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    Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
    در راه المپیک نباید حریفی را دست کم بگیریم۰۱

    وظیفه من پوشیدن پیراهن مقدس ایران و جنگیدن برای سربلندی کشورم است

    خبرگزاری تسنیم: مهاجم تیم فوتبال امید کشورمان گفت: وظیفه من پوشیدن پیراهن مقدس ایران است و فرقی نمیکند در تیم امید باشم یا تیم ملی بزگسالان.

    So much for the arguments that Azmoun and JB won't have "angizeh" and will consider thesmelves too good to play in these games!

    Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
    Had many players got hired after olympics past editions?

    Seeing how few players we sent to Europe after two successful U17 WC, and let say correct WC and AC, I don't think olympics will make a big difference.
    The Olympics are basically the U-23 FIFA world cup and the 2nd most important intercontinental football tournament in the world. The 2012 Olympics had an average attendance of 47,660 per game, higher than or close to more than 3/4 of all the World Cups!!!

    In comparison, the average attendance for the 2014 World Cup was 53,592 (only 10% more than the 2010 Olympics) and for the 2013 U-20 World Cup it was 5,800 per match (less than 1/8th of the Olympics). The U-17 WC you talked about had an average attendance of 6,100 in 2013.


      Calm, collected, logical, polite and professional, Khakpour denies having ever told CQ that TM can have Azmoun & JB contrary to CQ's assertion - not that it wasn't obvious or needed any explanation:

      You guys can be down on our future and keep mentioning people like GN, but as far as I'm concerned people like Kahkpour, Mansourian, Hashemian and Khatibi are the future of football in Iran and that future looks anything but bleak compared to five or ten years ago.

      Khakpour may not have what Vingada had on his resume, but he has already put a more cohesive team together and achieved way better results than Vingada ever did. And it's not surprising that he has already earned the respect of a player like Sardar and I'm sure the situation will be similar with JB.

      Honestly, the inspiration and guidance these two can provide to other players in the camp, in terms of what they can and should be doing with their careers and the respect they will earn here as a result is worth 100 times more and is much longer lasting that what they would have accomplished in the TM camp.


        Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
        So much for the arguments that Azmoun and JB won't have "angizeh" and will consider thesmelves too good to play in these games!
        The Olympics are basically the U-23 FIFA world cup and the 2nd most important intercontinental football tournament in the world. The 2012 Olympics had an average attendance of 47,660 per game, higher than or close to more than 3/4 of all the World Cups!!!
        In comparison, the average attendance for the 2014 World Cup was 53,592 (only 10% more than the 2010 Olympics) and for the 2013 U-20 World Cup it was 5,800 per match (less than 1/8th of the Olympics). The U-17 WC you talked about had an average attendance of 6,100 in 2013.
        UAE Team that beat us this year was built on their 2012 Olympic team players including Omar Abdulrahman, Ali Mabkhout....
        Olympic is biggest Sport celebration .
        Indeed Olympic Committee ( Qmars H) is technically respolnsible for U22 Olympic team although IFF is doing the job. They are the one who has alot to say and they too sided with Khakpour.

        Case is not complicated .

        Both Khakpour and CQ requested both players. Although coaches do the calling, it's IFF that legally in charge of handeling this mathers.

        Case like this IFF decide where players play. IFF(Kafashian) long ago assigned that to IFF's Technical Commitee. TCC sided with Omid because of national interest.
        Asadi, and Kafashian sided with Omid, Olympic committee did the same.

        CQ has no saying in this but as Gudarzi said he sometimes act like a showman and confused his limit of authority.


          Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
          Calm, collected, logical, polite and professional, Khakpour denies having ever told CQ that TM can have Azmoun & JB contrary to CQ's assertion - not that it wasn't obvious or needed any explanation:

          You guys can be down on our future and keep mentioning people like GN, but as far as I'm concerned people like Kahkpour, Mansourian, Hashemian and Khatibi are the future of football in Iran and that future looks anything but bleak compared to five or ten years ago.

          Khakpour may not have what Vingada had on his resume, but he has already put a more cohesive team together and achieved way better results than Vingada ever did. And it's not surprising that he has already earned the respect of a player like Sardar and I'm sure the situation will be similar with JB.

