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Friendly: Iran - Chile [26-03-2015]; Date, Times, Info, Updates and Live Reports

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    Whose this idiot on IRIB whose saying that Rahmati and Khalatbari are currently missed in Team Melli? This same idiot was talking about the injection of youth 2 minutes ago.


      Originally posted by Ali.Karimi79 View Post
      Stop it already dude.

      You can disagree with the most of us fine but stop acting like he is owning Chile on his own and the rest here is blind.
      He had a big blunder right at the start in second 20 ffs and fucked up 3 chances on himself.

      He did some passes here and then but guess what, it's fucking job to do so.
      His activeness on the field?! ..... dude please. Everyone is active on the field.
      If Ashkan would have wasted those 3 chances i would critisize him too.
      And as said, Gucci is very weak too.
      Masoud Shojaei will score in the second half and you would criticize the way he scored


        This just in. The Austrian International Airport has seized a double decker bus belonging to CQ in its customs - its release pending his halftime decision!

        Fact: Chilean players clearly so superior to Iranian players both technically and tactically. The first half of this match is an anomaly resultant of the missing double decker bus.


          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
          As much as I am surprisingly impressed with the newcomer Amir, who's playing his first game against a top team, shojaei has been no surprise. If you took a pile of crap that's been left in the sun for a week, it'd still stink less than this shojaei who's ONCE AGAIN & FOR THE 1000th tome proving he doesn't belong to TM anymore. He's slow in movement and slower in decisions. He's also doing his usual turn overs. And his shots are even weaker than before.
          He's so bad that poor Ashkan is forced to cover his side as well as shojaei's in the middle!!
          the day shojaei retires from TM is going to be a milestone.

          Haghighi had a fantastic save that may actually decide the game for us.

          The defense is doing well and except a few occasions, they have taken care of the business near our box.

          Ando & Nekounam are also doing well.
          Amiri is a live wire and that makes me very happy. Seems to have settled at TM.

          RGN also is doing his usual combative performance. Chasing after anything and tangling with everyone. Fantastic player.
          But the best has been Ashkan, who's ruling the pitch.
          I don't agree with your assessment of Masoud (which I believe is highly bias). However, I agree with the rest of your analysis. Glad to see someone else is seeing RGN's quality in this team.


            Guys who would win in a 100m race between Gucci and Mertesacker? Any bets?


              Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
              Masoud Shojaei will score in the second half and you would criticize the way he scored
              Nope. I would be happy for us and him.
              IRI's politics is no different than handling a pressure cooker ..... As the pressure builds up, you slowly let the steam out just a tad bit so that you don't see overflow, and once the pressure from below is less, you put the lid down again and raise the temperature.


                Originally posted by ShirFarhad View Post
                Great performance so far. Let's hope for a miracle and that CQ stays. While I disagree with him on the Azmoun and JB issue, he should stay as a TM coach forever.

                Gucci is making the most out of it. He has always been a very hard worker and a great finisher, but his overall skills are just not at the same level as Azmoun.
                Nice to make an appearance Shir
                Long Live 3 Rang'e Iran


                  alexi sanchez warming up


                    Originally posted by TheBoss View Post
                    damn people are ignorant as hell on twitter, some are saying i didn't even know iran had a football team. Bitc* which team almost beat Argentina in the last world cup?
                    they can eat my AN!!!


                      dameh Javaad garm, i these are to be his final two games, then what a way to go...!!

                      i think he still has another year or so in him, we shouldnt let him retire, but demote him to bench in unimportant games and player-coaching position


                        Originally posted by K. Nader View Post
                        I don't agree with your assessment of Masoud (which I believe is highly bias). However, I agree with the rest of your analysis. Glad to see someone else is seeing RGN's quality in this team.
                        I also see and appreciate how much fighting spirit Gucci has in him, but I can't be the only one noticing that he is not as quick as before?

                        Still done good on chasing the ball and winning fouls though!


                          Outstanding first half, but second half Chile is going to come out swinging...
                          Will be tough to keep this up.


                            Originally posted by ashkan24 View Post
                            This just in. The Austrian International Airport has seized a double decker bus belonging to CQ in its customs - its release pending his halftime decision!

                            Fact: Chilean players clearly so superior to Iranian players both technically and tactically. The first half of this match is an anomaly resultant of the missing double decker bus.
                            iran played much better, but second half is the real test, lets see what happen


                              Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                              Once again the Masoud bashers come out to bash Shojaei for one blocked shot. How dares he to miss, if it was not up to Shojaei we would be up 10-0 right now.

                              But lets forget his good passes, interceptions, crosses and activeness on the field he just showed.

                              Marg bar Masoud
                              Come on be fair. he didn't play that well but was not awful too. He is not a finisher, so he should pass the ball instead of wasting the forstat!


                                looool I just heard an Iranian guy in the stadium shouting: "vaaaay, yaro dareh garm mikoneh" refering to Vidal and Sanchez

