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Ashkan has voiced his opinion on CQ matter (His interview):

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    Ashkan has voiced his opinion on CQ matter (His interview):

    Ashkan has voiced his opinion in an exclusive interview with 90 Website. He said "when you don't give credit to coaches and players, I must open my mouth. How dare you say CQ has not done his job".

    This interview came from:

    اشكان*جان! اگر موافق هستي با اردوي تيم *ملي در اروپا شروع كنيم. دو بازي خوب برگزار كرديم.
    بله، همين**طور است. فكر مي*كنم بازي*هاي خيلي خوبي بود. بازي با شيلي ديداري بود كه با تيم پانزدهم دنيا داشتيم و توانستيم بعد از ۴ سال يك بازي بسيار خوب با يك تيم قدرتمند انجام بدهيم. دوباره نشان داديم كه مي*توانيم با تيم*هاي بزرگ دنيا رقابت كنيم. بر اساس تفكري كه كی روش در اين ۴ سال در تيم القا كرده، توانستيم خوب دفاع كنيم و اين نقطه قوت ماست. خدا را شكر توانستيم شيلي را ببريم. ديديد كه سانچز و براوو هم براي شيلي بازي كردند و برخلاف اينكه بعضي*ها پيش*بيني مي*كردند شيلي با تيم اصلي*اش برابر ما بازي كرد.
    90: Ashkan jon, if you agree we will start with the latest EU camp. We had two great games.
    Ashkan: Yes, that is correct. I think they were good games. The game with Chile, ranked 15th, and after four years, we were able to have a good game with a powerful team. We showed that we could play with greatest teams in the world. The way CQ has influenced our mindset in the last four years, we were able to defend well and that is one of our strengths. I thank God we beat Chile with Sanchez and Bravo as they showed up with their main squad.

    مقابل شيلي فوق**العاده بازي كردي ...
    خدا را شكر توانستم به تيم كمك كنم. در تيم باشگاهي*ام هم ۹۰ دقيقه بازي مي*كنم. اين اعتماد به نفسي كه كارلوس كی روش به من داده، خيلي كمكم كرده است.
    90: You played great against Chile.
    Ashkan: I thank God I could help the team. I play the full 90 minutes for my club as well and the amount of confidence CQ has given me has helped a lot.

    بعد از بازي با شيلي هم به مصاف سوئد رفتيم*؛ ديداري كه بسياري از آن به عنوان بازي خداحافظي كی روش ياد كردند.
    اميدوارم كه واقعاً بازي با سوئد آخرين ديدار ما با كی روش نبوده باشد. خيلي*ها پيش از اين دو بازي مي*گفتند كه اين ديدارها بازي خداحافظي كی روش است اما همه ما ديديم كه چطور او با قلبش كار مي*كرد. اميدوارم آخرين بازي كی روش نبوده باشد. فكر مي*كنم در اين دو بازي نشان داديم كه اين مربي به تيم ايران چقدر كمك كرده است. نمي*دانم چند دفعه گفته*ام ولي دوباره مي*گويم كروش خيلي طرفدار دارد و مردم مي*دانند كه چطور با قلبش با تيم ايران كار كرده است. اميدوارم آدم*هاي ديگر متوجه شوند كه كروش چقدر براي فوتبال ايران مهم است. اگر او نباشد، فوتبال ايران ضرر بزرگي مي*بيند.
    90: After Chile we played Sweden, which many said It is CQ's final game.
    Ashkan: I hope that was not his last game. Many said that the last two games would be the end and we all saw how passionate he worked and I hope it was't his last. I think in the last two games we showed how much CQ has helped TM. I don't know how many times I have said this but I repeat, CQ has many fans and they know his passion for TM. I hope many realize the importance of CQ for our football. If he leaves, our football will face a huge loss.

