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    At least there's a lot of Iroonis there, gonna make TM feel like playing at home again.


      UAE will use this tournament to show that they are able to host the confederations cup and they will do just that, wait and see...


        Who says UAE will let all these masses of Iranians in? I heard they can get really tough when it comes down to giving visas.

        To give you an idea of how dirty a country like UAE is, go back and read the story of our member metallica69. He got deported from the UAE after living there for over 20 years and is now separated from his children and wife.

        I can't understand how Iranians can support such a thing like an AC 2019 in UAE.


          Can't say he's wrong.

          رییس کنفدراسیون فوتبال آسیا پس از انتخاب امارات به عنوان میزبان جام ملت*های آسیا 2019 تاکید کرد که امارات به مراتب امکانات و تجهیزات بهتری برای میربانی این رقابت*ها از سایر رقبایش داشته است.

          به گزارش ایسنا، شیخ سلمان پس از جلسه کمیته اجرایی کنفدراسیون فوتبال آسیا در بحرین که منجر به انتحاب امارات به عنوان میربان جام ملت*های 2019 آسیا شد در جمع خبرنگاران حاضر شد و به سوالات آنها پاسخ داد، او در حالی که با رییس فدراسیون امارات مقابل خبرنگاران رسانه*های گروهی حاضر شده بود، گفت: کمیته اجرایی AFC زیر ساخت*ها و تدابیر و مساله اسکان امارات برای میزبانی رقابت*های جام ملت*های آسیا را مورد بررسی قرار داد. هر کشوری می*تواند خواهان میزبانی این رقابت*ها باشد اما با توجه به اینکه در جام ملت*های آسیا 2019 تعداد تیم*ها حاضر بین 16 تا 24 تیم است یقینا امارات با توجه به امکانات بسیاری که دارد شرایط بهتری برای میزبانی دارد.

          وی ادامه داد: امکانات امارات مساله*ای مثبتی برای میزبانی است. مسائل بسیاری در اعطای یک میزبانی مطرح است که همکاران ما در کمیته اجرایی AFC آنها را مورد بررسی قرار دادند. دلایلی وجود داشت که ممکن بود اتخاذ تصمیم را کمی دشوار می*کرد اما باید واقع گرا باشیم، امکانات کشور امارات طبیعتا بیشتر از سایر کشورهای رقیب است.

          شیخ سلمان تاکید کرد: می*خواهیم این جام آسیایی موفق*تر برگزار شود و تمامی استاندارها را رعایت کنیم و رعایت تمامی استاندارها یک چالشی برای ما بوده است. می*خواهیم که جام ملت*های آسیا 2019 بهتر از جام پیشین باشد. ما مساله جام ملت*های آسیا را مورد بررسی قرار دادیم و اصلاحات لازم صورت گرفت. فدراسیون آسیا تمامی حمایت و پشتیبانی را به اعضای کمیته اجرایی ارائه می*دهد و ما همچون یک خانواده هستیم و روحیه توافق داریم، ما خواهان همکاری همگان هستیم تا الگویی برای سایر قاره*ها شویم.

          وی در پاسخ به سوال خبرنگاری درباره*ی کاندیداتوری ایران برای میزبانی این رقابت*ها و اینکه آیا ایران انصراف داده است ادامه داد: ما درباره انصراف ایران صحبت نکردیم، ما معتقدیم که دوستان ما در کمیته اجرایی AFC نکات مختلف را مورد بررسی قرار دادند، در مورد تدابیری همچون ویزاها و مساله اسکان و استادیوم*ها صحبت کردیم و تصمیم گیری در مورد این پرونده در اختیار کنفدراسیون آسیاست که در نهایت نیز تصمیم خود را گرفت.
          Support Iran until the end




              Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
              Who says UAE will let all these masses of Iranians in? I heard they can get really tough when it comes down to giving visas.

              To give you an idea of how dirty a country like UAE is, go back and read the story of our member metallica69. He got deported from the UAE after living there for over 20 years and is now separated from his children and wife.

              I can't understand how Iranians can support such a thing like an AC 2019 in UAE.

              Why do you talk about something with blind hatred?

              I've lived in the UAE for 17 years... there are hundreds of thousands of Iranians here. It has nothing to do with Visas to be let in.

              I read metallica's story and unfortunately anyone who's visa is based outside of Dubai is subject to more scrutiny if he is Iranian and this is only based on the way IR wants to conducts its politics. Any resident visa based in Dubai is free of scrutiny since Dubai has its own criminal prosecutors and independent courts, not to mention being Iran's largest trading partner.

              As for the article on human rights that you just posted-- that is a 6 year old article. I won't deny that these things may have happened in Dubai, but it is virtually non existent now with the tough laws that have been put in place. Qatar is where most of the human rights violations happen nowadays.

              I only defend Dubai because I grew up there and have first hand seen what it is about.

              If I came and started posted jack shit articles about prostitution in the Netherlands or whatever, you'd feel obligated to defend them too.


