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    Originally posted by xerexes View Post
    You wouldn't know fact from fiction if your life depended on it. Assadi was "elected" the same way Nabi and Ayatollahi (VP) were "resigned" from the federation... All to appease Goodarzi. The problem is you haven't been in that godforsaken country since you were 14 years old and you have no clue how things work in that system. In your typically naive/blowhard fashion you keep projecting Western concepts of management and organization onto an entity that is run on nothing but corruption, personal ego and ideological zealotry. To suggest what Assadi has been doing is some kind of 'performance evaluation' or even an attempt at such is downright laughable.

    Wait, so Shirazi wasn't "elected" to head Tehran's football commission?! You mean the election was rigged?!!

    What next?! Are you going to tell me that the election of the Rahbar by the majles-e khobregan is also rigged?! Or that AN's election was rigged too?!
    راه یکی است و آن راستی است


      what a typical iran loss to saudi. hit the post a couple times, horrendous error from last defender and saudi walks away with a win from tehran! yes typical unfortunately. our players seem to make all the wrong decisions when the going gets tough. even today we had plenty of good opportunities to tie but somehow players make the worst decision or the worst touch is the last touch. i really dont think we can blame khakpour for this, it is not his fault if the ball hits the post then our goalie and then goes in,it is not coach's fault when you hit the post twice,it is not coach's fault when you chest stop the ball for the attacker to tap in and it is not the coach's fault when the finishing touches are all poor. anyways we lost to saudi again lets hope we dont get them in the next round or any elimination rounds after that.


        Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
        I said no such thing. You said Asadi was put there by Goudarzi to exert pressure on CQ. I told you that he was elected by the IFF board, not appointed by Goudarzi. You changed your tune in a later post that he was put there to appease Goudarzi, which is a completely different reason than what you said originally. I did/do not disagree with the latter. If there's any intellectual dishonesty here, it's from you.
        Here we go again The man-child comes up short, so it's time to parse words and hide behind semantics to avoid admitting he's clueless. Einstein, Asadi was "elected" by IFF because he's the guy Goodarzi wanted in instead of Nabi who was not aligned with him. His "election" was a complete formality. He is there because Goodarzi wanted him there, and Nabi is gone because Goodarzi wanted him gone. Goodarzi forced these changes and Kaffashian appeased him by accepting. You're just hiding behind the term "election" like you always hide behind wordplay when you're flailing about. You have been called out about your stupid interpretation of Asadi's role not just by me, but by Offisde1, Rugs and Kami, just to name a few, so don't even pretend this is just me noticing this idiocy.

        You're obviously hearing voices in your head because I've never mentioned the phrase "national interests" or the word "objectivity" in relation to a performance evaluation.
        You're always so desperate to avoid admitting you're wrong I honestly feel bad for even bothering with your crap Amoo, when you were saying Asadi doesn't deserve "the hate" because he was there for "performance evaluation" and to "establish a clear chain of command that is needed in every organization", did you mean it was against national interests? What else did you mean akheh teflak? That it was to hurt team melli? Is that why you said he doesn't deserve the hatred and his addition is a good thing? The only thing you even faulted him for was being abrasive, not for his lack of objectivity in "evaluating" CQ or for being an obvious sock puppet for Goodarzi. Why do you think multiple members have called you out for this?

        Again, if you really are concerned about intellectual honesty, you may want to clean house first and stop constantly putting words in people's mouths, just to create conflicts on this forum.
        Calling out your incessant nonsense after months of holding back isn't about "creating conflicts". It's about not letting some BS'ing weirdo pass off his fantasies as facts by sheer repetition.

        And the guy who needs to worry about intellectual honesty is the guy who took one sentence about CQ preferring Australia to Korea, omitted the part mentioning Australia, and wrote loony essay after essay screaming about CQ trying to avoid big teams. It's the guy who can't argue without silly semantics. It's the guy who has half a million wacky posts between this and another forum trying to present himself as an expert on everything from philosophy and politics to football, history, astrology, squash, carpentry and Chinese ballet without knowing a damn thing about any of them. It's the guy who made up imaginary job titles for himself and became a running joke behind the scenes on a different site.... and just knowing this last part which is sad, weird and hilarious at the same time, how you have the nerve to think I'm buying this "honesty" tripe from you is downright insane jamesh kon binim baba.


