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BREAKING: Iraq Doping Scandal

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    guys please dont get your hopes up
    it wont be reversed and we all know it
    i hate it as much as you do but the fact is Iraq will play S.Korea and we are elimintated
    that is it,period.


      Originally posted by persiangodfather View Post
      Iraqi officials in an announcement cant be good, they will say that they are still in
      I wouldn't be so sure, it can literally go either way with having them there. Also, the fact that it took this long means they are actually giving serious thought into it (surprising to me tbh).


        Originally posted by sarbaz View Post
        guys please dont get your hopes up
        it wont be reversed and we all know it
        i hate it as much as you do but the fact is Iraq will play S.Korea and we are elimintated
        that is it,period.
        AFC will probably give us the great honor of having Abdul-Zahra suspended in our next game against Iraq. A friendly in 2017. They will say, "see Iran, we are totally fair "


          BREAKING: Iraq Doping Scandal

          What if iraq offers iff money in the meeting to keep them happy.

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


            Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
            My thoughts go out to the poor TM players who are still waiting for hours there getting tired and more tired knowing they are going to play Korea and have no time to rest
            This remind me of the time in Asia Cup 2004, where Iran players again had no time to rest ahead of their match against Korea. There's an interview with Mahdavikia that said how they even slept on the airport.
            Same thing will happen again. Iran to go to semifinals to meet Korea and we will win. History repeating itself.


              The fact that it has already taken so long tells me someone is examining the facts and evidence if they wanted to wish wash it they would have done it by now.
              Long Live 3 Rang'e Iran


                We should know by 2:00 pm Sydney time that's 45 minutes away( according to a friend who is in contact with A player ).


                  Originally posted by fatemi View Post
                  Nabi and IFF and Iraqi officials are called to participate in the meeting @ 15:00
                  seems you are our afdc ambassador from now, i want you to give us the news from now on at the speed of light, fahmidi fatemiiii!!!
                  World Cup 2006, Frankfurt, Iran vs. Portugal, Iranian Frontpage of GOAL Sportspaper

                  And on the 8.Day God created Ali Karimi, and he saw he was good!
                  If Defenders were allowed to use their hands to stop Karimi


                    Latest news from Varzesh3: Basically, meeting is still going on, and all social media posts saying 3-0 iran or AFC denied the appeal is false.

                    جلسه ادامه دارد ؛ انتظار برای اعلام خبر قطعی
                    در حال که عده کثيري از هواداران فوتبال در ايران بي تاب شنيدن خبر صعود ايران هستند هنوز هيچ خبري از استراليا به تهران مخابره نشده است.
                    جلسه ادامه دارد ؛ انتظار براي اعلام خبر قطعي
                    به گزارش "ورزش سه"، بحث و جدل در این باره در شبکه های اجتماعی داغ است و شایعات مدام رنگ عوض می کنند . شایعاتی که هیچ کدام قطعیت ندارند .
                    جلسه کمیته انضباطی ای اف سی هنوز ادامه دارد و همه اعضای کاروان ایران گوش به زنگ خبرند .
                    بنابر اخبار دریافتی از استرالیا جز جلسه ای که در حال برگزاری است ، ظهر به وقت استرالیا هم جلسه دیگری در این باره انجام خواهد شد .
                    ورزش سه به محض دریافت خبر مخاطبان خود را از نتیجه جلسات مطلع خواهد کرد .


                      Guys this is not going to happen no matter how hard we try, AFC is not going to change the result cause if it does then it means Iraq lost all there group stage games 3-0! which jordan would move forward. so Bottom line AFC doesnt care aboout this mistake cause they dont wanna go through the trouble of all games

                      NOW if it was iran who was dopping they would take this all the way back to world cup F))))))K AFC


                        Not gonna lie, some of the posts in here have had me lolling so hard. Great scenes, regardless of whether the decision goes for us or not.

                        And I don't think we can read anything into the meeting involving both parties, they're not just going to tell the Iraqis they're disqualified by e-mail.


                          lol @ the IFF having this whole scheme set up if we somehow lost. I'm sure they were prepared with everything beforehand and on paper we should definitely be on our way to Sydney. Arabs in AFC still are probably trying to get some partibazi done but FIFA is watching, and hopefully we'll hear good news soon.



                              How the meeting will go.

                              Hon. Sheik Abdul Fahad Al Koolani from AFC: FIFA says they sent you information of Abdul-Zahra's doping. What do you say?

                              Iraq FA Rep.: Uhhhh, we never got it.

                              AFC: Oh, why didn't you say so. Case dismissed. Iran go f*ck yourselves!"


                                BREAKING: Iraq Doping Scandal

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