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What has CQ done for us?

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    Originally posted by Keano View Post
    Ashkan jaan,

    Thank you for the well mannered reply. But going by your employed logic, the Greek of 2004 who won the Euro 2004 cup should have not exported a single player to great European clubs, as they played totally unattractive football, holding little possession, scoring littlest numbers of goals, displaying all defensive football throughout the tournament, and finally winning it all. Did some luck factor also play a role into their fate? Hell yes it did. For us with a bit a luck we could have also beaten Argentina and made it through the group stage.

    Talking of the World Cup performance, I definitely believe Pooladi displayed amazing and could have been one of the better defenders of World Cup group stage, and we all unanimously thought and believed after the WC he would certainly be signed by some great European clubs, same with Haghighi, Ashkan and even Ghoochannejad who all had a decent World Cup.

    The minute we realize and confess where our football stands on the world football map, then we would come to our senses and act more fairly and wisely.

    Dar zemn ma mokhlese har ki ke mokhtalefe ma fekr mikone ham shadidan hastim!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Keano Jan,

    Honestly, khoshtip, Khali mokhlesim. I can truly say this without any hesitation that you're the most well and warm mannered, cordial, and respectable member on these boards who does not resort to nasty personal attacks to convey their point of view and for that, I truly respect you.

    Pooladi did well, statistically, but then again, realistically - as was evident by where he ended up, he wasn't good enough to get picked up by anyone. Same goes for Hajsaffi. Haghighi, Ashkan, and Ghoochannejad were all legionnaires to begin with. Haghighi managed to stay in Europe. But Ashkan and Gucci both regressed significantly in terms of their club status.

    I disagree with people who downplay Iran's place in the world football community. Few years ago Japan was "all that" in Asian football and I vehemently opposed such views and attributed them to hype. Iran is the best team in Asia despite all the financial, logistical and infrastructural handicaps we have against teams like Japan and Korea. We're better than the best of them in Africa and North America, most of the 2nd tier and all of the 3rd tier Europeans teams. I'd say our accurate ranking in football is in the low 20s. And we should play like it.


      Best thing to do with post from this guy is to ignore him. Regardless of what answer you give he is going to come back and post the same shit in a fee days time. Just ignore and let his post sit there with zero replies. At best maybe a confirmation by dr doom. He will get tired of it soon enough.


        Is that you Doctor DOOM jaan?


          Originally posted by Abbas85 View Post
          Is that you Doctor DOOM jaan?
          Nah. I like Shojaie.


            CQ is the best coach we ever had. He had the least talented TM in decades and put up the most disciplined and professional display I have ever seen from TM. Maybe second best to Asian Cup 2007 vs South Korea, but then we had all our stars in their prime.
            In WC2014 we had really no high caliber players. None of the likes of Mahdavikia, Karimi, Bagheir Daei 98, which all ended up in Bundesliga, or Karimi 06.
            Our best player was Dejagah who was not fully in form.
            Our keeper played in Portuguese Second league.
            Our striker was a bench warmer in English Championship league.

            So he built a team based one dicipline and tactical awareness. Made our players implement top class defensive strategies which almost stopped mighty Argentina.
            With a domestic coach we would not even qualify to the world cup.
            I am happy he is going to stay, and happy that 89% of people also think so.


              The problem with this thread is there is no answer. Although ashkan wants to make it seem like he wants an answer, his mind is made up. His question in itself is a means to put down to CQ. We cannot convince him or other people who dislike CQ of anything, and vice-versa. There's no point in dahan-be-dahaning with him.

              Although he's bickering with anyone who disagrees with him, and brown-nosing Keano for being the only person to engage him, he is trying nothing more than to make many of us angry. His sarcastic and backhanded comments are obviously going to upset others, and then he hides behind him being the one attacked.

              If I go into a pizza lovers forum and start a thread saying "when has pepperoni tasted good?" And proceed to call Pepperoni God and Allah, and people who like Pepperoni blind worshippers of pepperoni, some people might want to argue back. It's really easy then for me to hide and say "why is everyone attacking me????"

