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    Group C standings before our final game against saudi arabia

    we will play them on 31


      N.E.C. posted about the game and the fact that Jahanbakhsh was our captain and scored once and gave two assists on their FB


        Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
        Meanwhile in IFF! They won

        which one is you!
        just about the only thing this trash in our society is good at. Ofcourse I don't think they are Iranian :-) either pakistani or Afghani

        from the comment section:

        "What's so funny? Its Paki nuclear scientists having their weekly team meeting."
        “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


          کد خبر: 1231348 زمان: 1394/01/09 20:58 تعداد بازدید: 20,588

          نظر جهانبخش و آزمون درباره تیم المپیک ایران

          لژيونرهاي تيم فوتبال المپيک ايران با مطلوب توصيف کردن شرايط اين تيم، اعلام کردند که تمام تلاش خود را براي رسيدن اين تيم به ريو انجام مي دهند.

          به گزارش "ورزش سه" و به نقل از ایرنا، تیم فوتبال زیر 23 سال ایران عصر امروز (یکشنبه) با 6 گل افغانستان را شکست داد تا با 9 امتیاز صدرنشین گروه سوم مرحله مقدماتی بازیهای المپیک 2016 لقب بگیرد.

          علیرضا جهانبخش در مورد عملکرد تیم المپیک کشورمان در 3 بازی اخیر گفت: از روز نخست به دنبال این بودیم تا کار خود را با قدرت آغاز کنیم.

          وی افزود: برای هر بازی برنامه خاص خودش را داریم تا بتوانیم به سالها انتظار فوتبال ایران برای رسیدن به بازیهای المپیک پایان دهیم.

          جهانبخش گفت: تمام تلاشم کمک کردن به تیم امید است و فرقی نمی کند در بازیهای مختلف چه مدتی در میدان حضور داشته باشم.

          وی در مورد استقبال عجیب هواداران افغانستان از بازی امروز با ایران گفت: باور کنید زمانی که وارد زمین ورزشگاه آزادی شدیم فکر کردم که میهمان هستیم.

          همچنین سردار آزمون مهاجم گلزن تیم امید ایران نیز گفت: معتقدم که افغانستان تیم قدرتمندی بود که امروز با عملکردی مناسب توانستیم به برتری پرگل دست یابیم.

          وی افزود: گمان می برم فوتبال این کشور به زودی در قاره کهن دارای جایگاه ویژه ای شود و حریفان را دچار مشکل کند.

          آزمون در خصوص اینکه از غیبت در دیدار تیم ملی بزرگسالان ایران با سوئد عنوان کرد: خواهش می کنم با این سوالات فوتبال ایران را وارد حاشیه نکنید چرا که هدف تمامی فوتبالیست ها کمک به تیم های ملی است.


            Sardar just proved that he is not only a good player but also a brilliant guy handling hashieh saazhaa raa. A lot smarter than many others


              Originally posted by Leopard View Post
              Sardar just proved that he is not only a good player but also a brilliant guy handling hashieh saazhaa raa. A lot smarter than many others
              His father thought him to be honest and if you have watch his early interviews with 90 back in 2013 you can see he has been in Sepahan and they treated him really bad, so from an early age he saw the dark side of IPL and his father decided and he did not want his son to play in a rather unhealthy environment and sent him to Russia to grow to something special. He said he was not for large buck (money) and he wanted to develop to something better, so he chose Rubin Kazan that didn't offer him high salary but opportunity to play in Europa league! He is smart, guess pure, and talented. We need more players like him. If Sadeghian could act like him then we would have another Ali Karimi in our team.

              This is part of the interview but still.


                Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
                If Sadeghian could act like him then we would have another Ali Karimi in our team.
                We would have another great player in our team, but there is no such thing as another Ali Karimi.