    شما كه در اتريش و سوئد بوديد، در تعطيلي رسانه*هاي مكتوب، مردم در شبكه*هاي اجتماعي خيلي جدي از كروش حمايت كردند.
    مردم هميشه پشت كروش بوده*اند اما منظورم كساني است كه چند وقتي مي*شود به شيوه*هاي مختلف او را اذيت كرده و گفته*اند كروش خوب كار نمي*كند. نمي*دانم چطور آنها اين حرف را مي*زنند. من يادم نمي**آيد كه تيم ايران توانسته باشد تيم پانزدهم دنيا را اين* گونه شكست بدهد. يا آن عملكردي كه برابر آرژانتين داشتيم. من نمي*فهمم كه چرا اين حرف*ها مطرح مي*شود. چطور آنها به خودشان اجازه مي*دهند كه بگويند كروش كمكي به فوتبال ايران نكرده است.
    90: You were in Austria and Sweden, while most newspapers were closed (due to new year), but many people showed their support on social media.
    Ashkan: Fans have always been behind him, but I am talking about the people that have recently come out against him, criticized and have discredited his efforts. I don't know how they could say such things. How do they permit themselves to questions his contributions to our football?

    منظورت كساني است كه گفته*اند كروش پايين*تر از استانداردها كار كرده است؟
    بله، شنيدم كه آقاي اسدي اين حرف*ها را زده است. خيلي از حرف*هاي ايشان ناراحت و متعجب شدم. همه دنيا ديدند كه فوتبال ايران چقدر خوب بازي مي*كند. من دوستان زيادي در تيم*هاي ملي بوسني، غنا، هلند و آلمان دارم كه بعد از جام *جهاني* به من گفتند اشكان! شما چه تيم خوبي داشتيد و چه فوتبال خوبي بازي مي*كنيد. نمي*دانم چطور آقاي اسدي اين حرف را مطرح كرده است. من تا به حال ايشان را نديده*ام و با هم صحبت نكرده*ايم اما حرف*هاي ايشان به ما هم برمي*خورد و ما هم ناراحت مي*شويم كه چنين حرفي زده مي*شود. اين حرف ايشان يعني اينكه تيم *ملي خوب نبوده. واقعاً اين حرف*ها را نمي*فهمم.
    90: Are you talking about the person that said CQ has not performed to their standards?
    Ashkan: Yes, I heard Mr. Asadi has mentioned that. I was disappointed and stunned. The whole world saw how well we played. I have many friends that play for national teams in Bosnia, Ghana, Holland and Germany and they all said how well we played in the WC and how good TM is. I don't know how Mr. Asadi has brought this up? I have never seen him or spoken to him, but those words makes all of us sad and disappointed. This means TM hasn't played well and I don't get it.

    يعني فكر مي*كني منظور از اين حرف*ها بازيكنان تيم *ملي هم بوده*اند؟!
    كروش خيلي به تيم *ملي ايران كمك كرده است. نمي*فهمم كه چطور اين حرف*ها را زده* و گفته*اند ما استانداردي پايين*تر از استانداردهاي مد نظرشان داريم. من ۴، ۵ سالي مي*شود كه پيراهن تيم *ملي ايران را بر تن کرده و به اين پيراهن افتخار مي*كنم اما اگر اتفاقاتي كه اينجا (در تيم *ملي) افتاده را تعريف كنم، خيلي*ها باورشان نمي*شود. از پاداش و پول گرفته تا بليت و هتل*ها و لباس اما من تا الان هيچ چيز نگفته بودم. با اين حال وقتي مي*بينم كه حالا دارند حق سرمربي و بازيكنان را مي*خورند، وقتش است كه دهانم را باز كنم و واقعيت*ها را بگويم. متأسفانه وقتش رسيده بخشي از واقعيت*ها را بگويم.
    90: You think all these words were directed towards TM?
    Ashkan: CQ has helped the team in many ways. I don't understand why he has said that our standards have been below his. I have been putting on the TM jersey for the last 4 to 5 years and I am proud of this fact but if I explain what has happened in TM, may not believe it. From compensations, money, tickets, hotel rooms and jerseys, I have been silent up to now but when I see that they are discrediting the coach and the players it is time for me to open my mouth and tell the truth. I am sorry to say but it is time to open up.

