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POST-MATCH DISCUSSION | vs. Qatar - Asian Cup 2015

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    POST-MATCH DISCUSSION | vs. Qatar - Asian Cup 2015

    Formerly known as Persianking!
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    POST-MATCH DISCUSSION | vs. Qatar - Asian Cup 2015

    First of all congrats to are boys for making it to next round!! Great game
    I;m going to start this post with Sadar Truly a world class goal the way he received the ball and how he opened up on his right foot then to slot it home, pure class!!


      Just some points in a summary format:

      1. Nekounam was sublime. Definitely MOTM regardless of what AFC says. At 34, he is very much the pillar of this team.
      2. Azmoun's goal was world class - I hope his injury is nothing serious.
      3. Gucci is a fantastic striker. The problem lies in the fact that nobody is servicing him any balls.
      4. Haghighi's time wasting was disgraceful. I don't care if this is Qatar but when our players are faking injuries like that, the Koreans or whoever else have every right to make fun of us.

      Overall, mission accomplished but a piss-poor performance. CQ was on the sideline yelling at the players for much of the second half to no avail. This was reminiscent of the South Korea - Kuwait match two nights ago. A major improvement will be needed to beat UAE and guarantee 1st place in the group.

      Anyway, time for sleep. Peace.


        Big lmao at those who at alf time said Sardar was poor and Gucci should have played. They can go and hide now!
        Last edited by _Navid_; 01-15-2015, 04:27 AM.


          + 6 points and qualified for the next round.
          + This team has proven that they have a lot of fight in them.
          + The rise of Sardar Azmoun = we'll have a world class striker for years to come

          - too many injuries
          - more critique withheld at this point, because this is the time to celebrate!


            we can't afford missing our chances in the next rounds. One can see the effect of Kuwait league on Gucci.


              My take on the game:

              1. Poor first half performances from both teams. Giving the ball away too many times, and making the game open, thus tiring the players.
              2. Didn't see the passing and teamwork today. Everyone especially Gucci and Hajsafi insisted on taking the final shots. Selfishness could cause problems.
              3. Dejagah, Azmoun, Nekunam, Ando and the central defense were great.
              4. Shojaei started going on the nerves again!!
              5. As Nader said. Haghighi needs to play it fair.
              6. Overall a very exciting match for the spectators.


                Not a beautiful win, but they got it done, hats off to the boys. & Azmoun's headed to the big leagues, he's got a bright future ahead of him.

                S - E - C - U - L - A - R - I - S - M


                  My take on the game:

                  - The game wasn't pretty. Our defense at times looked shaky, most of the time our counter attacks were slow, and many times when they were quick our players made a poor decision. The first half we played a crossing game, it turned very predictable, the second half after the great goal by Azmoun we went into counterattacking mode.


                  GK + Defense:
                  - Haghighi : Was confident, got injured a lot, and he needs to work on his goal kicks, had a couple of shaky moments overall not too tested. He also grass rolled which i am embarrassed to admit, we are better than that!
                  - Ghafouri : In the first half he was out of position a few times, maybe it was because he was pushing up too much, second half he played more defensively. He is a very fast player and has great stamina.
                  - Pouladi : was dribbled by his man a lot in first half, didn't notice him too much in the second so cant comment
                  - Hosseini : you guys, please pay attention to him. This guy deserves the spot light and does not get enough credit. Litteraly flawless performance! He saved our defense
                  - Pouraliganji : It seems he is our target man going up from in corners, maybe thats why he got the start over Sadeghi. Had a few shaky moments though
                  - Sadeghi : Didn't notice him was only on for a few minutes
                  - Nekounam: Had a great game today, pissed at his freekick, litteraly the exact same miss as last game, should have let Ashkan take it IMO. But played his position well today, good passes, good defensive play.
                  - Teymourian : MVP of the match, and well deserved. He was awake and fired up from the beginining and his tackle led to the goal, Ando is back!


                  - Dejagah : Its obvious he is the target man for the counters. He has good ball control and pace, had a nice shot today, got the assist. But made some poor decisions on the counter a few times
                  - Masoud : Had nice dribbles today, seems like his goal gave him a bit of confidence back. He is a lot better at CAM than winger, had some nice passes. But he is too slow, both in movement and decision making, when he leads the counter it almost always dies
                  - Hajsafi : Not too impressed by him today. Had a nice through ball to Reza, and he was lively in the first half, but he kind of was invisible afte that. Compare to how much work Ashkan did on RM, our LM was not active enough.
                  - Heydari: Had a nice dribble, he was a good sub for Masoud. I dont know what others saw but he seemed quick to me. I wasn't thrilled he came on instead of Jahanbakhsh but he is better defensively and he played well


                  - Azmoun : Great goal, that injury looked tough hoping its minor and he can continue
                  - Reza: Worst TM performance from him so far. I can't tell if he was fired up to get a goal for the team or for him self. He was way too greedy. At least if you;re going to be greedy have a strong enough shot to back it up. Weak shots, bad decisions, he wanted a goal to his name. Maybe he didn't expect to be on the bench. He was well off the ball though, and quick.