          Honestly, the inspiration and guidance these two can provide to other players in the camp, in terms of what they can and should be doing with their careers and the respect they will earn here as a result is worth 100 times more and is much longer lasting that what they would have accomplished in the TM camp.
          I hope all the plastic fans read this.


            So now that both Azmoun and JB are with team omid , who did TM take as replacments ?.. Did we not replace those players ? Didn't see any news on the topic . There is always news from osasuna that Javad is till somewhat injured. So we lost two of our young promosing players and maybe even our captain ? Hmm would like
            Clarification if anyone can help with that


              ^True St Mark do you have any information? Who will replace JB and SA?


                Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
                UAE Team that beat us this year was built on their 2012 Olympic team players including Omar Abdulrahman, Ali Mabkhout....
                Olympic is biggest Sport celebration .
                Indeed Olympic Committee ( Qmars H) is technically respolnsible for U22 Olympic team although IFF is doing the job. They are the one who has alot to say and they too sided with Khakpour.

                Case is not complicated .

                Both Khakpour and CQ requested both players. Although coaches do the calling, it's IFF that legally in charge of handeling this mathers.

                Case like this IFF decide where players play. IFF(Kafashian) long ago assigned that to IFF's Technical Commitee. TCC sided with Omid because of national interest.
                Asadi, and Kafashian sided with Omid, Olympic committee did the same.

                CQ has no saying in this but as Gudarzi said he sometimes act like a showman and confused his limit of authority.
                We never lost to UAE
                Bookmark the PFDC Calendar for TM & WCQ games
                [Click on a game to see detailed description including time]
                Villa + Messi =


                  Originally posted by shayan_esteghlali View Post
                  We never lost to UAE
                  You are correct.
                  What i wanted to say , they advance higher than us. I made mistake.


                    کفاشیان: کی روش اصرار دارد به تیم دیگری برود

                    رییس فدراسیون فوتبال گفت:سرمربی تیم ملی به جدایی اصرار دارد و تیم دیگری را مدنظر قرار داده است.

                    به گزارش "ورزش سه" و به نقل از ایسنا،

                    علی کفاشیان با اشاره به مشکل ممنوع الخروجی کی روش و رفع این مشکل، اظهارکرد:

                    فدراسیون پس از قطعی شدن مالیات موظف بود این مبلغ را پرداخت کند. هرکاری کردیم که بدون دغدغه این مشکل حل شود، متاسفانه این اتفاق نیفتاد. به هر حال تلاش های خود را ادامه دادیم تا کی روش به جمع ملی پوشان بپیوندد و مشکل مالیاتی را رفع کنیم.

                    وی در پاسخ به اینکه
                    آیا کی روش کماکان سرمربی تیم ملی است یا خیر؟ گفت:

                    تصمیم گیری در مورد کی روش برعهده کمیته فنی فدراسیون فوتبال است که ریاست آن برعهده من است. سرمربی تیم ملی از حدود یک و نیم ماه پیش نارضایتی هایی داشت و از مسائل پیش آمده ناراحت بود، اما طی آخرین مذاکره اصرار کرد که بعد از دو بازی پیش روی تیم ملی از این تیم جدا می شود.

                    رییس فدراسیون فوتبال با بیان اینکه
                    نمی توان به زور کی روش را در تیم ملی نگه داشت، اظهارکرد:

                    فدراسیون از عملکرد کی روش رضایت داشت و به همین دلیل هم قصد تمدید قرارداد او را داشتیم، اما کی روش اصرار دارد که از تیم ملی جدا شود و حدود 95 درصد هم تصمیمش را گرفته است.

                    کفاشیان در مورد اینکه
                    آیا فدراسیون تمایلی به ادامه همکاری کی روش نداشت یا خود او راغب به ادامه کار در تیم ملی نبود؟ گفت:

                    اگر فدراسیون تمایلی به این کار نداشت بعد از جام ملت های آسیا قراردادی چهار ساله امضاء نمی کرد، کی روش پس از جام ملت ها نارضایتی هایی دارد. فدراسیون مایل به ادامه همکاری است ولی کی روش تمایلی به ادامه کار ندارد. برای ما سخت است که پس از چهار سال همکاری با کی روش که از فوتبال ایران شناخت کافی به دست آورده است به دنبال مربی داخلی یا خارجی دیگری برویم، آن هم زمانی که در آستانه رقابت های انتخابی جام جهانی قرار داریم.