    ما هم به خاطر همين سراغ شما آمديم.
    ببينید ما سر لباس*ها چقدر دعوا داشتيم. آن لباس*ها خجالت*آور بود. اگر من بروم اين حرف*ها را به دوستانم در تيم*هاي ملي ديگر بگويم، از تعجب شاخ درمي*آورند. ببينيد من فوتبالم را در زمين خاكي آغاز كرده*ام و برايم مشكلي نيست كه با لباس خوب بازي نكنم اما وقتي شما درباره تيم* ملي ايران صحبت مي*كني، بايد همه چيز كامل باشد. ما بازيكنان تيم *ملي ۷۰ ميليون نفر را نمايندگي مي*كنيم، بنابراين بايد لباس*هايي را بر تن كنيم كه *شأن مردم ايران رعايت شود. واقعاً اگر پول ندارند كه لباس خوب تهيه كنند، خود بازيكنان تيم* ملي حاضرند پول جمع كنند تا پيراهني درخور نام مردم ايران تهيه كنند. يا در تمام بازي*هاي دوستانه، مقامات رسمي با كت و شلوار مي*آيند ولي همراهان ما با شلوار ورزشي و پيژامه مي*آيند. من در آلمان بزرگ شده*ام و در تيم*هاي آلماني و انگليسی بازي كرده*ام اما در تمام دوران بازيگري*ام اين چيزهايي كه در تيم *ملي اتفاق افتاده را هيچ جاي ديگر نديده*ام. جرأت ندارم كه اينها را به كسي بگويم چون آدم خجالت مي*كشد اما مردی به نام كروش با سابقه*اي بزرگ اين همه دارد زحمت مي*كشد و دارد جانش را مي*دهد. با وجود اينكه از قبل گفته شد كه بازي با سوئد آخرين بازي كروش است اما جوري كار كرد كه انگار ۴، ۵ سال ديگر در ايران مي*ماند. نمي*فهمم كه چرا ما اين همه ناشكريم و از داشتن چنين مربي بزرگي ناراحتيم. من در قطر بازي مي*كنم. بازيكنان قطر وقتي شنيدند كه كروش مي*خواهد برود، آمدند از من پرسيدند كه چطور او دارد از ايران مي*رود. از يك لحاظ شوكه شده بودند كه كروش دارد مي*رود و از طرف ديگر خوشحال شدند كه ايران او را از دست مي*دهد.
    90: We are all here because of this.
    Ashkan: Remember all the controversy with the jerseys. Those jerseys were embarrassing. If I say any of this to my friends that play for other national teams, they could not fathom such a thing. I started my football in Zamin Khaki and it is not important for me to have perfect jerseys, but we are talking about our National Team and we must have certain standards. We represent 70 million people, so the jerseys must be presentable. If they don't have the money to buy quality jerseys, the players would raise enough money to buy what is up to our countries standards. In the friendlies, the officials show up with suits but our care takers come with pijamas (that is funny). I was raised in Germany and I have played in Bundesliga and Premier League but I have never witnessed the stuff that I have experienced with TM. I wouldn't dare verbalize any of this to anyone. A man named CQ with all his experience, hard work and sacrifice and we still complain about having such a great guy on our side. I play in Qatar now. When my teammates heard CQ was leaving they asked how could this be? They were shocked but happy TM was about to loose him.

