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    I don't sugarcoat my posts. And am not really the '' this Jan, that ghorban'' type of chap.
    But I value honesty and sense of nationalism ( ie; priority ought to be Iran, not an individual). And fairness even more.

    Hell, here I am giving credit to a fantastic through pass to a player I am demanding to quit TM ( and still do. One pass every one & half year is just too abysmal to support). Because that is the fair thing to do. I don't allow my inner feelings and beliefs to cloud my sense of fairness.

    So if my views sound a bit harsh to some, just because they don't like to see things that way, So be it. Disagree. But make sense


      Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
      Nader jaan, as much as I agree with you about DD's antics sometimes, I totally agree with his side of the argument that he's forced into that type of response.

      You can only refrain from an equal reaction in the opposite direction for so long when not only it's not being dealt with by staff members of PFDC, but actually being encouraged by someone like rugs whose responses in almost every other post are personal attacks and reaking of those types of antics.

      I mean just look at how far one negative 3-1 prediction has gone in that thread. I've been called a pathological liar (endorsed by rugs), mentally ill and now he's dragging some bs about me leaving IPS because they stole my money.

      Is this kind of behavior right in your opinion?! If the aim is to silence certain opinions that don't jive with one's own, then some of us don't have to post here at all. You say the word and I'm outta here.

      But at the same time, I'm not here to constantly be insulted for other people's entertainment. If you must know, that was the reason I left ISP (as did many others) as well as the double standards in dealing with it.

      I'm not here to set the direction for the site, but it would be nice to know what it is so that we all know where we stand and can make a decision accordingly.
      No, insults are not fair - whether you're directing it at rugs or he's directing it at you. Or whoever is directing it at anyone. For the same reason you left ISP, we've had many fantastic members leave PFDC over the past 6-7 years.

      For me, the difference is that I know that you, rugs, O-zone, and others are not bitter people. You just get into little spats which become a bit more heated than perhaps needed.

      DD and St. Marks are a completely different story though. DD is condescending by nature and St. Marks runs his own agenda. Yes, I agree that respect but should be earned but in an ideal world where we all get along and discuss matters cordially (and there have been times on the forum where that was the case), the attitude of the given members does not change.

      I remember before the final 2013 WCQ matches, CQ had taken a few players to an orphanage in Tehran. While we were all applauding the action, DD came in and started to ridicule and make fun of everyone who thanked the OP. Here's the link below for your own reference:

      So how are such members earning respect for themselves when they disrespect others under such unnecessary conditions?


        Originally posted by O-ZoNe View Post
        My friend you are hurt...but why not talk to rugs directly? You can PM him. I remember a while back you were on the same side of another debate. I think this cycle of name calling and public shaming does no good and just perpetuates the cycle. FYI others (including myself) have left this very same forum for the same reason you left ISP...let's change the culture back to more positive environment. Take personal grievances to the person directly...
        I make no personal attacks Ozone jaan, although I do admit that have responded in kind in the past. How many times have you and I disagreed on something and how many times did you find my tone slightly disrespectful, never mind being rude? That's because you're always respectful even in disagreements.

        Just review my last 20 or 30 responses to posts where I've been called mentally-ill, blind, pathological liar, etc. etc. etc. and see how many of them I've ignored or in how many I've come back very politely expressing my point of view?

        It's not a question of being hurt, rather one of wanting to socialize in a toxic environment where everyone is always at each other's neck.

        Some people just don't have the maturity to accept that opinions aren't facts. Because they treat their own opinions as facts, they end up treating yours as such and have a severe reaction. I won't name any names, but you know where I'm going with that!


          Highlights of the match? Would really appreciate it if someone could post it up. Thanks.


            Originally posted by O-ZoNe View Post
            Funny thing, respect works like gotta spend some money to make some money. Gotta dish respect in order to receive it in return.

            My friend you are hurt...but why not talk to rugs directly? You can PM him. I remember a while back you were on the same side of another debate. I think this cycle of name calling and public shaming does no good and just perpetuates the cycle. FYI others (including myself) have left this very same forum for the same reason you left ISP...let's change the culture back to more positive environment. Take personal grievances to the person directly...
            And this a very good suggest. Let me provide an anecdote:

            Some time ago, around 2013, I used to give Kiarash a lot of crap because I found many of his posts to be impulsive. He was yelling 'CQ out' before the qualifiers and saying things left and right that I didn't agree with. Anyway, I continued to behave aggressively towards him until he eventually sent me a PM asking what the issue was. We worked it out after a few messages and are very respectful and friendly towards each other on these boards now. I had evidently wronged someone and that person let me know and we worked towards a solution which not only benefited us but the generally dynamic of this forum.

            I have a lot of respect for Kiarash for approaching me directly in the way that he did.


              Originally posted by K. Nader View Post
              For me, the difference is that I know that you, rugs, O-zone, and others are not bitter people. You just get into little spats which become a bit more heated than perhaps needed.