                  - Congrats on the win, everyone worked hard. It was not a solid game but second clean sheet. At least there is a lot to take away from the game. If Azmoun truly is under scout attention that goal should seal it! Ando was MVP as he should have been he controlled the game. Expected more from Reza and Hajsafi. We need to focus on quick short passes on the ground for our counters, we are literally giving the ball to ashkan and just hoping he does something alone with it. We would have conceded goals had it not been for Hosseini, Ando and Nekounam this game. That ball would not lift off hte ground whether it was our goal kicks or our shots. i think the game vs UAE will be a joyful one to watch, and it will be different than this game. Well done boys everyone worked hard, CQ was very tense and under a lot of pressure during the match. At least our second half was a lot better than our first. Jahanbakhsh should start next game he is not getting any playing time and he would have been a great choice as a winger this match to tear open Qatars defense.

                  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


                    Nekounam was excellent.

                    Pouraliganji really sacrificed himself for the team. Glad he isnt injured.

                    What a goal by Sardar. Seems like his injury is not that serious, thank god.

                    Usual heart attacks during Iran games. We missed too many opportunities. But better now than later.

                    Tbh, I didnt like CQs approach at the end. At a time where we need to attack more and put Qatar under pressure after they have conceded a goal, we defended and let Qatar send in high balls like a hundred times. IMO this was a wrong approach by CQ, but he was yelling like crazy, maybe the players were not playing like he wanted to and he was forced to bring in Sadeghi & Montazeri ?

                    Glad filthy Qatar is out. And lol, Qasem Burhan is soooo garbage.


                      I can't say it was pretty (except for Azmon's goal ). But a win is a win. I have a feeling CQ is keeping Jahanbakhsh as a surprise weapon.
                      .... At the end I am nothing other than ordinary


                        Our game against UAE will be better suited for us than Qatar. UAE has gotten weak goals scored on them in both of their games. Yes, AfroRahman is a good playmaker, but neither team tried to defend him. Qatar was desperate to win, so they collapsed defensively. Bahrain was also desperate, so they also pushed bodies up to try to win, and faced UAE's counters.

                        UAE hasn't faced the Iranian brick wall yet. I'm excited to see how Mr. AbdulRahman likes Andranik Teymourian, Javad Nekounam, and Seyed Jalal Hosseini.

                        Just like Qatari Maradona, we will see what these Arabs do after they face a non-Arab team.

                        They will be frustrated by our defense and we will hit them on the counter, due to their weak defenders. Qatar had strong black athletic defenders and were all packed back. That is why we had a harder time than UAE. Qatar was stung by that 4-1, and they didn't want to be embarrassed again, and they did just that. It cost them though, because our boy Sardar came through in the clutch.

                        Keep Calm and Go Iran!!!


                          People need to let their emotions calm down for a few seconds and then think about the game realistically.

                          Tactically, this was a great game for Iran. According to CQ's tactics, defend with numbers behind the ball, pounce on individual errors, counter attacks and set pieces.

                          Watching the highlights of the game, we should have had atleast 1 more goal. Hajsafi dribbled way too much, Gucci was way too selfish too many times, Dejagah should've had his head up and made that tap in pass to Gucci.

                          Regardless, our defense was superb. We sat back deep, which was an issue..but throughout the entire 90 minutes, there was not one dangerous attack on Iran's goal. NOT EVEN ONE.
                          Bottom line, Qatar had no business winning this game...they were really poor. Iran played a tactical game but invited too much pressure.

                          We need to work on executing these counter attacks in better fashion. Our youth against Iraq did a better job of counter attacking.

                          Gucci was selfish-- understandably so.. his main opponent Sardar just scored a beauty so he wanted to avenge one for himself.

                          Dejagah was great, kept cool under pressure and with a little more composure - we would've had a second goal.

                          Two final notes:
                          1) WHERE IS JAHANBAKSH? This kid needs to play. Neither Khosrow or Shojaei deserve to start over him. I understand that we were leading 1-0, but had JB been the sub for Shojaei, we may have seen a different final 30 minutes.

                          2) Ando.... what a fantastic ba gheyrat beastly player. His two corners were the reason we scored against Bahrain, and his unbelievable tackle and interception paved the way for Azmoun's goal. He will greatly be missed when he retires. MOTM.


                            Most of the things I want to say have already been touched on. But did anyone notice Hajsafi's selfish stupidity around the 89th minute? He has always had a "khore" streak in him and this was an infuriating example of it. He had the ball around the box with Heydari wide open, onside, calling for a pass to go one-on-one with the keeper... and Ehsan looks right at him and keeps the ball so he take a shot himself while covered by 3 defenders!

                            You just don't see this kind of nonsense in European/South American football. For god's sake your team is holding on to a 1-0 lead in the dying minutes...a second goal would not only put the game away, it might even open up the opponent for the all important 3rd goal to make up the goal difference with UAE! How can you not pass in this situation??


                              POST-MATCH DISCUSSION | vs. Qatar - Asian Cup 2015

                              Hosseini was better than Ando. he deserves to be MOTM.

