racist slogans of fans of competitors has targeted ethnicity of Turks. For example television cameras in cities of Kerman, Isfahan and Bushehr were witnessed to offensive and racist slogans pointing Turks. Unfortunately, disciplinary committee of Iranian Pro League didn't make its duties and finally in game with Persepolis in Tehran, that Persepolis was host team, thousands of host fans insult to Turks and these slogans were broadcasted in live program from channel 3. After those happenings, spectators of tractorsazi start to protest the silence of referee and football federation. After that, tractor's fans start to fire seats of stadium and security forces attacked them violently. Disciplinary committee, that hadn’t punished opponent's fans due to their racist slogans by that time, sentenced tractorsazi to two games without spectators and financial punishments. Subsequently, fans of tractor readied a petition and demanded from executives of FIFA to oversee these injustices and racist atmosphere in Iran. Yashar Bugun

    Videos of Tractor Sazi fans chanting

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
    pls save us dejagah

    I have not been to Tabriz or Iran in general since i was 6 yrs old, so basically i have zero experience from there. But how many Azaris do i know personally? Probably around 100 at least (Keep in mind that about every 4th or 5th iranian is Azari). And not a single one of them loves the country Azerbaijan or doesnt love Iran. I think its bullshit and more propaganda from outside, out those 20 milion Azaris we have, i think way less than 100.000 are separatists.

    I never cared what kind of iranian someone is, it has happened many times i found out by accident someone is a kurd or Lor for example. We really shouldnt care as we all the same. The diversity just adds nice cultures and languages to the country we all love.


      Yesterday, I was watching some TractorSazi fan videos, and was surprised by the number of support for "independence" I was hearing. Its fucking annoying to hear such BS separatist propaganda in Iran's stadiums. Ali Daei said it correctly a couple of years back, Azerbaijan is a part of Iran, and it has been like that forever pretty much. The country of azerbaijan is a fake nation, lets be honest, and those who are blindly chanting against the country that has protected them for centuries are imbeciles. I could argue that Azeris are one of, if not the most powerful ethnic group in Iran, and they do get their way a lot.


        Not this again....
        راه یکی است و آن راستی است


          Originally posted by persepolisfan View Post
          YAli Daei said it correctly a couple of years back, Azerbaijan is a part of Iran, and it has been like that forever pretty much.
          Found the video you were talking about, Daei is so intense

          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
          pls save us dejagah


            Got a lot of respect for these boys:


              I'm azeri and I have never heard anybody in Tabriz talking about any separation.. Everybody knows that azeri's have been victims of racist actions in a long time, especially in football. But separatism isn't a thing in Iran and can't be compared to Catalonia. Iranians are united and have a lot of national pride. Hopefully IFF will punish any kind of racist actions in our football and that Navad will cover these problems. Also I have been told that many of the separatists in the Yadegar Emam are fans from Baku who are trying to influence the situation by making banners etc. Don't put too much thought in it.. We are all iranians and we are all proud to have such a multicultural nation with so many different ethnicities..
              Team Melli - Traxtor - Barcelona


                I'm from Tabriz, lived there for most of my life. I used to go to Tractor's games back when I was a kid with my uncle, and it was really fun. In my time in the stadiums I never heard any separatist chants, just normal rivalry things.
                However after the Sahand stadium is built a new wave of fans have emerged. I have yet to experience it in person but surely they are some of those with a separatist agenda. But they are just small minority if you look at Azeris in general. We are proud of our Azeri heritage and culture but we are as Iranian as any other ethnic group. So my advice is not to worry about these guys, they're a small minority which sometimes make a lot of noise, but in the end they shut up and disappear.


                  Originally posted by AranTZ View Post
                  I'm azeri and I have never heard anybody in Tabriz talking about any separation.. Everybody knows that azeri's have been victims of racist actions in a long time, especially in football. But separatism isn't a thing in Iran and can't be compared to Catalonia. Iranians are united and have a lot of national pride. Hopefully IFF will punish any kind of racist actions in our football and that Navad will cover these problems. Also I have been told that many of the separatists in the Yadegar Emam are fans from Baku who are trying to influence the situation by making banners etc. Don't put too much thought in it.. We are all iranians and we are all proud to have such a multicultural nation with so many different ethnicities..
                  But Khamenei number 1 ruler of the country is azeri and also a lot high ranking members in politics and the army are azeris, so even if there is discrimination i don't think its that bad.


                    Originally posted by Shamim View Post
                    But Khamenei number 1 ruler of the country is azeri and also a lot high ranking members in politics and the army are azeris, so even if there is discrimination i don't think its that bad.
                    That's like saying African-Americans aren't discriminated against because Obama is president.

                    But I wouldn't call it discrimination, it's more like poking fun. In the list of groups discriminated against in Iran, Azaris are not very high. But that said, many still feel that there is language discrimination against them. Same could be said for any other non-Persian speaking group in Iran.
                    راه یکی است و آن راستی است