          Saudis always ruin our new year holidays, this year being topped with 3 unfortunate losses, ughhhhhh


            Originally posted by xerexes View Post
            Here we go again The man-child comes up short, so it's time to parse words and hide behind semantics to avoid admitting he's clueless. Einstein, Asadi was "elected" by IFF because he's the guy Goodarzi wanted in instead of Nabi who was not aligned with him. His "election" was a complete formality. He is there because Goodarzi wanted him there, and Nabi is gone because Goodarzi wanted him gone. Goodarzi forced these changes and Kaffashian appeased him by accepting. You're just hiding behind the term "election" like you always hide behind wordplay when you're flailing about. You have been called out about your stupid interpretation of Asadi's role not just by me, but by Offisde1, Rugs and Kami, just to name a few, so don't even pretend this is just me noticing this idiocy.
            Constantly painting your responses with colorful adjectives does not make you any more right or intellectual than it made Chinaski. People who have a valid point to make will do so by the content of their posts.

            There's obviously a major issue here separating facts and speculation. It's a FACT that Asadi was elected by the IFF board. It is mere speculation that Goudarzi had any direct hand in this. This is NOT a matter of semantics.

            Government interference in the IFF is a serious matter which can lead to Iran being banned by FIFA, so I asked you for a source establishing this as a fact, rather than mere speculation. As usual, you treated that request as foshe khar madar instead of just providing a source.

            Originally posted by xerexes View Post
            You're always so desperate to avoid admitting you're wrong I honestly feel bad for even bothering with your crap Amoo, when you were saying Asadi doesn't deserve "the hate" because he was there for "performance evaluation" and to "establish a clear chain of command that is needed in every organization", did you mean it was against national interests? What else did you mean akheh teflak? That it was to hurt team melli? Is that why you said he doesn't deserve the hatred and his addition is a good thing? The only thing you even faulted him for was being abrasive, not for his lack of objectivity in "evaluating" CQ or for being an obvious sock puppet for Goodarzi. Why do you think multiple members have called you out for this?
            I never said Asadi doesn't deserve "the hate" and the fact that you are willing to go as far as putting quotations around it, just goes to show your level of intellectual dishonesty. These IResqe tactics of trying to silence different opinions is the very thing you are supposedly against, which is frankly hard to believe considering you've made it your mission on this board.

            I have not made a single statement that anything the IR does has anything to do with "objectivity" or "national interests" - quite the contrary. So connecting those issues which are completely unrelated to the FACTS about a chain of command and performance evaluation shows that you have not understood a word that I've said.

            That there is a chain of command and that a performance evaluation took place here is a FACT. The contents or methods of such evaluation are just speculation. Since you know the system so well, you think that such performance would have been about national interests and objectivity so you naturally relate that to my view.

            I on the other hand, don't know the system but know enough that a performance evaluation under the IR would have been something as simple as I got A and B paying X amount of dollars for it, why should I pay you 10 times X for the same thing. Or why would I pay 10 times X to have a loose canon running around when I can pay X and have someone who sucks up to me day and night.

            This is the difference between the two of us. I accept the way things are even if I don't agree with them because the world is not going to change to accommodate me. You absolutely refuse to accept things that you don't agree with. You think the world will change to accommodate your wants and needs, but it doesn't.

            The world is the way it is and refusing to accept that leads to this helplessness and hopelessness and constant anger that you have on display directed at other people who are just as uninfluential in the decision making process as you are. And their mere mention of certain facts and inevitabilities is not a sign of their approval of it.

            I can only hope you understand that going forward.


              Originally posted by hzv View Post
              what a typical iran loss to saudi. hit the post a couple times, horrendous error from last defender and saudi walks away with a win from tehran! yes typical unfortunately. our players seem to make all the wrong decisions when the going gets tough. even today we had plenty of good opportunities to tie but somehow players make the worst decision or the worst touch is the last touch. i really dont think we can blame khakpour for this, it is not his fault if the ball hits the post then our goalie and then goes in,it is not coach's fault when you hit the post twice,it is not coach's fault when you chest stop the ball for the attacker to tap in and it is not the coach's fault when the finishing touches are all poor. anyways we lost to saudi again lets hope we dont get them in the next round or any elimination rounds after that.
              so when is it the coaches fault ?
              “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


                When he is foreign.

