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Still waiting for CQ to convince

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    Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
    It's amusing to see the general view of an average fan is always skewed towards the score line. .
    I am just generally amused through your use of the word "average fan" .....
    “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
      It's amusing to see the general view of an average fan is always skewed towards the score line. In other words, some fans think a win automatically means good quality performance. No matter HOW a team plays or how a goal was achieved. Well, some of us are not like that.

      To a more mature group of fans I could be tempted to ask them to look inside and truly assess the quality of the performance, irrespective of the result. But I'm not sure I'd get the truth here and NOW (after these 'wins' )
      So here's what you're really saying:

      It's amusing to see the general view of an average fan (AKA: everyone that's not me) is always skewed towards the score line.

      To a more mature group of fans (AKA: only me) I could be tempted to ask them to look inside and truly assess the quality of the performance, irrespective of the result.


        Which criterion determine that you are a mature or an average fan? I would like to see them.

        It amazes me how you disqualify people who dont agree with you by setting your own 'definitions'.


          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
          I am not convinced about this, mostly because against decent opposition (like south Korea, ... etc.), our goals were usually a result of chance and mistakes,
          Doctor joon, you brought this up a couple of times... all goals in football are the result of chance and mistakes. You create the chance, the opponent's defense or goalie makes a mistake, you have a goal!

          Yes, perhaps we didn't create as many chances as we could have to beat Korea or UAE with more goals, but we obviously created enough chances to score the goals that we did, while at the same time we eliminated all the chances for our opponents to do the same.

          If anything, this shows that TM is a lot more efficient than it used to be - we don't need 20 dangerous attacks in a game to beat Qatar 1-0 (or even worse tie them or lose like we did 5 times in a row from 2009 to mid 2012), we're getting the goals with just 4 or 5 dangerous attacks and winning in the process!

          Just keep in mind that there were a total of 9 shots on target in the Argentina-Germany final between the two teams in 120 minutes of play - the only thing that ultimately mattered and matters to German fans was the score!


            Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
            It's amusing to see the general view of an average fan is always skewed towards the score line.
            What's truly amusing is that someone whose understanding of football is limited to "Attack Very Good!! Defense Very Bad!!" sees himself as something more than an average fan.


              It's sad to see that people resort to name calling when they don't agree with someone. Comments like, "you need to see a shrink" or "this guy has nothing else to do" are just sad.

              Now in regards to the CQ issue, it's hard for me to comment on TM's performance in the AC as I have not even seen a single match this tournament.

              But from what I have been hearing, Iran has been parking the bus against Qatar and UAE (which is really sad).
              4 years ago we beat UAE 3-0 in the Asian cup with our reserves under Ghotbi (hardly a world class coach). TM has been under CQ for 4 years now and we have to park the bus against them to get a (perhaps lucky) and unconvincing win. Given all the money that we are giving CQ, this is a bit problematic.

              So in that regard I have to agree with Doctor Doom. If we don't win the Asian cup all together, then this tournament is going to be a big failure for us. CQ is really going all in, lets hope it pays off.

              p.s. Why isn't Jahanbakhsh starting every single game?????


                Doctor Doom seems like a good guy and a patriot, So he has his own opinion and i don't agree with him sometimes, freedom of speech, democracy, very important aspects for us in order to grow as a country. We all support TM!


                  Originally posted by clipsport View Post
                  It's sad to see that people resort to name calling when they don't agree with someone. Comments like, "you need to see a shrink" or "this guy has nothing else to do" are just sad.
                  Yeah, I find that pretty pathetic too. Everything's gotta be either 100% right or 100% wrong with Iranians. If anyone has a point, they can make it, otherwise silence is the best option.


                    Originally posted by clipsport View Post
                    4 years ago we beat UAE 3-0 in the Asian cup with our reserves under Ghotbi (hardly a world class coach).
                    1. Four years ago, UAE was nowhere as good as they are today. Right now not only are they the best Arab team in Asia, they also have arguably the best playmaker the continent has ever produced.

                    2. Four years ago, we met them in a game where we had already qualified and they HAD to beat us just to have a chance to go through. The game was 0-0 till the 70th minute, we scored and they basically collapsed knowing they now needed two goals in 20 minutes and even that might not be enough. That's when we scored two more. It was a deserved victory, but it was against an inferior team playing desperately.

                    p.s. Why isn't Jahanbakhsh starting every single game?????
                    Try actually watching the games(!) and you'll get your answer.