              Either A) He's trolling, or B) he's really naive to not know that the exact result of this thread would be arguments from those who actually support CQ.

              Why is he asking if anyone he answers he is just going to bicker with. If you want an answer, We beat Korea twice. That is ONE answer, I can give you more, but it's not worth my breath. Many have said other things.


                Originally posted by ashkan24 View Post
                Oh, righteous CQ - peace and prosperity upon him, his ilk and people - believers please enlighten us heathens about the positive changes your deity has brought to our football in your precious eyes. Also, if you don't mind, share the moment that turned you into a true believer with the rest of us as well.

                Praise the lord. HalleQueirozlujah
                Well, for one thing, the guy in your userid had high praises for him
                “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


                  Originally posted by Keano View Post
                  Name 3 IPL teams who have truly displayed that "attacking" football in its entirety and consistent basis in the past 8 years. TM is always comprised of what our league has to offer and its potentials. If you're going to bring up the legionnaires discussion to the topic, then let's not even go there, they all deteriorated by moving to the Persian gulf states leagues, where they barely score goals and often come on a subs, not even starters.

                  You folks need to be logical and fair. That "attacking" department has been missing in our football ever since the likes of Daei, Hashemian and our amazing attacking midfielders weakened and finally retired.

                  Some of you folks are too biased TBH.

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                  The IPL in a sense is nesting ground for talents to arise, and unfortunately, often fall. Now the question comes up, who should be promoting these talents and why?
                  It boils down to this...talented players must of course prove themselves through the ranks (javanan, nojavanan etc). When they reach the senior level of their respected clubs, they must then again prove why they deserve to be on the roster, let alone play. If the coach sees that they deserve to play regularly, the players must continue to perform at a certain level, and precede to excel to prove their worth. Now, it seems to me that Iranian coaches are tending to use young players more and more. In fact, I see the IPL as one of the youngest leagues out there, and can't off the top of my head think of one which consists of so many young kids. Now to answer my rhetorical question, it is the duty of club coaches to promote their players to the best of their ability if they see worth in them. Why? A number of reasons, some selfish, but those also overlaps with the players benefits.
                  You asked me to give 3 teams that play attacking football in its "entirety". Does that mean a team that focuses so much on the offensive fronts that they totally neglect their defensive duties? If that is the case, then I can not name 1. But If you mean a team that promotes attacking football, then I can also only name 1 from the past 8 years, and that is Sepahan. That is partially because Sepahan has always been advocating for youth to come up in the ranks, and prove themselves on the senior level. This new found reliance on the youth in our football is something more or less recent for us in the last decade, as a result, most teams that have started to prosper because of youthful injections, have done so in the last couple of years.
                  It is the job of the national team coach is to be able to spot such players, and give them a chance to grow, and possibly move to Europe. I give CQ credit for having an eye on the likes of Ghafouri, PAG, and Amiri. But, he has yet to fully make use of the gems in our league who happen to be proficient in the attacking aspect of the game. I can name at least 25 players who deserve to be invited to a camp, who are all under the age of 25. You see, I see so much potential in our country, especially with this generation of players.
                  I'm not going to bring up legionaries, because for the most part, they have not been as influential to our team as many think. Dejagah has not been up to par since, even prior to the WC. Gucci plays in some arab country. Neku was good, but old. Shojaei is Shojaei. Jahanbaksh has not been a major part of the side (starting 11) and Azmoun has only started to get time to shine. As you have said, TM is mostly composed of IPL players, but is TM truly a representation of what the IPL even is? I don't see, or should I say, haven't seen much quick build up play under CQ's TM, where as when ever I watch Tractor, Sepahan, Naft, Padideh, etc play, I notice more attacking prowess.
                  Overall, CQ is a fine coach, but no god. He has brought about discipline, physicality, endurance, and a sense of new found nationalism and use of populism in our football. Has he made a strong defensive team? Yes, the best in Asia no doubt. I even think one of the best in the world. But the reason why our defense has to sustain themselves from constant attacks from the opposition, is because we often do not attack ourselves. We have not been able to relieve the stress on our defense by expressing ourselves on the offensive front. We rely on set pieces for goals, when we should also try to score free flowingly. I have no doubt that there are players in our league, who can do this, but have not been incorporated in the senior side.
                  I hope CQ continues to bring about his discipline, but also opens himself up to playing a style which suits us better.


