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Khatibi Fired!!!

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    Khatibi Fired!!!

    On of the dumbest things I've heard in a while - a young and talented coach with a lot of future potential getting cut down at the prime of his career.

    He was in charge of Tractor for half a season and for most of that time (almost 50%) his team was on top of the table and still leading the league in scoring! What's the justification for such a dumb decision?!

    I really hope CQ picks him to be his Iranian assistant for TM - it would be a great combination with Khatibi;s offensive mind set.

    From Varzesh 3...

    رسول خطیبی برکنار شد!

    رسول خطيبي سرمربي تراکتورسازي از سمت خود برکنار شد.

    به گزارش "ورزش سه"، رسول خطیبی بعد از باخت به پدیده توسط اعضای هیات مدیره برکنار شد. دیروز عباسی مدیرعامل جدید تراکتور مصاحبه ای علیه او انجام داده بود و فقط یک روز به او فرصت داده بود تا در جلسه با هیات مدیره از نتایجش دفاع کند. او امروز هم تیم را تمرین داد و حتی بازیکنان را ممنوع المصاحبه کرد اما دقایقی پیش خبر رسید که خطیبی برکنار شده و ظاهرا این تصمیم در تهران گرفته شده است.

    خطیبی با عباسی مدیرعامل جدید تراکتورسازی و یکی از نزدیکان او اختلاف شدیدی داشت. خطیبی که با شروعی خوب در لیگ برتر تراکتور را به صدر جدول لیگ رسانده بود، در هفته های گذشته صدر را از دست داد اما شاید اتخاذ این تصمیم کمی زودتر از حد معمول رخ داد. خطیبی که یک مربی بومی و جوان محسوب می شود تراکتور را جوان کرد و کارنامه خوبی از خود به جای گذاشت.

    Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
    I really hope CQ picks him to be his Iranian assistant for TM - it would be a great combination with Khatibi;s offensive mind set.
    Yes, please let it happen! Also god please make Enayati retire and enter coaching, and he too will hopefully become CQ's assistant, imagine having the Enayati-Khatibi duo in TM again


      there are a lot of players who were decent, but never superstars, who end up being really great coaches. khatibi seems to be in this style. hope he gets another job soon.


        Originally posted by Camran khan View Post
        Yes, please let it happen! Also god please make Enayati retire and enter coaching, and he too will hopefully become CQ's assistant, imagine having the Enayati-Khatibi duo in TM again
        Don't know if you're being sarcastic bro, but Khatibi's career as a coach has been pretty impressive if you look at his achievements:

        Machine-sazi: As a player coach he brought them very close to promoting to IPL for the 1st time. They missed out on goal difference, but that was by far the club's best finish in a decade (3rd place). The season after Khatibi left, they finished 14th and were relegated to 2nd division!

        Gostaresh: He promoted Gostaresh to IPL for the 1st time in their history! The next year under him, they moved as high as 6th place in the IPL for some weeks - the highest position they have ever reached!

        Tractor: Tractor spent 8 consecutive weeks on top of the IPL table under him and 15 out of 19 weeks in the top 3!!! That was BY FAR, the club's best record - the previous record was leading the table for 2 weeks.

        He also spent a lot of time playing in Arab leagues as a player so he could be very helpful both tactically and psychologically. He's also one of very few Iranians who got any playing time, albeit small, in the top flight of one of the world's top 3 leagues.


          Khatibi and Golmohammadi have performed well without extensive coaching education and licenses.


            Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
            Don't know if you're being sarcastic bro, but Khatibi's career as a coach has been pretty impressive if you look at this achievements:

            Machine-sazi: As a player coach he brought them very close to promoting to IPL for the 1st time. They missed out on goal difference, but that was by far the club's best finish in a decade (3rd place). The season after Khatibi left, they finished 14th and were relegated to 2nd division!

            Gostaresh: He promoted Gostaresh to IPL for the 1st time in their history! The next year under him, they moved as high as 6th place in the IPL for some weeks - the highest position they have ever reached!

            Tractor: Tractor spent 8 consecutive weeks on top of the IPL table under him and 15 out of 19 weeks in the top 3!!! That was BY FAR, the club's best record - the previous record was leading the table for 2 weeks.

            He also spent a lot of time playing in Arab leagues as a player so he could be very helpful both tactically and psychologically. He's also one of very few Iranians who got any playing time, albeit small, in the top flight of one of the world's top 3 leagues.
            Yes aziz, I was being sarcastic, and I wasn't necessearly making fun of Khatibi's coaching record, as you mentioned it has been pretty impressive, but rather just bringing up old memories and having a luagh at the our striking duo back in the day


              It will be a good place for Daei or Bagheri.


                Got to be fuc*** kidding me.......... What's the reason for him being fired?
                Team Melli - Traxtor - Barcelona


                  At times he looked like a bad coach like the instances with lak and delir but at times he also looked good getting tractor to the top of the table. I dont really care about how they do in the ipl but hopefully this doesnt negatively effect their acl performance since they looked like a good team.


                    Wow that's a terrible decision. I wouldn't mind him or Mansourian becoming TM assistant coach


                      there is something wrong with the leaders of tiraxtor. every time its going good for tiraxtor and they have a good coach they kick him out


                        We were all waiting for Derakhshan to be fired and they fire Kathibi? So what real madrid now has to fire Ancelotti after their loss last night? Khatibi is a good coach and they should have kept him.

                        Derakhshan is the one that I want to be fired the most right now.


                          Originally posted by amingp3 View Post
                          Derakhshan is the one that I want to be fired the most right now.
                          Ironically, Khordbin said earlier today that Derakhshan will even be the coach of PP next year!!!

                          Originally posted by ali alipour View Post
                          but hopefully this doesnt negatively effect their acl performance since they looked like a good team.

                          This is what I'm worried about. The timing is just terrible wit Tractor's 1st game just over 2 weeks away!


                            Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
                            Ironically, Khordbin said earlier today that Derakhshan will even be the coach of PP next year!!!
                            Yep I heard he has given a 2 year plan to destroy Perspolis. I'm all up for supporting and keeping a coach if he has the knowledge and needs time. But Derakhshan has been fired left and right from different teams and he hasn't achieved anything.


                              disgraceful from tractor. why do they do this every season after they lose 2-3 matches?

