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AFC Champions League 2015

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    Originally posted by Ghermez Agha View Post
    There's so many things wrong with this I don't know where to begin...

    In case you have not followed the PGL all year:

    - PP not only finished 8th in the league
    - also went through three different coaches this season and was just three points above relegation at one point.
    - was drawn into the hardest group in the ACL with zero expectations (rightfully so).
    - managed to make it out of their group and exceed expectations tremendously.

    Extremely ignorant to compare such a team to the reigning runner ups of the ACL and KSA league to a struggling Persepolis.

    The only thing you got right in your post is that you are an IPL basher.....that was made pretty evident in the later part of your post.
    As always, gol gofti.
    Originally posted by Shah Abbas View Post
    We had the game from the 70th minute onwards, why not bring on a striker or a midfielder? Why make your first sub in the 88th minute? Alipour didn't even get a touch! I'm destroying Branko today on my Facebook page...


      Originally posted by Camran khan View Post
      As always, gol gofti.


        Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
        Huh? What's confusing?

        And people need to calm down on Branko, first of all, he isn't no CQ, he will not turn our team upside down, har chi pool bedi, hamoon ghadr ash mikhori.
        Secondly, you should judge him after the end of next season, it is way to soon for that now.

        Remember CQ didn't manage to put TM up to good performances until right before the world cup, it takes time.


          Alright boys, that's enough moping... time for some more comical relief... It's time for funny Branko bashing!!! Thanks to Shah-Abbas for starting it:

          Branko after he heard how much it would cost to use the gym...

          What he was going when his players were running around the hotel...

          After he found out that a 3-0 loss was not enough to see them through...

          On his way to the airport to get fingered, I mean finger-printed again


            Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
            Alright boys, that's enough moping... time for some more comical relief... It's time for funny Branko bashing!!! Thanks to Shah-Abbas for starting it:

            On his way to the airport to get fingered, I mean finger-printed again


              Originally posted by Camran khan View Post
              Huh? What's confusing?

              And people need to calm down on Branko, first of all, he isn't no CQ, he will not turn our team upside down, har chi pool bedi, hamoon ghadr ash mikhori.
              Secondly, you should judge him after the end of next season, it is way to soon for that now.

              Remember CQ didn't manage to put TM up to good performances until right before the world cup, it takes time.

              Let Branko sign the players he wants and throughly shake up the existing team. One of the reasons Branko did not do any subs earlier in the game was due to the significant gap in quality between the top 11 and the bench. Its a limited squad that actually went against the odds and made some progress in ACL contrary to Tracktor Sazi and Foolad.


                Originally posted by View Post
                It was like PP were prepared to lose. They did not even put on a fight.

                Credit to Derakhshan for taking this team so far, I know most of you question his coaching abilities and so do I but at least he was NOT sitting on the bench like a nonchalant figure ("I dont care attitute") waiting for the 90 minutes to end so he can go home as a loser.

                So what if they have 7 international players, should I throw myself in the wall because of that?! some gheyrat please
                Kicking Nilson, M.Hosseini, Reza Haghighi out, benching Abbaszadeh, buying overweight Tadeu, Khaleghifar, Jafarpour, Alipour, Mirdoraghi and otooban defender Hatami, constantly playing Norouzi is not what I would take credit for. but ok


                  This is for Al-Hilal's 12th player: Babak Hatami.


                    This one is NOT a joke guys, it actually happened:

                    They asked Branko in the post match conference why PP's left and right flanks were so weak, he said "it's because I knew Al-Hilal well and I knew were they were going to attack from"!!!

                    He went on to say that "just like the home game, we had a lot of problems, but the main problem arose when we didn't respond to their goals - we reacted late"!!!

                    WOW. No shit Sherlock!!!


                      PP needs an overhaul. same with SS.
                      IRI = FAILED


                        In Naft I trust.
                        Proud 2b part of #TrotsRabbleDogs as a working class dog, Oz Corbynite & jaded republican.

                        "I'll always walk around like a Persian popinjay, and no one's gonna stop me, honey!"―Freddie Mercury.


                          Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
                          This one is NOT a joke guys, it actually happened:

                          They asked CQ in the post match conference why PP's left and right flanks were so weak, he said "it's because I knew Al-Hilal well and I knew were they were going to attack from"!!!

                          He went on to say that "just like the home game, we had a lot of problems, but the main problem arose when we didn't respond to their goals - we reacted late"!!!

                          WOW. No shit Sherlock!!!

                          Are you sure you know how to read Persian??
                          راه یکی است و آن راستی است


                            AFTER LOOSING 3-0 to AL-GOOZ



                              Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
                              This one is NOT a joke guys, it actually happened:

                              They asked CQ in the post match conference why PP's left and right flanks were so weak, he said "it's because I knew Al-Hilal well and I knew were they were going to attack from"!!!

                              He went on to say that "just like the home game, we had a lot of problems, but the main problem arose when we didn't respond to their goals - we reacted late"!!!

                              WOW. No shit Sherlock!!!

                              CQ? You mean Branko? I was like why would CQ talk about PP lol


                                NAFT will avenge Persepolis for Iran!