                Even as hosts and with all refs bought they won't win it.


                  Stupid confederation and stupid tournament.
                  UAE wasn't even amongst the original bidders.
                  They were literally allowed in the last minute and the deadline was extended at least twice so they can get their bid in. Enjoy the 2019 Ar Ar Gulf Invitational.

                  Also what do you expect. IFF lobbied Korea and Japan. What you really need to do is lobby the little corrupt countries like Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Pakistan... in order to even have a chance of getting the rights.


                    Originally posted by CHaMiLLionaire View Post
                    Why do you talk about something with blind hatred?
                    I've lived in the UAE for 17 years... there are hundreds of thousands of Iranians here. It has nothing to do with Visas to be let in.
                    I read metallica's story and unfortunately anyone who's visa is based outside of Dubai is subject to more scrutiny if he is Iranian and this is only based on the way IR wants to conducts its politics. Any resident visa based in Dubai is free of scrutiny since Dubai has its own criminal prosecutors and independent courts, not to mention being Iran's largest trading partner.
                    As for the article on human rights that you just posted-- that is a 6 year old article. I won't deny that these things may have happened in Dubai, but it is virtually non existent now with the tough laws that have been put in place. Qatar is where most of the human rights violations happen nowadays.
                    I only defend Dubai because I grew up there and have first hand seen what it is about.
                    If I came and started posted jack shit articles about prostitution in the Netherlands or whatever, you'd feel obligated to defend them too.
                    But we aren't talking about The's about UAE hosting the Asian Cup 2019, a country who are leaders in human trafficking and calling their league ''Arabian Gulf''.


                      Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                      But we aren't talking about The's about UAE hosting the Asian Cup 2019, a country who are leaders in human trafficking and calling their league ''Arabian Gulf''.
                      Kiarash, have you ever been to the UAE? if your answer is no then i suggest you stop all this hate talk when uve never been and only have heard stories. i was there a month ago. beautiful country! so many happy Iranians living a happy life there. almost all of my family members go to the UAE twice a year.


                        Originally posted by saadat_abad View Post
                        Kiarash, have you ever been to the UAE? if your answer is no then i suggest you stop all this hate talk when uve never been and only have heard stories. i was there a month ago. beautiful country! so many happy Iranians living a happy life there. almost all of my family members go to the UAE twice a year.
                        Lol! Yeah right.

                        Do you possibly read the stories about the UAE? Human right violations? Calling their football league ''Arabian Gulf'' and therefore trying to take away a part of our history?

                        Going on vacation to some country doesn't mean it has no flaws, UAE has certainly major flaws.

                        But carry on and support a country with a football league called ''Arabian Gulf'', I rest my case and feel free to disagree.


                          Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                          Lol! Yeah right.

                          Do you possibly read the stories about the UAE? Human right violations? Calling their football league ''Arabian Gulf'' and therefore trying to take away a part of our history?

                          Going on vacation to some country doesn't mean it has no flaws, UAE has certainly major flaws.

                          But carry on and support a country with a football league called ''Arabian Gulf'', I rest my case and feel free to disagree.

                          dude, why does it matter to you if they call their football league "Arabian Gulf" they can name it whatever they want. nothing is getting taken away from our countries history haha.


                            Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                            To give you an idea of how dirty a country like UAE is, go back and read the story of our member metallica69. He got deported from the UAE after living there for over 20 years and is now separated from his children and wife.
                            I can't understand how Iranians can support such a thing like an AC 2019 in UAE.
                            I was born and raised in Dubai and I remember once I graduated, I decided to take a year off from school and at the same time my residency had expired. So I went to renew my residency and the officer asked me "Do you study? I said No. Do you work? No" He said visa denied." In Dubai you either have to work or study, you can't be just chilling there even though you were born and raised there. I finally managed to get my visa renewed for another year and that time I knew this is not a place that I can call home. I had to do something and thank god I managed to move to US.

                            There was no security in Dubai for me. It's a transition place. However I'm still greatful for living there since it was definetly a much better option than living in Iran. I had a lots of freedom which my friends and family in Iran didn't.

                            Still with all those experiences that I had I'm supporting AC 2019 in UAE because of the infrastructure that they have. You can't compare their hotels, airports, malls, stadiums or anything with Iran. It's going to be an interesting Asian Cup just like Australia.


                              Originally posted by saadat_abad View Post
                              dude, why does it matter to you if they call their football league "Arabian Gulf" they can name it whatever they want. nothing is getting taken away from our countries history haha.
                              Because they insult our history by doing this and we should bother.

                              Here is another video of the UAE:


                                Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                                Because they insult our history by doing this and we should bother.

                                Here is another video of the UAE:

                                dude this video means absolutely nothing ! is it sad? yes. do other countries do things just like this? of course. are you gonna reply and say UAE is the only country that does this? yes. you are one sided Kiarash jan, look at every aspect man.

