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What has CQ done for us?

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    What has CQ done for us?

    Oh, righteous CQ - peace and prosperity upon him, his ilk and people - believers please enlighten us heathens about the positive changes your deity has brought to our football in your precious eyes. Also, if you don't mind, share the moment that turned you into a true believer with the rest of us as well.

    Praise the lord. HalleQueirozlujah

    When will this troll get banned? These posts are multiplying and I'm getting sick and tired of his spam can the MODs do something about this please?
    Team Meli Iran
    Perspolis FC
    Malavan Bandar Anzali

    "I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz


      Originally posted by ghermez agha View Post
      When will this troll get banned? These posts are multiplying and I'm getting sick and tired of his spam can the MODs do something about this please?
      Thank you sir for your contributions. So you refer to nonbelievers as "trolls" it seems. And their posts are regarded as "spam" in your religious teachings, am I correct? And you would like to silence them vis a vis "ban" them due to the audacity they have shown to simply question his holiness? Fantastic. You're doing great. Would you like to add anything else?


        Originally posted by ashkan24 View Post
        Thank you sir for your contributions. So you refer to nonbelievers as "trolls" it seems. And their posts are regarded as "spam" in your religious teachings, am I correct? And you would like to silence them vis a vis "ban" them due to the audacity they have shown to simply question his holiness? Fantastic. You're doing great. Would you like to add anything else?
        Lol this is exactly what I'm talking about and I don't need to explain any further. If you want to know how to argue your unpopular points without trolling perhaps you could look over bi-honar's posts. Until then find something better to do with your life than troll, don't flood this site with your BS
        Team Meli Iran
        Perspolis FC
        Malavan Bandar Anzali

        "I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz


          Originally posted by ghermez agha View Post
          If you want to know how to argue your unpopular points without trolling perhaps you could look over bi-honar's posts.
          So your core beliefs are based on a popularity contest?

          Originally posted by ghermez agha View Post
          Until then find something better to do with your life than troll, don't flood this site with your BS
          Oh. but I am, sir. I'm researching Queirozology at the moment. It's quite fascinating too. Speaking of which; would you mind telling me what gravitates you toward his holiness - is "holiness" okay with you, how would you like me to address him so that it wouldn't hurt your pride?


            Ok so your not a CQ supporter and want to be very sarcastic while your at it to show ur point!Why make a new thread about it just go into any of the other 15 threads on here to do with CQ and add ur reply just like everyone else.Otherwise this is a pretty useless thread.Mod's Please close.


              Originally posted by mehdiKia15 View Post
              Ok so your not a CQ supporter and want to be very sarcastic while your at it to show ur point!Why make a thread about just go into any of the other 15 threads on here to do with CQ and have ur say.Otherwise this is a pretty useless thread.Mod's Please close it or transfer it to the TM one.
              Well, the thread title is pretty clear isn't it? What has he done for us? I was hoping his worshipers would have atleast something say about his contributions to our football. Perhaps his oversight of the youth programs under his contract? His diligent method of passing his knowledge to Iranian coaches and how he has mastered the art of transferring his knowledge and experience exponentially faster than before. Look at how long it took him to teach everything to Namazi compared to how fast he graduated Karimi for example. What about his incredible, and unprecedented results and records he has left for us? The list just goes on and on.

              You don't think such an extraordinary man - oops, I'm sorry if I offended the believers that think of him more than a man - with such rational, logical, witty, and intellectual supporters deserve a thread of their own to document his achievements and flaunt it at the face of us disbelievers if nothing else?


                discipline, stamina, team unity, DEFENSE, a counter attacking style football that actually works, global awareness? do you want me to go on? causeee i can.


                  Everything Ghalenoei and his fellow mafia thugs could never do: professionalism.


                    Discipline, stamina and defense, as well as a regression in our attacking football


                      Originally posted by saadat_abad View Post
                      discipline, stamina, team unity, DEFENSE, a counter attacking style football that actually works, global awareness? do you want me to go on? causeee i can.
                      Oh yea baby. Now, we're talking. Please go on. You had me at discipline, by the way - just saying. Very unique characteristic in football, in general. Let alone our football, am I right?

                      Stamina sounds fun. I never forget how before CQ we used to simply run out of it and start conceding goals left and right due to fatigue. Australia vs Iran '97 is a prime example of that problem.

                      Team unity? True that. I wonder what Rahmati, Aghili, Khalatbari, or anyone else that CQ has discarded in the past would have to say about that though. Oh, I almost forgot. Jabari would be a good candidate too, or Zandi.

                      A good defense is the best offense. Am I right or what? Right on! I gotta give this one up to you, legit win cause I do remember the countless holes in our defense pre CQ era. Back then we were getting hammered by the south korea 5 goals to NIL!!! It was back in the 50s though, but who cares, you're right. Iran's defense has always been sourakh. Conceding 4, 5, 6 goals every other game before CQ that is.

                      Here, I'll attach a link to reinforce your point.

                      Also, we were so unlucky we conceded 3 times against Bosnia, Sweden or Iraq because DEFENSE!

                      Counter attacking style? Absolutely! It's so different than our old bekesh ziresh my eyes are watering up man. We've made so much progress under this European Gem.

                      Global awareness INDEED! And a great kind. Here's a sample of that:


                      His holiness didn't have a good enough contract with Uhlsport, you see. Glad it worked out though. Otherwise would have been a global embarrassment making headlines all over the world, reinforcing the sterotype that Iran is this poor, pathetic, camel humping desert country that can't afford shirts for its players. Phew, close call.

                      Oh, I almost forgot. He helped get some "Asian awareness" too. Loved him when he said U.A.E. and Qatar are better teams and have a better shot of coming out of the group. He totally wasn't saying we're shit. It was a superb mindgame man. Like damn. If he was serious it would have totally hurt my feelings, you know. Saying bunch of backward peasant Persian Gulf states are better than us. Repeatedly, over and over. But luckily it was all an "elaborate mindgame" cause you gotta play mind games with cockroaches before you crush them right?

                      Please, continue.


                        1- Iran has best defense it has ever had
                        2- In almost every position Iran has two greate player
                        3- Even Australia is afraid of Iran which is why they used their ref to cut our head before we reach the final. We have never been so strong. We won South korea 3 consequtive times


                          Formerly known as Persianking!
                          Follow me @


                            • exposed and kicked those with malicious intentions to the curb
                            • excluded those not following the rules from TM and set an example

                            • implemented modern training sessions using his globalized view and experiences - something these same players will recall when they are retired and within their own coaching years
                            • utilized state of the art analytic system (for scouting purposes) that many of these same Irooni players can utilize when they come up to be coaches of our own national team in the future

                            • I received texts from my American, Canadian, European, Mexican friends saying two words after Iran-Argentina & Iran-Iraq: "Viva Iran" - ENOUGH SAID
                            • His global resume, connections and recognition makes life a lot easier when seeking quality friendlies - and overall awareness about Team Melli has made us a viable option for many FIFA day matches

                            I'm not a pea-sized-brain human who only understands progress through the ultimate 'result' with his EYES. I use my brain to also analyze and attempt to understand progress, potential, and future growth.


                              I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.

