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Iran vs. Iraq Friendly Match Thread

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    Iran vs. Iraq Friendly Match Thread

    Does Iran usually get 40+ degrees conditions? Because January in Australia is full of those days that hot


      Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
      I doubt we will "park the bus" in the group stage.
      Just like Bosnia was going to be a win and we would advance out of our WC group? Even so, I do agree that if we do park the bus at the group stage (or at any stage in Asia) then we should really be questioning our current footballing pedigree...but CQ's interviews, news out of TM camp, have not been inspiring a lot of confidence. I would prefer a silent coach who leaves his opponents bewildered to one trying to downplay our chances, tactics or not.
      Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


        Damn didn't know it was this hot in Australia, hope they are prepared enough

        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


          Hoping for a great game, damn I spent all of today thinking it was tonight soooo stupid... lol

          * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


            Iraq's likely starters :

            Jalal Hasan
            Walid Salem _ Ebrahim _ Shaker _ Adnan
            Kalaf _ Esmaeil _Ghasim _Yasin
            Miram _ Mahmoud ( AbulZahra)

            منتخبنا يؤدى مرانه قبل اﻷ*خير وعينه على مواجهة ايران المنتظرة ..
            والتشكيلة المتوقعه لمواجهة ايران
            والقنوات الناقلة للمباراة
            خاص// معرض الكرة العراقية - محمد الراوي
            تصوير : ريفون ايليا
            علم معرض الكرة العراقية المصور ان تشكيلة منتخبنا امام ايران ستتألف من
            جلال حسن لحراسة المرمى
            وضرغام اسماعيل وسلام شاكر واحمد ابراهيم وسامح سعيد لخط الدفاع
            وياسر قاسم وسعد عبد الامير وامجد كلف وهمام طارق لخط الوسط
            فيما سيكون علاء عبد الزهرة ويونس محمود في الهجوم.
            المباراة ستقام على ملعب ون ستاديوم في مقاطعة ولنكونج التي تتواجد فيها الجاليتين العراقية والايرانية بكثرة مما سبب بارتفاع التذاكر نسبيا قبل يومين من اللقاء .
            وقال ممثل الشركة المتعهدة باقامة المباراة بأن المباراة ستقام بالساعة العاشرة صباحا بتوقيت بغداد
            وستقوم اربع قنوات بنقل المباراة وهي كل
            من بي ان سبورتس وقناة الكاس وابو ظبي ودبي الرياضيتين.


              Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
              Lol, today and tomorrow it's going to be 41 degrees in Melbourne. Please do not expect a flashy performance from our boys. This game is not worth it. Just a friendly, result does not matter honestly. I doubt CQ and the players will put effort in this game.
              As per the first page we are playing at WIN in a city called Wollongong. Wollongong is almost 800km from Melbourne close to Sydney. The temperature in Wollongong at 5pm today is 28 degrees. So much more pleasant.


                Sooo will this game be broadcasted? If so I can get myself hyped going into tmrw


                  Iran v Iraq soccer Live Stream January 04, 2015

                  Watch Iran - Iraq soccer live stream 04.01.2015

                  Live streaming Iran - Iraq soccer 1/04/2015

                  We are currently witnessing a revolution in Iranian football. Team Melli has never been stronger than it is today, and we will only get better.


                    Despite the public opinion I expect a fierce battle . There is no such a thing as friendly between these 2 nations. Even if TM was to quite rightly take it easy, Iraq will bring them into battle.

                    Couple of links and apologies if pasted in previous posts:

                    27.01.2022, Thursday in FIFA World Cup event Iran - Iraq for Football predictions, odds, live, where to watch, scores, stats, results

                    Long live our beloved Iran
                    Long Live 3 Rang'e Iran


                      If iran loses or ties : ipl sucks, queiroz didnt believe in the players, qatar has destroyed our players
                      If iran wins : it was just a friendly, shojaei still sucks



                        Head Coach Radhi Shenaishil assistant Nizar Ashraf Technical Advisor Captain Yahya Alwan Rebekah fitness trainer Spaniard Gonzalo Rodriguez Stadium WinStadium / Olegaung


                          This game is crucial from a qualifying point of view too with Japan and Iraq (in that order) more likely to win Group D, Iran may face Iraq again!!
                          Long Live 3 Rang'e Iran



                            We'll put them in their places just like we have in the past. Though I've always respected Iraq compared to other arab teams for some reason.

                            S - E - C - U - L - A - R - I - S - M


                              Any streams that work on iPhone (apart from tv3)?
                              Support Iran until the end


                                We are lucky games arent going to be played in Perth in Western Australia. It can get up to 46C there! My friend who lives there said its going to be around 40C this up coming week. I guess its nothing compared to Khuzestan or Iranshahr where 52C a few times a year isnt uncommon

