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I met CQ tonight!

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    really enjoyed reading your post essi!!


      I know it was 20.000 a couple of weeks ago wich about 15.000 where bought by iranians. But when did it explode to 35.000? Was it after the chile game? Or has the swedish federation given away free tickets to swedish youth clubs when they saw that iranian has bought the bigger part of the tickets( they usually give away free tickets when its close to the game)


        Originally posted by Surenas View Post
        Wasn't it possible to talk in english to him?
        lol, I spoke English with him but I also took a chance to talk to his translator separately and praised him for the great job he's doing.


          Originally posted by Karimi_1 View Post
          How many tickets have been sold so far? Can't find any exact numbers anywhere!

          35000 بلیت برای بازی ایران و سوئد فروخته شده که اکثریت آن متعلق به هواداران ایرانی است.

          به گزارش ایسنا، تیم ملی فوتبال ایران در دومین دیدار تدارکاتی خود در سال جدید ۱۱ فروردین در سوئد به مصاف تیم ملی این کشور می*رود.

          تاکنون ۳۵ هزار بلیت این بازی فروخته شده که طبق ادعای پایگاه سوئدی SvenskaFans اکثر بلیت*ها از سوی تماشاگران ایرانی خریداری شده و پیش*بینی می*شود ایرانی*ها در خاک سوئد با تعداد بیشتری نسبت به هواداران این کشور از شاگردان کی*روش حمایت کنند.

          تیم ملی که روز جمعه وارد سوئد شد خود را برای نخستین رویارویی*اش با تیم ملی این کشور آماده می*کند.

          تیم ملی ایران تاکنون با ۵۹ تیم اروپایی در رقابت*های دوستانه و رسمی تقابل داشته و بدین ترتیب سوئد شصتمین حریف قاره سبز برابر ایران است.

          این بازی سه*شنبه ۱۱ فروردین و در ورزشگاه فرندز آرنا استکهلم برگزار می*شود. سردر گازوبیوک داور وسط بازی ایران و سوئد است که باس فان دانگان و دیو گوسنس او را کمک می*کنند. هر سه داور از هلند انتخاب شده*اند.


            Originally posted by Karimi_1 View Post
            How many tickets have been sold so far? Can't find any exact numbers anywhere!
            From what I have heard, over 35000 so far


              Originally posted by Damavand View Post
              Thanks for sharing this story and the lovely pics.

              From what he told you Its obvious he cannot get along with this Assadi character.

              When you talked with CQ did you get the sense that he has 100% made up his mind about leaving or there is a chance he might stay??
              Originally posted by Sly View Post
              Essi jan, from his tone and his answers, did you get a feeling his resignation is definite? Did you feel he was decisive?
              Originally posted by sarbaz View Post
              Thank you very much Essi jan

              My question to you is that what is your feeling about his future in TM after talikng with him and his traslator ??

              Do you think he will stay or not ???
              Alla I can say, the only impression I got was how much he loves this team. I THINK and hope that things will work out.


                Haha cool
                Thanks Essi
                Damet toe o pesareh khoshtipet garm

                We want more juicy details



                  As for Carlos and PFDC, the person that worked so hard to bring Carlos to Iran to coach TM visits this site. He works for a prominent transfer agency in Europe and is a friend of mine. He likes to remain anonymous here but thanks to him we have had one of the greatest coaches of all time in TM.
                  We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
                  Go IRAN!


                    Originally posted by Mansoor View Post

                    As for Carlos and PFDC, the person that worked so hard to bring Carlos to Iran to coach TM visits this site. He works for a prominent transfer agency in Europe and is a friend of mine. He likes to remain anonymous here but thanks to him we have had one of the greatest coaches of all time in TM.
                    Can you please ask him to convince him to stay?


                      Originally posted by Mansoor View Post

                      As for Carlos and PFDC, the person that worked so hard to bring Carlos to Iran to coach TM visits this site. He works for a prominent transfer agency in Europe and is a friend of mine. He likes to remain anonymous here but thanks to him we have had one of the greatest coaches of all time in TM.
                      and if CQ really leaves TM and country, can you tell him to bring another coach at the same caliber to Iran?


                        Originally posted by Karimi_1 View Post
                        How many tickets have been sold so far? Can't find any exact numbers anywhere!
                        I guess the others have already given you the rumor! 35000.


                          Originally posted by Sly View Post
                          I guess the others have already given you the rumor! 35000.
                          How can it be a rumor, when those responsible have already said it, even in a video?


                            Originally posted by Abtin View Post
                            How can it be a rumor, when those responsible have already said it, even in a video?
                            Fair enough and if they say so. I just haven't read it as an official news in any reliable website/newspaper which still makes it a rumor to me.


                              My friend interviewed CQ for the pejvak (farsi radio in sweden) and he told him that Sweden will be his last game

                              What can we do at the game to embrace him and show our appreciation? Is there any plans? Sing his name and so on?!


                                Your son will be a handsome man
                                2, 9, 10, 11 and 14