    خيلي از مردم دوست دارند او بماند اما ظاهراً تصميم گرفته*اند كی روش ديگر نباشد ...
    تمام دنيا دارد مي*بيند كه اين مربي چقدر خوب كار كرده اما خودمان قدرش را نمي*دانيم. آن روز نيايد كه كروش برود و همه حسرت بخوريم كه چطور گذاشتيم او از فوتبال*مان برود. آدم چقدر مي*تواند چشمانش را ببندد. من بعضي وقت*ها دلم مي*سوزد كه بايد به همه چيز اوكي بگوييم. هر چيزي مي*گويند، بايد بگوييم چشم. من اين چيزها را در عمرم نديده*ام. اتفاقاتي كه در فرودگاه اتريش رخ داد را براي اولين بار مي*ديدم. بازيكنان بايد خودشان بارشان را تحويل مي*دادند و كارت پروازشان را مي*گرفتند. اين تيم *ملي ايران است. در جام *جهاني* بازي كرده*ايم. همه *شأن بزرگي براي فوتبال ايران قائلند. ۳ تا بليت بازيكنان هم اوكي نبود. شايد اگر اتفاقات لحظه آخر نمي*افتاد، ۳ بازيكن*مان بايد جدا مي*رفتند. خب با وجود اين شرايط سرمربي دارد براي تيم *ملي جان مي*دهد اما مي*آييد مي*گوييد كه پايين*تر از استانداردهايتان كار كرده است؟! واقعاً دور از انصاف است. اين چيزها را كه آدم مي*بيند، باور نمي*كند. من تا حالا چنين حرف*هايي را نزده بودم. تا به حال يك كلمه درباره پاداش*هاي صعود به جام* جهاني* صحبت نكرده بودم اما الان مي*گويم. ما صعود كرديم به جام جهاني. حواله و پول دادند به بازيكنان. متأسفانه پاي من شكست. خدا خواست و نتوانستم در ۳ بازي آخر در كنار تيم باشم و كمك كنم اما قبلش كه بودم. جانم را كه داده بودم. آقاي رحمتي بود، آقاي پولادي هم بود. او هم جانش را داد و در تيم* ملي مصدوم شد اما حق*مان را خوردند. حتي يك بار هم كسي درباره موضوع پاداش*ها با من صحبت نكرده است. بيايند لااقل بگويند چرا؟ فقط گفته*اند اينها نبوده*اند! يعني چه نبوده*ايم؟ قبل از مصدوميت كه در همه بازي*ها حضور داشتم. براي من حواله و پول مهم نيست اما انتظار دارم براي ما شخصيت قائل شوند. پولادي مگر كجا مصدوم شد؟ آخر چرا حقش را مي*خورند و مي*گويند نبودي؟! آدم*هايي حواله را نفر اول گرفتند كه اصلاً يك قطره عرق هم براي تيم* ملي نريختند اما بازيكنان كه جان*شان را دادند و مصدوم شدند، در آن بازي*ها حق*شان خورده شد. گفتم پول و پاداش براي من مهم نبود. مي*خواستم آن پول را به امري خير اختصاص بدهم اما نشد. من با پاي شكسته با قلبم بازي*ها را نگاه مي*كردم (*اشكان بغض مي*كند). بازي*ها را نگاه مي*كردم. خوشحال مي*شدم كه همبازي*هايم مثل آندو با دست شكسته براي تيم *ملي بازي مي*كنند و جان مي*دهند.
    90: Many fans love him but it appears the decision has been made for his departure.
    Ashkan: The whole world can see how good he is and we don't appreciate him. I hope the day never comes that we let him go and regret his departure. How long can we close our eyes? Sometimes I regret saying OK to everything. Whatever they say, I have to say yes. I have never seen such things in my life. The incident in Austria was my first. Players had to present their own luggage to get their boarding passes. This is our TM and we have played in the WC. Everyone respects our team. Three of the players did not have confirmations for their tickets. It came down to the last minute otherwise those three couldn't travel with the team. CQ is doing his best under these circumstances and they are criticizing his standards? It is not fair. You cannot believe when you see this kind of stuff. I have never talked about such things, but I want to talk about my compensations. We qualified for WC and players got compensated. Unfortunately my leg broke and I could not be with the team for the last 3 qualifiers. I was there before and sacrificed my body. So did Rahmati and Pouladi and he also put his life on the line and got injured. But at the end they never paid us. They didn't even talk about it once. At least come forward and say why. They just said that I was not present. What do they mean I were not there? Money is not important to me, but I expect to be respected. Where did Pouladi get injured? Why didn't they pay him and they claimed he wasn't there? The first to be paid were the ones that didn't even drop a single sweat for TM but the ones that sacrificed their bodies for the team were left out. I wanted to give that money to charity but unfortunately it did not happen. I was watching the games with a broken leg but full with passion (speaking with tears). I was proud to see my teammate Ando play for TM with a broken hand.

