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Iran's Group Stage Analysis (Video)

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    Iran's Group Stage Analysis (Video)

    Hey guys here is a video I made for Iran's group stage. Just what I thought were some important points that should be shown.

    I originally wanted to do one for every group stage match, but time was not on my side, so I decided to do one for the whole group stage.

    The video is pretty basic, there were lots of cool ideas I had that I couldn't try out because of such little time. I wanted to post this before the quarter final match, so I had to do it now.

    There are also a lot of other aspects of Team Melli's game I wanted to include but the video was getting long and time was running out. I included what I thought was most important to show.

    I also wanted to leave the original commentary but I was scared that the video would be removed, so I just threw in an instrumental.

    Give me your thoughts, and again sorry its so basic, hopefully I will have more time to do better vids in the future.

    Go Team Melli

    EDIT: Sorry had to re-upload... will be up in a few minutes.

    OK here it is:

    I don't know why it doesn't have a thumbnail though. :s


      Nice video, great to see a video like this to show how well we are performing defensively and our tactics. Our players are fighting for every ball, CQ has made our defense into something admirable. And Ando shireh.

      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


        thank you for summing up and presenting it to the world
        IRI's politics is no different than handling a pressure cooker ..... As the pressure builds up, you slowly let the steam out just a tad bit so that you don't see overflow, and once the pressure from below is less, you put the lid down again and raise the temperature.


          Good video and great to finally hear some nice Iranian music on a football video instead of the inferior current western rap/pop/whatever crap "music".


            loved the video, but this is a good way to let our opponents know our game plan lol, I can imagine all the Iraqis sitting in their hotel watching this youtube video together


              I bet our opposition just check PFDC before a game with Iran. Its the best need to employ a analyser.


                Haha I am sure professional teams have much better analysis on their opposition. Don't think the Iraqis woke up today and said "shit, we should really think of our strategy, the game is in a few hours!!"

                And if some young guy like me is making better videos on Windows Movie Maker then what pro teams are doing, I need to be hired immediately and start making big bucks


                  Song in the beginning reminded me of this

                  And this video basically summed up why UAE had so much statistics and so many passes, they were just playing in their own half of the field..


                    Nice video. Everything in that video is a perfect demonstration of our 4-2-3-1 system. Ando has a free role and Nekounam has a more defensive role. Nothing surprising.


                      I loved everyting about this video but hte song! that song says " come down by the joob, sit on one of those bed things.... light up some ghalyoon.. wait for chelo kabab" it doesn't say football.
                      I had to turn the music down and listen with this:

                      Fucking Lulz criticizing CQ. GTFO! look at this well oiled machine!