                    Originally posted by dash_sina View Post
                    CQ is the best coach we ever had.
                    What exactly is your definition of the word "best" and could you list the criteria that behooves such an honor that you've bestowed upon his holiness - the chosen one - Sir Carlos? Solid arguments can be made that he's indeed the most internationally renowned coach we've ever had but by no plausible measures can one argue that we've had the best results under his tenure or the played the most attractive football - valid arguments can be made to the contrary, in fact.

                    Originally posted by dash_sina View Post
                    He had the least talented TM in decades and put up the most disciplined and professional display I have ever seen from TM.
                    Aye, tis true. TM prior to arrival of the great one - Carlos Queiroz the Great - was simply consisted of bunch of messy potato farmers without a shred of discipline or a working knowledge of the "professionalism." Rumor has it that they weren't even using a digital scale to measure their potatoes. So unprofessional. But alas, If you don't mind, I'm going to exam your declaration about our current talent pool being so pathetic and all that.

                    Sardar Azmoun and Alireza Jahanbakhsh: Have we EVER, by ever I mean since the introduction of football in Iran have had such young, hungry and prospective talents in our rosters? By the way, who discovered these two kids was it his grace or lowly Iranian coaches that played them in u-16 and u-18 national teams?

                    Gucci: Have we ever had a comparable clinical striker other than Ali Daei - '94-'98? Vahid a Hashemian didn't have an ounce of talent or impact in his entire career in TM compared to what Gucci has done for us already.

                    Dejagah: Consummate professional, relentless, pacy, technically gifted. He's akin to Mahdavikia+Karimi put together.

                    Our defensive line are all superior to previous eras without exception.

                    Neko is the most prolific defensive midfielder in our history while Ando is actually far superior to Neko in his defensive abilities.

                    Masoud is a superior CAM than Karim Bagheri in all aspects of the game. Ball control, handling, decision making, pass accuracy, through passes, etc. except for two: being a good shot and defensive capabilities.

                    Hajsafi is on par with Minavad.

                    The only position that you can argue with conviction that used to be better than today is the goalie. And good luck finding another Abedzadeh. Talent like him one in a million and irreplaceable, irrespective of how much resources your pour into football academies.

                    Not to mention the fact that this team has tremendous depth. The gap between our first stringers and second stringers is hardly noticeable.

                    Originally posted by Afat11 View Post
                    Although he's bickering with anyone who disagrees with him, and brown-nosing Keano for being the only person to engage him, he is trying nothing more than to make many of us angry. His sarcastic and backhanded comments are obviously going to upset others, and then he hides behind him being the one attacked.
                    There is an old proverb: Respect begets respect. However, it's silly to assume such traditional, backward, "non-western" thinking would have any place in superior ideologies such as Queirozology. And once again we're in complete agreement, remarkable as that may be. For I too would be fuming with uncontrollable wrath once the principles and root cause of my idolatry is analyzed and dissected, freely for the world to see without any repercussions for such blasphemy.

                    Originally posted by Afat11 View Post
                    Why is he asking if anyone he answers he is just going to bicker with. If you want an answer, We beat Korea twice. That is ONE answer, I can give you more, but it's not worth my breath. Many have said other things.
                    Honorable Afat. I'm afraid you have just intellectually obliterated me. Please allow me a moment to gather myself... Phew. I concede, honorable Afat. You have won. Congratulations for I searched long and hard into TM's abysmal records of the past prior to the time his holiness graced our football and there was no such indication that we've ever managed to defeat the mighty Korea. Like ever. Certainly not twice. And certainly not with margins of more than one goal. Definitely not with attacking football, and absolutely not with that uneducated, amateur, unprofessional, and reprehensible clown Mayeli Kohan.