    خب شايد به همين دليل وقتي مي*گويند پایين*تر از استانداردها بوديد، خيلي ناراحت مي*شويد.
    اما وقتي اين حرف*ها را مي*زنند و مي*گويند پايين*تر از استانداردهايشان بازي كرده*ايم، خيلي بي*انصافي است. اين درست نيست. فوتبال رشته محبوبي است و هر كس دوست دارد و مي*تواند درباره آن نظر بدهد و همه نظرها هم قابل احترام است ولي مسئول فوتبالي بايد تجربه داشته باشد كه نظر بدهد. من به نمايندگي از همه بازيكنان حرف مي*زنم. تا الان چيزي نگفته بودم اما وقتي مي*بينم حق سرمربي را هم مي*خورند و مي*گويند كه كروش خوب كار نكرده، براي من ديگر غير قابل تحمل است. حرف*شان مثل جوك است. يعني *چه اين حرف*ها؟ ما به عنوان تيم اول رفتيم جام جهاني. در برزيل هم خوب كار كرديم. نتايج آن طور كه بازي كرديم رقم نخورد. حق*مان بدون هيچ اغراقي اين بود كه آرژانتين را ببريم. چيزهايي كه من در اين چند ساله در تيم *ملي ديده*ام، عجيب است اما كــروش دارد همچنان مي*جنگد و جانش را مي*دهد. خيلي مربيان هستند كه حوصله جنگيدن با مشكلات را ندارند اما آنقدر تيم *ملي ايران و بازيكنانش براي كروش مهم هستند كه براي همه چيز مي*جنگد و جانش را مي*دهد. خيلي سختي كشيديم در اين چند ساله. من در تيم نوجوانان آلمان بازي كردم. در آنجا هم اين طوري نبود. چقدر آدم صبر دارد. بايد يك روز اين حرف را مي*گفتم. در همين اردوي عيد. مي*خواستيم برويم تمرين، پيراهن نداشتيم تمرين كنيم. لباس تمرين*مان شماره نداشت. خنده*دار است. بازي*هاي دوستانه*اي كه مي*كنيم، اگر بخواهيم لباس*مان را عوض كنيم بايد دست*مان بلرزد كه لباس براي بازي داريم يا نه. تمرين مي*رويم، لباس مديوم انگار ايكس*لارج است. لباس*ها هم هيچ كيفيتي ندارد. ما چشم*مان را روي خيلي از مشكلات بستيم و گفتيم ايرادي ندارد اما آخر تا كي؟! واقعاً چقدر ديگر تحمل كنيم؟! من شنيده*ام براي بازي با شيلي رئيس فدراسيون شيلي آمده بود اما رئيس فدراسيون ما نبود. براي بعد از بازي شام دعوت كردند اما رئيس فدراسيون نبود. اين خيلي بد است. اين چيزها خيلي مهم است. اگر مي*خواهيم با تيم*هاي بزرگ دنيا بازي كنيم، بايد اين پروتكل*ها را رعايت كنيم. معلوم است كه دفعه بعد قبول نمي*كنند با ما بازي كنند.
    90: When they say you were below their standards, it must have made you very sad.
    Ashkan: But when they say we played below their standards it is not fair. This is not right. Football is a wonderful sport and many can have opinions and all views are respected. But only people with extensive experience in football can voice such opinions. I believe I can speak on all players behalf. When I see such wrong doing against CQ, I can no longer tolerate it. They must be joking. What do they mean by this? We went to WC heading our group and did well in Brazil but the results did not represent our efforts. We really should have beat Argentina. The things I have seen in the last few years are amazing and CQ is still sacrificing and fighting for TM. Many coaches do not want to deal with problems but TM and its players are so important to CQ that he keeps fighting for them. Last few years has been very tough on me. I have played for the German youth teams and we did not have to endure anything like this. How much patience can one have? In our most recent camp, our practice jerseys did not have numbers. Funny, when we play in friendlies and want to change we must be extra careful and make sure we have enough jerseys for future games. In practice, mediums look like x-larges and there is no quality. We have closed our eyes to many problems but for how long? How much longer can we endure? I heard the president of the Chilean Football Federation was present for the game but our head of federation was not. They invited us for dinner after the game and he was not there. This is not good. These things are important. If we want to play bigger teams such protocols are essential. It is natural they will want to avoid us in the future.