                      Originally posted by sirvan View Post
                      Doctor Doom seems like a good guy and a patriot, So he has his own opinion and i don't agree with him sometimes, freedom of speech, democracy, very important aspects for us in order to grow as a country. We all support TM!
                      He has every right to post his essays. Everyone else also has the right to point out how baseless and biased his posts are. No one has asked for him to get banned or told him to stop posting.


                        Merci Peyman jaan for the writing and presenting your opinion. I must say you have improved so much over the years on how you present your opinion. This is one of your best writings and is very close to a journalist editorial. Great start and well presented.

                        I must however say that from technical point of view, it is weak and full of errors. But it is absolutely great that you encourage debates and discussions which is healthy and necessary for an entertaining and successful "forum discussion". Many thanks.

                        I will try to post something more technical about Carlos and TM. Hope it explains some of the concerns.
                        We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
                        Go IRAN!


                          gawd, this thread is still going?


                            Originally posted by clipsport View Post
                            It's sad to see that people resort to name calling when they don't agree with someone. Comments like, "you need to see a shrink" or "this guy has nothing else to do" are just sad.

                            Now in regards to the CQ issue, it's hard for me to comment on TM's performance in the AC as I have not even seen a single match this tournament.

                            But from what I have been hearing, Iran has been parking the bus against Qatar and UAE (which is really sad).
                            4 years ago we beat UAE 3-0 in the Asian cup with our reserves under Ghotbi (hardly a world class coach). TM has been under CQ for 4 years now and we have to park the bus against them to get a (perhaps lucky) and unconvincing win. Given all the money that we are giving CQ, this is a bit problematic.

                            So in that regard I have to agree with Doctor Doom. If we don't win the Asian cup all together, then this tournament is going to be a big failure for us. CQ is really going all in, lets hope it pays off.

                            p.s. Why isn't Jahanbakhsh starting every single game?????
                            I thought the "average fan" comment was amusing, but you just set the bar even higher. So you have not seen a single game ..... yet, you find it sad that we have "parked the bus" and you even show anger towards JB not starting every single game. I honestly thought I was misreading your post and had to read it to myself a few times. Perhaps if you had watched the Iran-uae game, you would understand why JB is not starting. As for winning the entire cup, even your beloved Ghotbi with his 3-0 type wins bowed out of the tournament in the quarterfinals.

                            as for your "people resort to name calling" comment, don't force me find to your "Israel-lover" label you threw my way.
                            “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


                              Originally posted by OFFSIDE_1 View Post
                              I thought the "average fan" comment was amusing, but you just set the bar even higher. So you have not seen a single game ..... yet, you find it sad that we have "parked the bus" and you even show anger towards JB not starting every single game. I honestly thought I was misreading your post and had to read it to myself a few times. Perhaps if you had watched the Iran-uae game, you would understand why JB is not starting. As for winning the entire cup, even your beloved Ghotbi with his 3-0 type wins bowed out of the tournament in the quarterfinals.

                              as for your "people resort to name calling" comment, don't force me find to your "Israel-lover" label you threw my way.
                              As far as the Jahabakhsh comment goes, I said "every single match". To be honest I'm a bit surprised why he's not playing a bigger role in the team. I see him as perhaps the top 2-3 players in Iran. Let's hope we see more of him in the future. I mean the guy is a beast.

                              And the park the bus comments are from what I have read and heard.

                              Also as far as "Israel-lover" comment, I actually never called you that. I promise you. I rarely get into political debates, and almost never even go to the general forum. I allowed someone else to temporarily use my account to post things here, but when I noticed they were writing about politics I asked for the account back.
                              I'm sorry if such a comment was made by my account, but it wasn't me.

                              I actually think you are one of the better users here.


                                Originally posted by clipsport View Post
                                As far as the Jahabakhsh comment goes, I said "every single match". To be honest I'm a bit surprised why he's not playing a bigger role in the team. I see him as perhaps the top 2-3 players in Iran. Let's hope we see more of him in the future. I mean the guy is a beast.

                                And the park the bus comments are from what I have read and heard.

                                Also as far as "Israel-lover" comment, I actually never called you that. I promise you. I rarely get into political debates, and almost never even go to the general forum. I allowed someone else to temporarily use my account to post things here, but when I noticed they were writing about politics I asked for the account back.
                                I'm sorry if such a comment was made by my account, but it wasn't me.

                                I actually think you are one of the better users here.
                                “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain

