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    Khak to sareshoon..

    2-1 again..

    And we lose Queiroz too..

    Alll in one week.
    Last edited by teammelli91; 03-31-2015, 08:18 AM.


      That was pathetic. I am extremely disappointed that Azmoun and JB couldn't even calm the team down and get their rhythm going. It was painful to watch.


        Just look at Mayeli when he was at TM. He so freaky does not want to be sub by another player. He stops the game and refused to go out of the pitch. A person like this with this mentality is the manager of our team. He was in our TM because of the hezbollahi connection otherwise he was not a good player. He was called bazikone arzeshi = Basiji player.


          Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
          Don't make mistake. This is the future if Islamic Republic is at place or when they meddle in football. Since they are corrupt they do not hire professional and eligible managers, but install their own people from their own network which most of the time are people who don't know about football, has no management background, are educated and are ass kisser of the regime. This mismanagement ruins our football, but we have the talent and with little investment we can get good results. People still love football but they are fed up with IFF and sport ministry corruption and incompetency. Sport ministry is meddling in IFF business by not giving the subsidies and halting all financial support until they force their will on IFF and TM. That is why they are forcing CQ to resign and that is why they forced Azmoun and JB to play in U23 instead of TM. They made CQ mamn ol khoroj and are still bothering the team. Our NT is under a lot of pressure right now by TM, so not speak against the Managers in sport ministry and IFF. We are losing our only good coach in past 10 year so the corrupted few at IFF and sport ministry can have their way and grab more money....

          Situation is because of mismanagement... not players or general fans to blame. People show they are fed up and they did not come to stadium. Very right move. They showed they are not idiots to be played by Sport ministry and IFF.
          I don't understand this tendency to ALWAYS shift to politics when it comes to explain failures after one match. Do you really rationally think this alone can explain a match loss ? Because if this logic is correct, then all "achievements" in other sports could also be put on the shoulder of "regime" in all other sports we got world powers (volley-ball, taekwondon wieghtlifting etc ...). We never achieved in our whole history so many medals in any olympics in London, would you put this on the shoulder of "good management" from our sport federation ? Of course not, we are a country not well managed or at least, far from what we can realistically expect providing the tremendous human resources we possesses. Within this country, you have a lot of people trying their best to achieve whatever possible providing all conditions we are facing (sanctions, embargo etc ...). I am not here defending the regime or whatever but do you really think this "mafia mentality" existing in our football, where some people always criticize and sabotage others has anything to do with regime or religion ? Do you really believe any other regime will change the mentality of these people who have nothing "religious" in their behaviour ? This mafia mentality is part of everything but regime dude, this would be the case even if aliens would be in charge in Iran ! Not that the mismanagement of the regime shouldn't be pointed or discussed, there are many but trying to always shift the discussion to politics by mixing up our political agendas with sports or anything else will really not help our case if our goal is to perform better.


            inam az shahkarash


              Originally posted by maly3648 View Post
              I don't understand this tendency to ALWAYS shift to politics when it comes to explain failures after one match. Do you really rationally think this alone can explain a match loss ? Because if this logic is correct, then all "achievements" in other sports could also be put on the shoulder of "regime" in all other sports we got world powers (volley-ball, taekwondon wieghtlifting etc ...). We never achieved in our whole history so many medals in any olympics in London, would you put this on the shoulder of "good management" from our sport federation ? Of course not, we are a country not well managed or at least, far from what we can realistically expect providing the tremendous human resources we possesses. Within this country, you have a lot of people trying their best to achieve whatever possible providing all conditions we are facing (sanctions, embargo etc ...). I am not here defending the regime or whatever but do you really think this "mafia mentality" existing in our football, where some people always criticize and sabotage others has anything to do with regime or religion ? Do you really believe any other regime will change the mentality of these people who have nothing "religious" in their behaviour ? This mafia mentality is part of everything but regime dude, this would be the case even if aliens would be in charge in Iran ! Not that the mismanagement of the regime shouldn't be pointed or discussed, there are many but trying to always shift the discussion to politics by mixing up our political agendas with sports or anything else will really not help our case if our goal is to perform better.
              I have not blame them only for this match and I have not such tendency. I have said it hundred time before this competition. I have seen this happening all the time. Believe me even if we won this match I spoke against this management. I know this people. You seems didn't follow my post at all in other thread.