    كی روش در آستانه سفر به اتريش ممنوع*الخروج شد. اين هم يكي از مشكلاتي بود كه در رسانه*هاي دنيا منعكس شد.
    در تمام دنيا ممنوع الخروجي كروش بازتاب داده شد. واقعاً خجالت كشيدم. خيلي از هم*تيمي*هاي سابقم به من زنگ زدند و گفتند قضيه *چیست؟ مي*خواهيم دفاع كنيم و بگوييم رسانه*ها شلوغش كرده*اند اما مگر مي*شود واقعيت را پنهان كرد؟ در اين چندين سالي كه دارم فوتبال بازي مي*كنم، كار اين ماساژورهايي كه اينجا هستند را بي*نظير ديده*ام. در عمرم ماساژ به اين خوبي نگرفته*ام. واقعاً زحمت مي*كشند (دژاگه دوباره بغض مي*كند)، بعد حق اينها را هم مي*خورند. پول توجيبي اين ماساژورها را هم مي*خورند اما اين دو ۲۴ ساعته سرويس داده و جان*شان را مي*دهند. آقاي ابراهيمي هم اين همه زحمت مي*كشد. حق اينها را هم مي*خورند. مهم پول نيست. مهم اين است كه چطور رفتار مي*كنند. من نه در وولفسبورگ، نه هرتابرلين و نه فولام هيچ وقت چنين ماساژي نگرفته بودم. اينها اين همه زحمت مي*كشند اما چطور مي*شود بعضي وقت*ها پول توجيبي*شان را مي*خورند؟! ما چيزي نگوييم اينها كه حرفي نمي*زنند و اگر هم چيزي بگويند حرف*شان به جايي نمي*رسد. اينها چيزي به ما نمي*گويند اما ما از چشم*شان مي*فهميم كه ناراحت هستند. زندگي و خانواده*شان را گذاشته*اند و آمده*اند اينجا دارند جان*شان را مي*دهند اما از آن طرف اين طوري حق*شان را مي*خورند.
    90: CQ was not able to leave before for the Austrian camp. This news was reported all over the world.
    Ashkan: Yes it did. I was really embarrassed. Many of my old teammates called me and asked what is going on? We wanted to cover it up and say the media has blown it out of proportion, but how can you hide the truth? In all of my playing years I have never seen such great message therapists, they are the best. With all their hard work (with tears in his eyes) they don't even give them any credit or compensation. Money is not important but how you deal with people is. The messages I get here are better that any I had in Wolvesberg, Herta and Fulham. They all work hard and don't even pay them for their expenses (pool to jibi). They don't have a voice and if we don't talk, no one else will. They don't tell us anything but we can see it in their eyes. They are also sacrificing their time, families and lives without appreciation and compensation.

    سؤال آخر ما هم درباره خداحافظي جواد نكونام از تيم *ملي است ...
    افتخار مي*كنم كه با جواد نكونام در يك تيم بودم. آقا جواد بهترين كاپيتان دوران فوتبالم است. هميشه به من و همه بازيكنان كمك مي*كرد، هم در بازي و هم بيرون از زمين براي*مان مثل يك برادر بزرگ*تر بود. خيلي حيف شد كه آخرين بازي**اش را جلوي سوئد انجام داد. خدا را شكر توانست اين دو مسابقه را به خوبي تمام كند. آقا جواد بازي*هاي خوبي انجام داد و ان*شاءا... در آينده دوباره با هم كار مي*كنيم. مدتي همبازي بوديم و حالا او قرار است مربي شود.
    90: My last question is about Javad's retirement from TM?
    Ashkan: I am proud that I played with him on the same team. He was the best captain I have ever had as a professional footballer. He always helped me and my teammates. He was our big brother on and off the field. I am happy he performed well in the last two games. He has had a great career and I hope to work with him in the future. We played together and now he will become a coach.

