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CQ ask IFF to pursue both the doping and the ref issue

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    CQ ask IFF to pursue both the doping and the ref issue

    CQ had a meeting with Kafashian where CQ gave full report on TM in AFC. CQ also informed IFF of TM needs to prepare for WC2018. Also CQ wants IFF to seriously pursue the Iraqi doping issue and the Ben Williams obvious injustices against TM. More info on these issues will be presented here as they become available.

    پیگیری جدی موضوع داوری دیدار رده بندی و بازیکن دوپینگی عراق

    به گزارش سایت رسمی فدراسیون، بعدازظهر امروز نشست مشترک علی کفاشیان و کارلوس کی روش برگزار شد
    در اين نشست سرمربی تيم ملی گزارشی کامل از وضعيت تيم ملی در مسابقات جام ملتهای آسیا به کفاشیان ارائه کرد. در ادامه جلسه کی روش درباره برنامه های خود و اقدامات مد نظرش و همچنين شرایط و امکانات مورد نیاز تيم ملی برای آماده سازی هر چه بهتر برای مسابقات جام جهانی 2018 با رئیس فدراسیون صحبت کرد و مقرر شد برنامه ها و خواسته های وی برای اين مسابقات جهت بررسی به کميته فنی و توسعه فدراسیون فوتبال ارائه شود.
    ضمن اينکه سرمربی تيم ملی از فدراسیون خواست تا همانگونه که تاکنون توسط مسئولان فدراسیون عنوان شده، موضوع داوری دیدار ایران و عراق و بخصوص پرونده بازیکن دوپینگی عراق با جدیت پیگیری شود.

    It's good to hear that he's supporting the push. A lot of these injustices take place because IFF has been such an unprofessional organization.

    This process may not, and most likely will not, make a difference for this Asian Cup, but I bet you both AFC and refs will take these issues more seriously for upcoming tournaments (and there are tons) if there is a professional and coordinated push to pursue them


      Baba leave it alone. Look at it this way, another opportunity was lost for silverware and IFF and TM should concentrate on more pressing matters than chasing shadows. Next Asia Cup will be MUCH more difficult for us to win than this with upcoming teams like Australia, Japan, Korea, China, Iraq and Qatar. Also the WCQs are about 2 years away and we need to plan for it by developing better grass roots football programs.

      In years from now people wont look back and why the game was lost, just the final scoreline and lets face it - via penalties. We really suck at penalties unfortunately. Furthermore I dont buy into the AFC hates us etc. Us Iranians always love the oh its US against ALL THEM mentality and this isnt the case. Remember Iraq themselves were robbed at the last WCQs and countless other times when 'sh|t' just happens. Its all good yo...its just a game.

      Finally, if I hear see another post about how IFF should leave AFC Im going to lose my kettle. Where the hell can we go and how?! Ridiculous proposition.


        Originally posted by Spyder View Post
        Baba leave it alone. Look at it this way, another opportunity was lost for silverware and IFF and TM should concentrate on more pressing matters than chasing shadows. Next Asia Cup will be MUCH more difficult for us to win than this with upcoming teams like Australia, Japan, Korea, China, Iraq and Qatar. Also the WCQs are about 2 years away and we need to plan for it by developing better grass roots football programs.

        In years from now people wont look back and why the game was lost, just the final scoreline and lets face it - via penalties. We really suck at penalties unfortunately. Furthermore I dont buy into the AFC hates us etc. Us Iranians always love the oh its US against ALL THEM mentality and this isnt the case. Remember Iraq themselves were robbed at the last WCQs and countless other times when 'sh|t' just happens. Its all good yo...its just a game.

        Finally, if I hear see another post about how IFF should leave AFC Im going to lose my kettle. Where the hell can we go and how?! Ridiculous proposition.
        Indeed, leaving AFC is not gonna work. IFF needs to start being more serious in its organization and get itself into the commitees of AFC and such places. Otherwise we will continue to get wrecked by referee / AFC decisions. Very simple, no?


          ^^ AFC continues to screw TM tournament after tournament and we do nothing about it. And if we do nothing about it, it will happen again and again. I believe at some point we must act seriously to try to change the system and make fair, sooner the better.


            Omfg, WCQ can't start soon enough!

