Few words from CQ and news about the turkey camp which aint gonna happen it seems: https://www.facebook.com/IranFootbal...type=1&theater
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TM News II
Originally posted by Abtin View PostLoool, the post I got it from on Facebook said Thailand hahahahmaa bachehaaye iroonim
hamishe irooni mimoonim
baa ham yeksedaa mikhoonim
baa ham yek seda Iran Iran Iran
Off topic...
Watching Thailand - Vietnam right now, both in Iraqs group for WCQ.... I live literally 10 minutes from the stadium and I can even see the stadium from my balcony and just realized that Mr. Ben Williams is the referee.... Should I get my ass over to the stadium and deliver one or two muay thai kicks to his face?maa bachehaaye iroonim
hamishe irooni mimoonim
baa ham yeksedaa mikhoonim
baa ham yek seda Iran Iran Iran
Originally posted by Karimi_1 View PostOff topic...
Watching Thailand - Vietnam right now, both in Iraqs group for WCQ.... I live literally 10 minutes from the stadium and I can even see the stadium from my balcony and just realized that Mr. Ben Williams is the referee.... Should I get my ass over to the stadium and deliver one or two muay thai kicks to his face?
Originally posted by Karimi_1 View PostOff topic...
Watching Thailand - Vietnam right now, both in Iraqs group for WCQ.... I live literally 10 minutes from the stadium and I can even see the stadium from my balcony and just realized that Mr. Ben Williams is the referee.... Should I get my ass over to the stadium and deliver one or two muay thai kicks to his face?
Originally posted by PersianLegion View PostKaffashian be dasto paye Uhlsport oftade ta ghardad ro ta akhar sale edameh bedan.
Kaffashian insists to keep the contract with Uhlsport up to next march. He had called the Uhlsport Middle East branch in Dubai and asked them to keep the contract with TM despite Uhlsport canceling the deal!
Is he getting a portion of the deal or what? calling the same branch that gave fake kits to TM for WC? Is this a joke or what?!
i dont think we know the half of it yet....!
Originally posted by BacheLot View Postthere are a lot of scandalous things going on with the Uhlsport contract dealio..!!
i dont think we know the half of it yet....!Team Meli Iran
Perspolis FC
Malavan Bandar Anzali
"I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz
كروش را بهتر بشناسيد
مرور تمرینات تیـم ملی تا پاسی از شب
یکشنبه 3 خرداد 1394 0
فوتبال ایران > تیم ملی - آنهایی که کارلوس کروش را از نزدیک می*شناسند یا با این مرد پرتغالی کار کرده*اند، به خوبی می*دانند سرمربی تیم ملی با دقت و وسواس خاصی تمرینات شاگردان خود را پیگیری می*کند
آنهايي هم كه كارلوس كروش را از نزديك نمي*شناسند يا با اين مرد پرتغالي برخوردي نداشته*اند، هرازگاهي انتقاداتي بي*دليل (!) از اهمال و كم*كاري سرمربي تيم ملي مطرح مي*كنند و اين جاي بسي تأمل دارد.
آنچه اين مطلب را به درازا مي*كشاند، دسته دوم از اهالي فوتبال هستند كه پيش*تر اشاره رفت. شايد براي اين دوستان جالب باشد كه بدانند تمرينات تيم ملي اين روزها - و البته پيش*تر - فيلمبرداري مي*شود. فرقي هم نمي*كند تمرين در دو نوبت برگزار شود يا يك نوبت و اين وظيفه آناليزور تيم ملي است كه به طور دقيق از تمرينات تصويربرداري كرده و فيلم آن را در اختيار كارلوس كروش بگذارد
اگر تصور كرديد اين تصاوير آرشيو مي*شود، سخت در اشتباهيد! تازه بعد از رسيدن فيلم تمرين به كروش كار آغاز مي*شود. به دستور كارلوس كروش كل اعضاي كادرفني و به تازگي افشين پيرواني (!) موظفند بنشينند و به طور دقيق تمرين تيم ملي و حركات بازيكنان را مرور كنند
جالب آن كه سرمربي تيم ملي وسواس خاصي در ديدن تمرينات نشان مي*دهد. كارلوس كروش برخي صحنه*ها را عقب و جلو مي*كند. تصاوير آهسته را مي*بيند تا اشكالات را پيدا كند
مرد پرتغالي با دقت عجيبي به دنبال اين است تا ببيند شاگردانش تمرين را درست اجرا مي*كنند يا اينكه... بنابر اخبار واصله اغلب اوقات مرور تصوير تمرينات تيم ملي توسط كارلوس كروش و كادرفني بعضاً تا ساعت 2 شب به طول مي*انجامد كه بعضاً بسيار طاقت*فرسا به نظر مي*رسد
از آن گذشته سرمربي تيم ملي در پايان آناليز و بررسي تصاوير، تمرين فرداي تيمش را طراحي كرده و برنامه كاملي به دستياران خود ارائه مي*دهد. باور نمي*كنيد مي*توانيد از افشين پيرواني بپرسيد! بي*تعارف شما كدام مربي داخلي را سراغ داريد كه هر روز پس از اتمام تمرين، فيلم تمرين بازيكنانش را تا پاسي از شب آناليز كند؟ آيا وقت آن فرا نرسيده كه برخي از دوستان بدون حب و بغض مصاحبه كنند يا قبل از استفاده كردن از كم*كاري كروش، اول كمي تحقيق كنند؟
For those who can't read Farsi, the gist of the article is about CQ's insistence to record every TM practice and then analyze it in lengthy sessions with his staff, often till 2 AM. Based on the findings, he then modifies and draws up new plans for the next day's training.
This is the kind of thing Dejagah is talking about when he says CQ is the best coach he's ever worked with. Hands down, he is the best to ever work in Iran and the best among all our Asian competitors. There's not a single team in AFC qualifiers that I would switch coaches with. The handful of morons in Iran who bash this guy for the most obvious and self-serving agendas don't deserve to carry his shoes. Comparing their knowledge and approach to coaching to that of someone of his caliber is like comparing 5th graders to a Neurosurgeon.
Originally posted by xerexes View PostComparing their knowledge and approach to coaching to that of someone of his caliber is like comparing 5th graders to a Neurosurgeon.
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