    خبر داشتيد كه خداحافظي مي*كند؟
    نه نمي*دانستم. شوكه شدم كه خداحافظي كرد. يك بار ديگر مي*گويم او براي ايران و تيم* ملي خيلي زحمت *كشيد.
    90: Did you know he was about to retire?
    Ashkan: No, I was surprised. I will say it again, he made many sacrifices for Iran and TM.
    Last edited by rezabmehr; 04-04-2015, 01:31 AM.

    Vaghean damet garm for your awesome job with this post aziz! Some certain other member could learn something when posting news articles in Farsi..


      Abtin Jan, you need to learn your parents alphabet so don't bugging other here. no hard feeling. Just a friendly advice!


        Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
        Abtin Jan, you need to learn your parents alphabet so don't bugging other here. no hard feeling. Just a friendly advice!
        It's not as easy as you think it is..especially if you have been born and raised abroad under certain circumstances.


          Screw IFF, and anyone who doesn't respect CQ and his contributions to Iranian football. We never deserved him, and he fought for us. How many other coaches would fight so hard for us and our players? Ashkan's tears should represent all of ours. To all who dream of the day CQ will leave, get ready for the next 8+ years of hell as an Iranian football fan as we are again relegated to losing to Arab teams and not qualifying for the World Cup and people saying "we thought Iran was good??"

          8 years of CQ might have accomplished something for our football. That's why it can never happen. We have stupid a**holes at the top that enjoy giving us tastes of happiness then ripping it away, just to bathe in our tears. Sadly, there are some people on these boards who are dumb enough to agree with a guy like Assadi that CQ hasn't been "up to standards." If CQ isn't up to standards Ghalenoie, Daei, Khatibi, etc. are the leftovers on my toilet paper from this morning. It will be great when we miss the next World Cup as we did under Daei in 2010. Hope all the CQ haters are happy.


            Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
            It's not as easy as you think it is..especially if you have been born and raised abroad under certain circumstances.
            Kiarash jan, i don't know if you can read and write in our native language, but you can learn to read and write Persian at the university of Leiden, if you're interested. All you have to do is register as a guest student and follow the Persian grammar course, and do your homework ofcourse xD


              Originally posted by sirvan View Post
              Kiarash jan, i don't know if you can read and write in our native language, but you can learn to read and write Persian at the university of Leiden, if you're interested. All you have to do is register as a guest student and follow the Persian grammar course, and do your homework ofcourse xD
              Unfortunately I can't.

              Thanks for the suggestion, quite helpful actually. Just about to sign up!


                Originally posted by Afat11 View Post
                If CQ isn't up to standards Ghalenoie, Daei, Khatibi, etc. are the leftovers on my toilet paper from this morning.


                  Now maybe some people understand what exactly is going on.


                    so does this mean goodbye dejagah?


                      Originally posted by ilia View Post
                      so does this mean goodbye dejagah?
                      Probably. Along with others who have spoken out.


                        I swear if Ashkan together with Ali Karimi, Ando, Nekounam, Shojaei and all other TM players would unite and speak out, this could be an ignition for a revolution.
                        IRI's politics is no different than handling a pressure cooker ..... As the pressure builds up, you slowly let the steam out just a tad bit so that you don't see overflow, and once the pressure from below is less, you put the lid down again and raise the temperature.


                          You can't scare a hooligan to be quiet


                            Id like to see the veterans make a tough stance on this.. something like if CQ leaves so do we, Id expect that from Ando Dejagah Gucci Hosseini Sadeghi Pooladi.. Cant really expect the younger guys to do it as they need this platform for their careers but if the whole team said that, that would be perfect
                            WE ARE THE UNDER DOGS


                              Great that they all speak out. Asadi must not survive.