              It is because of mismanagement done by IR stooges and where ever they go they ruin everything if god forbid they touch our volleyball they ruin that too. Whenever we had competent managers like Yazdani who revolutionized our Volleyball we got good result. Most of these corrupt sepahi are looking for money and they found it in our IPL and football you can see the result. CQ didn't want to take players from IPL because of band bazi in IPL even though we had some good talents their team managers didn't want to give them to team melli. CQ didn't call IPL players because of this headaches of dealing with mafia in our football. He got result with our diaspora Ashkan, Gucci, Beitashur, Davari, ...

              As Ahmadi Nejad once said the corruption is deeply rooted within regime. You take one head and pull and you see it goes all the way to higher ups in regime. That is why politics comes to picture. If those political leaders did not back these corrupted individuals we could get rid of them after their failure but why do you think they keep come back and recycle again? Have you ever thought about this?

              Just watch same Mayeli and kashani surfing somewhere else very soon and come back to TM or U23, U19 few year from now. They are connected to the network and get the job on a rotation but their mistake is that they think we forget about this after couple years.


                Can somebody explain me in a short summary how we lost 2-1 to Saudi Arabia U-23?

                And what are the consequences? Are we still qualified to the final qualifying stage?


                  I love how people who have never worked under this system or even lived there in ages keep projecting Western style management onto a haphazard and broken organization that is neck deep in corruption, neglect and mismanagement. For the tenth time, Assadi was NOT put there to do anything but exert pressure on CQ on Goodarzi's behalf. That's it. Nothing to do with any kind of "structure" or "performance evaluation" or other naive ideas.

                  This is a system where Kaffashian apparently can't even get a meeting with Goodarzi, and Goodarzi blocks funds for staff salaries and fixing the training pitch just to give the finger to the coach, and some here are dreaming of "performance evaluations" and other things not seen under that system in its entire existence


                    Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                    Can somebody explain me in a short summary how we lost 2-1 to Saudi Arabia U-23?

                    And what are the consequences? Are we still qualified to the final qualifying stage?
                    Basically all I can say is that we don't need to worry about our CBs once Hosseini and Montazeri retire because we have Moradmand.


                      Originally posted by xerexes View Post
                      I love how people who have never worked under this system or even lived there in ages keep projecting Western style management onto a haphazard and broken organization that is neck deep in corruption, neglect and mismanagement. For the tenth time, Assadi was NOT put there to do anything but exert pressure on CQ on Goodarzi's behalf. That's it. Nothing do with any kind of "structure" or "performance evaluation" or other naive ideas.

                      This is a system where Kaffashian apparently can't even get a meeting with Goodarzi, and Goodarzi blocks funds for staff salaries and fixing the training pitch just to give the finger to the coach, and some here are dreaming of "performance evaluations" and other things not seen under that system in its entire existence

                      great post


                        Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
                        inam az shahkarash

                        If that's not pathetic enough, just keep in mind THIS is the guy that one of the most vocal and stubborn "critics" of CQ here wants as his replacement!


                          Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
                          this moradband is an idiot..!!
                          WTF man
                          What did he do?


                            Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                            Can somebody explain me in a short summary how we lost 2-1 to Saudi Arabia U-23 ?

                            And what are the consequences? Are we still qualified to the final qualifying stage?
                            Two stupid goals that should have been avoided. The only goal we scored actually was a own goal, guy tried to clear it and kicked it in the goal.
                            Our defence was terrible. You could tell our defence was lacking confidence as their positioning was very wrong in many plays.

                            We have qualified as one of the best second placed teams. The group that havent played their games yet will not change our outcome so we have qualified for sure.


                              Onai ke edeaye mardoonegishon mishe bian ino beninan.

                              IFF and sport ministry should learn. They are ruining our football, our players, the joy of football, and happiness of our fans, and our respect.


                                to be fair we hit the post twice, but our style of play of horrific. there was no game plan whatsoever.