                    وی افزود: امیدوارم کی روش نظرش را پس از بازگشت تیم ملی از اردوی اتریش و سوئد تغییر دهد و فدراسیون آماده همکاری با اوست.

                    رییس فدراسیون فوتبال در پاسخ به اینکه
                    آیا کی روش استعفای کتبی داده یا خیر و اینکه اعلام کرده از فدراسیون خسارتی نمی گیرد، تصریح کرد:

                    خیر استعفای کتبی داده نشده است و کی روش درخواست کرده با یک تفاهم دوجانبه جدایی انجام شود.
                    اگر بحث خسارتی هم در پیش باشد این سرمربی تیم ملی است که باید خسارت بدهد. ما در این تفاهم می خواهیم موضوع خسارت را رفع کنیم چراکه اگر یک مربی بخواهد به کار خود ادامه دهد باید با تمام وجود کارش را دنبال کند و من الان این روحیه را در کی روش نمیبینم.



                      Both IFF and CQ are playing stupid games with us, I hate this drama that BOTH parties have created. If IFF was not so incompetent and timid CQ would never dare play the role of the spoiled child. It looks like CQ is gone and he already has another contract waiting for him , most probably in English Football. At least over their he has the tools and the resources to implement his plans...


                        Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
                        Calm, collected, logical, polite and professional, Khakpour denies having ever told CQ that TM can have Azmoun & JB
                        And that's exactly the problem, it's the TM coach allowing them to join the youth team, not the other way round.

                        Well, after Khakpour gloriously winning an Olympic medal for Iran, I will have to apologize. Lol.


                          Originally posted by Z Joon View Post
                          ^True St Mark do you have any information? Who will replace JB and SA?
                          There are 13 + 9.
                          No news of any addition so far.
                          It is a great opportunity to add two new young players just for experience even if they don't play.
                          For CQ these two games are important....
                          He was so furious his record was compared to Branko....


                            Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                            And that's exactly the problem, it's the TM coach allowing them to join the youth team, not the other way round.

                            Well, after Khakpour gloriously winning an Olympic medal for Iran, I will have to apologize. Lol.
                            Not true.
                            Ultimate authority is Federation not any coach.
                            As for WC. Last time Iran with CQ ranked 4th in group of 4.
                            No apology needed.


                              Well, seeing Azmoun smiling there shows he is not upset about missing those two friendlies and he rather help the omid team qualify to Olympics after 40+ years! However, seeing Mayeli Goh An, makes me puke. That Mofo should be in prison.
                              Our national interest > CQ.

                              Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
                              IR and IFF supporters are simply pathetic. They do whatever to diverge people attentions from sport ministry and IFF mess and their wide open amateurish behavior and mismanagement. It is now that we can accuse them with full proof and bring them down not sometime later when they deal with each others behind the scene and lie to us on TV. Now that they are divided and got caught with dirty hands on spot light they are pointing at each others and revealing more stories! That is why they did it in eid to get less people attention but it back fired at them. Now is the time to focus on this not later. I hope some realize the significant of this and does not let Regime sympathizer and online supporters take this moment from us.
                              Dada, mikhai sare in ghazie berim enghelab konim? lol


                                Originally posted by saadat_abad View Post
                                So now that both Azmoun and JB are with team omid , who did TM take as replacments ?.. Did we not replace those players ? Didn't see any news on the topic . There is always news from osasuna that Javad is till somewhat injured. So we lost two of our young promosing players and maybe even our captain ? Hmm would like
                                Clarification if anyone can help with that
                                I've been asking the same question for 2 days and haven't found any answers anywhere, even on any news sites. All I know is that there were 13 players in the 1st TM practice.

                                That's exactly the number of IPL players that were on the squad and I'm assuming the Gulf players (Gucci, Hosseini, Montazeri, Ashkan, Masoud), PAG, Nekou, Karim and Haghighi will be travelling straight to Austria.

                                So, it doesn't look like there are any replacements at the moment!