              DD and St. Marks are a completely different story though. DD is condescending by nature and St. Marks runs his own agenda. Yes, I agree that respect but should be earned but in an ideal world where we all get along and discuss matters cordially (and there have been times on the forum where that was the case), the attitude of the given members does not change.

              I remember before the final 2013 WCQ matches, CQ had taken a few players to an orphanage in Tehran. While we were all applauding the action, DD came in and started to ridicule and make fun of everyone who thanked the OP. Here's the link below for your own reference:


              So how are such members earning respect for themselves when they disrespect others under such unnecessary conditions?
              If we're being frank Nader jaan, I haven't found anyone to be as condescending as Rugs in this forum and he's in a close tie with just 2 or 3 more people including all forums I've been on. That's obviously just my opinion and it's not because something has happened just a couple of times. It's in almost every other post.

              And as far as personal opinions go I've never seen St. Mark being rude or condescending to anyone - quite the opposite I've found his posts quite respectful and reserved. I understand some people have a problem with his political agenda, but that predates my time so I can't comment on it. As far as his opinions about TM, that's what they are opinions. They don't really change anything on the bigger scheme of things, the same way your opinion or mine don't. So, I am struggling to understand what differentiates our thoughts as opinions and his as an agenda. Yes, he's set in his ways like most other people here, albeit on the opposite side.

              As far as the good Doktor, I've disagreed with many of his posts and very much so with his overall opinions of CQ many times. I've never ever (and again this is my personal experience as someone who joined this forum only a year ago with no bad beef with anyone and engaging everyone in the most respectful way possible) had him come back and be rude or even disrespectful to me in a single post. In fact, as he mentioned, he has even thanked my responses that were questioning some of his logic. We've simply agreed to disagree and moved on.

              And as far as Kiarash, he is very impulsive, but that's how he is. I was like that when I was 21 too. And other than a couple of instances where he may have been a little out of line and made the issue personal, he's a great guy to have and be around. And because of that, I neither needed to respond in kind to those couple of posts, nor took offense to it.

              My issue is just with people for whom that's a regular occurrence and I don't think it needs PM. We're all adults on a public forum and can change our behavior any time.


                Originally posted by mahestan View Post
                Highlights of the match? Would really appreciate it if someone could post it up. Thanks.

                Full game:


                  Poor St Mark has never been either condescending nor rude ... as far as I can remember.

                  I stand in extreme opposite of him when it comes to the regime in Iran and just can't agree on a single thing when it comes to politics and IR. But fair is fair. In football related topics, he's been hounded, attacked most irrationally with many irrelevant and unrelated remarks by some supposed ''adults'' (you know who you are), provoked and ridiculed out of turn, just to see him ignore them or reply respectfully and move on.

                  What is it today? The int'l day of IRONY?


                    Originally posted by K. Nader View Post
                    And this a very good suggest. Let me provide an anecdote:
                    Some time ago, around 2013, I used to give Kiarash a lot of crap because I found many of his posts to be impulsive. He was yelling 'CQ out' before the qualifiers and saying things left and right that I didn't agree with. Anyway, I continued to behave aggressively towards him until he eventually sent me a PM asking what the issue was. We worked it out after a few messages and are very respectful and friendly towards each other on these boards now. I had evidently wronged someone and that person let me know and we worked towards a solution which not only benefited us but the generally dynamic of this forum.
                    I have a lot of respect for Kiarash for approaching me directly in the way that he did.
                    Ya I remember that. Kiarash came to me for counselling and I advised him on this course of are very welcome :rof: Just kidding...see I don't just talk out of my rear end...
                    Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                      Originally posted by Tehranto View Post
                      And Palestine has created more scoring opportunities in one half than all our group games in Asia Cup.

                      The funny thing is Bi-Honar (despite liking you a lot as a person, from what I know) you are completely blind when it comes to Iranian football.
                      My good man, Akhbari had only one save in the game, so I don't know what Palestinian chances you are talking about. They had a total of 3 shots on our goal if I counted right and not being blind.


                        Originally posted by O-ZoNe View Post
                        Ya I remember that. Kiarash came to me for counselling and I advised him on this course of are very welcome :rof: Just kidding...see I don't just talk out of my rear end...

                        I guess we're going to create a new sub-forum - 'O-zone Counselling Services'. You can be like that 'doctor' on the Persian Satellite, Dr. Holakouee, who essentially tells every caller to get a divorce or go on medication based on their problem.


                          Bi-honar, thank you.


                            BTW, Laos tied Singapore in Group J, so we know at least one group so far won't have a 2nd placed team finishing with 6 points (considering Mongolia's the weakest team in that group and unlikely to surprise back-to-back wins against Laos and Singapore.


                              Haters keep hating, TM Omid keeps winning

                              But, seriously that was a poor performance. It just goes to show that TM Omid really needed JB and Azmoun. Good decision by IFF.


                                Meanwhile in IFF! They won

                                which one is you!

