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False accusations against Queiroz

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    False accusations against Queiroz

    Originally posted by aryanirani View Post
    We all have family members in Iran... stop your stupid nonsense..

    Irans cultural situation is alot more complicated than black and white.
    I personally don't see much difference between Iranians overseas and in Iran. In general we are lazy, delusional, materialistic and obnoxious. At the same time we are generally smart or capable.
    Team faghat PERSPOLIS


      False accusations against Queiroz

      Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
      First of all, it was 4 or 5 days, not 2. Secondly, Christmas or not, the whole TM squad had until that point spent a total of maybe 15 days together since the WC, so 4 days in lieu of our circumstances was significant - made even more significant by the fact that we we only had 6 days until our very important 2nd friendly with Palestine, when all of the TM squad was available, so 4 days represented 2/3 of that time.

      These are facts, so I don't know where the word "unsubstantiated" comes from even if you don't agree with the criticism being fair. Whether the criticism is fair or not is a matter of personal opinion and last time I checked, all fans are entitled to their opinions about every aspect of TM and that is in fact the reason we are all on a discussion board, rather that grazing some green pastures as sheep in a herd!
      It was exactly the same amount of days as the TM players being off.
      It is unsubstantiated because for it to be an actual criticism it means you have detailed knowledge of planning and preparation done by CQ during SA camp to conclude that the days he took of at the same time as TM players hindered our preparation.

      Even Namazi who had issues with CQ admitted CQ spends far more than any other coach preparing for training and games. Karimi said it was in excess of 10 hours per day.

      Actually another one to add to the list. Namazi who criticised CQ's approach is now coaching in a team that exists because of CQ's plan for US federation to have a youth team participating in the league.
      Team faghat PERSPOLIS


        Thank you Nariman for this wonderful post. For all those IPL coaches, or better cockroaches , there are 2 words in my opinion that describes them best. Nadid Badid


          Originally posted by kami_kakashi View Post
          in Iranian mentality we never let facts get in the way of good BS story.
          lol true that..!!

          iranians in general are very opinionated on all subject matters and for most part all chiefs and no indians..!!
          we never let the Facts Interfere with our Opinions..!!


            This is an example of mihani coach and he was the coach of Omid team that tied with Kyrgestan and then the team was handed over to Mansoorian. Mansoorian used a player against iraq that had two yellow cards from previous matches. This coach did not bother to call IFF and remind Mansoorian not to use a player with two yellow cards. As a result Olympic dream came to an end.

            read below: Hooman Afazeli getting into physical fight with a female worker and now Mojrem...

            علی اکبر محمدزاده در گفت*وگو با خبرنگار ورزشی خبرگزاری فارس، در مورد برگزاری جلسه رسیدگی به پرونده کتک*کاری مربی سابق تیم امید فوتبال ایران با یک کارمند زن در فدراسیون فوتبال گفت: امروز این جلسه تشکیل شد و ما از طرفین خواستیم که اظهارات خود را به طور کتبی به ما ارائه کنند.
            وی ادامه داد: در پایان جلسه امروز، دیوان تحقیقات کمیته اخلاق به این نتیجه رسید که هومن افاضلی مجرم است و پرونده افاضلی برای صدور کیفرخواست به دیوان حکمیت کمیته اخلاق ارسال شد.
            انتهای پیام/خ
            - See more at:


              Originally posted by kami_kakashi View Post
              I personally don't see much difference between Iranians overseas and in Iran. In general we are lazy, delusional, materialistic and obnoxious. At the same time we are generally smart or capable.
              Speak for yourself, I am not lazy.


                There is too much sensitivity when it comes to Queiroz he is really treated like a god by some. Obviously criticizing him based on training pictures or the fact that he went on Christmas vacation is ridiculous, but on the field criticism also seems to come with a lot of emotional responses. So many people say "I have trust in Queiroz" so dont question his actions but he has done some questionable things. For example, the Bosnia game could have for sure had a different result if Queiroz had a different tactical approach/chosen different players. The players in the squad were clearly not capable of scoring goals and if players like khalatbari, rezaei, azmoun, sharifi, ghazi, were called up and players like jahanbakhsh and rahmani played more an offensive approach would have had more results. Obviously playing hajsafi and heidari as wingers will not get you goals. Another example is the Uzbek away game where they were pretty much without their whole starting line up and queiroz decides to play a super defensive game which would have been considered one of the worst tm games of all time if khalatbari would have not scored the last second goal.
                Same thing goes with Nigeria. There was almost no offensive aspect to that game which is especially saddening when you go and look that Ethiopia and TAHITI have scored against them.
                The point is Queiroz is not a god and should not be treated as one. Yes he has done a lot for iran but he has also made some questionable decisions. This is the easiest route Iran has been given in years and preparation is not an excuse to not make the semi finals. Bahrain, Uae, Qatar, Jordan or Iraq is the route to the semi final not Brazil, Germany, Spain. If tm doesnt make the semis he will be and should be fired.


                  False accusations against Queiroz

                  He is a great coach of TM, but I wouldn't say he's proved himself to be the best Coach TM has ever had.

                  He knows how to deal with our media, but I wouldn't say he hasn't put a foot wrong.

                  One thing I will always criticise him for is not selecting Azmoun for the WC.