                  Originally posted by Camran khan View Post
                  We would have another great player in our team, but there is no such thing as another Ali Karimi.
                  I am a great Ak8 fan myself. I still remember his first match for TM and as soon as I saw him, I swear I said this is my most favorite player ever and that happen until now (I was a kid back then). But to be fair AK came out of our goal kouchik, zamin khaki and IPL not from Mars. We can still produce players like him, we just need to believe in that.

                  My favorite players have been always 1.Ali Karimi, 2. Ryan Giggs, 3 Karim Bagheri


                    We have many good players that could develop to be like karimi or Azizi. The coaches need to be great and recognize them and raise them as trees. I would probably find Derakhshan to be boring coach and would try to do my own practice. If Sadeghian works with CQ , then he will be fixed in 6 months.
                    without respect for the boss on football field or at work you can be disobedient when you know you are better and you are not learning anything from the coach.
                    Taromi, Sharifat, Abedini, are all great and it is amazing the size of the pool to choose great players from. Any of these guys could become star. we cannot be pessimistic about it.


                      One burnt and waste talent that we could use along Karimi to produce a lot better result was Mojahed Khaziravi. The poor lad was caught in a ... khone and his career went down to dust bin.

                      If Mojahed did not have that problem I think he could surpass Farhad Majidi in Esteghlal so easy.


                        iran's group has 5 teams, other groups have 4 teams, so how do they adjust for the 2nd place finish!!
                        IRI = FAILED


                          Originally posted by persian-eagle-13 View Post
                          iran's group has 5 teams, other groups have 4 teams, so how do they adjust for the 2nd place finish!!
                          They don't count the results with the worst team in the group, so in our case the result agains nepal won't be counted
                          Bookmark the PFDC Calendar for TM & WCQ games
                          [Click on a game to see detailed description including time]
                          Villa + Messi =


                            Originally posted by persian-eagle-13 View Post
                            iran's group has 5 teams, other groups have 4 teams, so how do they adjust for the 2nd place finish!!
                            Mentioned several times in the thread: they drop all the results against bottom placed teams in Groups of 5, so that every group has 4 teams for comparison of best 2nd placed teams.

                            So for all intents and purposes, Iran has 6 points from 2 games (against Palestine and Afghanistan) right now. Because of the seeding and the huge gap between good and bad teams, groups of 4 had a serious advantage over groups of 5 in this competition, which is the problem we were facing going into it and why we couldn't take any chances.

                            We're still not clear (after 3 wins), Iraq could be out with a single loss to Oman (despite 3 wins) in their last game and the Saudis are out with a tie or loss, while teams like Indonesia and Yemen could go through even with a low margin loss in their last games and only two wins!


                              Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
                              One burnt and waste talent that we could use along Karimi to produce a lot better result was Mojahed Khaziravi. The poor lad was caught in a ... khone and his career went down to dust bin.

                              If Mojahed did not have that problem I think he could surpass Farhad Majidi in Esteghlal so easy.
                              1. When Khaziravi was in the JeXXXH KHONE and get cought by the police! was nikbakht with him??? if so why has niki been free all the time???

                              2. why cant iran legal the JeXXXH KHONEs, turkey and isreal have it why not our country???? stupid mullahs


                                Originally posted by marand92 View Post
                                Plenty of Iranians wouldnt mind Afghanistan to score a meaningless consolitation goal, cmon 80,000 Afghans came to see their team in a cold afternoon, most of them have shit jobs and barely make enough money to send home..

                                I have to say, the English speaking Iranians on PFDC seem to be more nationalist and less sympathetic to Afghans in general than the people in Iran, if you can read Persian (no offence if you cannot btw) go and read the comments on Footbalitarin. many said that we should have taken it easier on them, someone pointed out that Arabs would never 6-0 each other, which is true.

                                Lastly dadash, Team Melli means 'National Team' in Persian. So therefore 3 countries on earth have the right to call their National Team 'Team Melli'. 'be eeno on nadeh' is like an American saying to an English guy, don't call Gerrard a legend, because we call Donavan a legend.
                                90% of those people live abroad. If you want to gauge the inside iran fans go here:

                                or here


