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Sadeghian kicked out of practice....AGAIN!!

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    Sadeghian kicked out of practice....AGAIN!!

    THIS GUY AGAIN!!! he will never become a professional player. He cant even last in our own league yet alone make it to Europe.

    Apparently at perspolise practice, derakhshan had a session where players had to use no more than two touches and this guy decides to dribble and use as many touches as he wants. He gets kicked out and then does an interview with the clubs website saying i didn't mean to be disrespectful i was showing my skills.

    What a douche. He then goes on his instgram and writes "Derakhshan has a problem with me and kicked me out for showing off my skills. I became Payam sadeghian by dribbling and now he doesn't want me use my skills. Where in the world the coach kicks a player out for that?" he really doesn't understand professional soccer. Everything has to be about him. This kid got some major personal issues. They need to cut him from the team and when he realizes noone is interested in him and the world doesn't revovle around him maybee he will get his shit together but til then hes nothing but a spoiled brat.

    wtf lol


      lol, everyone is taking a piss at his illiteracy in the comments section. This guy is way more trouble than he's worth. The hookah gate, aggressive, caveman behavior on the pitch, and a little too much in love with himself. Probably jerks off to his own pictures.


        Ill be the first to admit the kid has talent but in professional soccer talent is only a fraction of it. discipline is the major one and this kid has none of it. What a waste of talent. He will never realize it. I'm glad people are talking shit on the comments! People really need to stop kissing his ass because he had few good seasons back in the day. I remember his last game he was so out of shape he was walking quite a bit.


          For some reason he reminds me of Eminem...


            He's hanging out too much with Tataloo, that's why.


              Sadeghian for TM!


                are we surprised?


                  He needs proper counseling, otherwise better join his friend Tatloo than playing football.


                    He has serious mental issues. No joke, he has a brain of a 10 year old.


                      He needs a good old beating with my belt!!

                      Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
                      TEAM MELLI UNTIL THE END


                        Honestly at this point I want him out of PP he's nothing but a total pest. What a waste of talent
                        Team Meli Iran
                        Perspolis FC
                        Malavan Bandar Anzali

                        "I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz


                          He has anger management issues. Probably because his father died when he was a young boy. I feel bad for him


                            He says I became Payam Sadeghian with my dribbling skills. Dude you're still no body and have done nothing for Perspolis or Team Melli to refer to yourself as a third person.


                              What a piece of shit, he has no place playing professional football. I don't care how good he is, the kid is a scumbag and deserves nothing. Khak bar saresh.

