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Bahman Jahantigh

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    Bahman Jahantigh

    In latest lit of U22 for Oman game, Khakpour include Bahman Jahantigh young Foulad Player.
    This is not the final list and when and if Azmoon, Jahanbakhsh, Abdollahzadeh join this team , there would not be a place for him now as a small forward.

    He is small forward smart, fast and technical with good working ethics. He will have bright future if he stay with program in Foulad ( Not sure what will happen to him at the time of Sarbazi).
    top sofar.
    He is one good example of good, hard working player who wait for their time. A success story of very young player who made it to the top so far.
    He was TM U14 captain a wounder kid at Singapoor youth Olympic and since then he has played in various age groups and now invited to U22 Olympic team.

    U14 TM ( C )-#7 Bahman

    بیوگرافی :
    بهمن جهانتیغ بازیکن تیم ملی جوانان کشور عزیمان ایران که متولد اسفند 1373 میباشد. زادگاه این بازیکن بخش وشمگیر و در روستای سلمان فارسی است .
    این بازیکن خوش نقش تیم ملی و تیم باشگاهی فولاد خوزستان در پست فورواردبا بازیهای درخشان و با کیفیت
    خود حیرت بسیاری از کارشناسان را بر برانگیخته است .و پیشنهادهای خوبی از تیم های باشگاهی کشورمان را دارد.
    او همچنین سابقه قهرمانی با تیم ملی نوجوان و نونهالان اسیا را نیز در کارنامه خود دارد .
    با ارزوی موفقیت روز افزون برای این بازیکن خوش نقش " با استعداد و خوش اخلاق کشورمان ایران ..........

    Foulad U22 Top Gun.

    فولاد با پیروزی تمام کرد
    جهان تیغ و پایان خوش فولاد در آسیا

    بهمن جهان تیغ بازیکن جوان فولاد در آخرین دقایق بازی فولاد مقابل لوکوموتیو ازبکستان دروزاه حریف را باز کرد تا فولاد بالاخره با یک برد شیرین رقابت های آسیایی را تمام کند


    Bahman did well , he could on have scored after amazinhg shot by very young Habbinejad.
    Bahman and Hadi both played for U22 Foulad.


      He actually wasted a 100% opportunity 2 min before the goal.


        so yaroo hala bisdo yek salesh eh..?

        & thats the best video you could come up of the lil dude's skills..??? WEAK...!


          Video is not about highlights of his games but memory of him as TM captain of U14 few years ago.

          As i said He is not going to make even final list U22 Olympic team with Azmoon, Motahari ahead of him ... nevertheless he will be great player for Foulad.
          Yesterday he played less than 10 minutes, missed a great opportunity but scored a winning goal.
          He will do better for Foulad next season.


            I wish Foulad would sign contracts with:

            a) Established(!) companies for sponsorships and player salaries.
            b) European teams to export their big players.

            Thanks for the post on Jahantigh St.Mark jan
            Ma Bishomarim

            "!خدایا ایستاده مردن را نصبیم کن که از نشسته زیستن در زلت خسته ام"
            محمد مختاری -

            "Lord, let me die standing, as I am tired of living in indignity and on my knees"
            - Mohammad Mokhtari

