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The latest Iranian football transfers - 2015

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    I originally posted this in the Shekari thread where there was a discussion about Alishah rejecting Charleroi, Rezaian rejecting a Turkish team etc. I might make a bit more sense here, so I'll post it here:

    "I don't understand these players.. Like, if I were a basketball player in Iran I would jump at the opportunity to play collage or division 1 basketball in the US, even though that would "only" mean education and no salary to increase the potential of me reaching the elite and top league. I would most likely always have the opportunity to go back to Iran and play for a big check, i.e. Arsalan Kazemi.

    So I can't fathom why these players don't go to mid table teams in Belgium or Turkey or whatever just to get their feet wet in Europe and increase the visibility for their/Iranian talent and catch the attention of bigger teams in either those leagues or other top teams. Doesn't make any sense.

    Especially when Iranian players usually have a technical talent level above European average, but severely lack the mental and tactical aspects. Why not sort those out in another environment?

    Former Swedish NT player Martin Åslund was on a podcast this week and was talking about the differences between Europe and Asia and he was talking about how the Asian leagues will grow a lot the coming years, especially in China and Japan with their economies and national strategies. But he stated the fact that the problem lies within the aforementioned.

    When he played in the Swedish U-21 NT they met China's U-21 team and he said that pretty much every single player was better in regards to individual technique (just like Iranians), so they would get beaten in 1v1's or they would play it back to the defence/midfield and thereby keep possession. The Swedes didn't even get to keep the ball the first 20 mins.

    So what they did was that they went for a cohesive team press so they hadn't anybody to play it back to except the keeper and couldn't get out of the press and therefore Sweden could apply pressure through out the game and won 4-0, even though they weren't necessarily a better team if you'd compare the players individually.

    This is what's missing in Iran. The know-how. Some (professionals) know, but I'm talking as a whole footballing culture from the ground up. This is also a reason (with economical, scouting, etc. aspects) why top teams usually rather go for a for example Swede or a Bosnian than a Iranian or Chinese player, even if the raw talent level is higher here.

    Now I've stressed this before and I know some offended person will defend his native Iran to the death, but that's what's holding our football back. We're too fucking proud to give constructive criticism a chance. We all love Iranian football and wants it to flourish, why not explore our knacks and try to correct them rather than putting on blindfolds and raising a stupid flag.

    End of rant."


      Isn't Bakhtiar a sarbaz?


        Only in Iran a player can play for half the teams in the league
        چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد
        We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


          Originally posted by Hormozgan View Post
          I originally posted this in the Shekari thread where there was a discussion about Alishah rejecting Charleroi, Rezaian rejecting a Turkish team etc. I might make a bit more sense here, so I'll post it here:

          "I don't understand these players.. Like, if I were a basketball player in Iran I would jump at the opportunity to play collage or division 1 basketball in the US, even though that would "only" mean education and no salary to increase the potential of me reaching the elite and top league. I would most likely always have the opportunity to go back to Iran and play for a big check, i.e. Arsalan Kazemi.

          So I can't fathom why these players don't go to mid table teams in Belgium or Turkey or whatever just to get their feet wet in Europe and increase the visibility for their/Iranian talent and catch the attention of bigger teams in either those leagues or other top teams. Doesn't make any sense.

          Especially when Iranian players usually have a technical talent level above European average, but severely lack the mental and tactical aspects. Why not sort those out in another environment?

          Former Swedish NT player Martin Åslund was on a podcast this week and was talking about the differences between Europe and Asia and he was talking about how the Asian leagues will grow a lot the coming years, especially in China and Japan with their economies and national strategies. But he stated the fact that the problem lies within the aforementioned.

          When he played in the Swedish U-21 NT they met China's U-21 team and he said that pretty much every single player was better in regards to individual technique (just like Iranians), so they would get beaten in 1v1's or they would play it back to the defence/midfield and thereby keep possession. The Swedes didn't even get to keep the ball the first 20 mins.

          So what they did was that they went for a cohesive team press so they hadn't anybody to play it back to except the keeper and couldn't get out of the press and therefore Sweden could apply pressure through out the game and won 4-0, even though they weren't necessarily a better team if you'd compare the players individually.

          This is what's missing in Iran. The know-how. Some (professionals) know, but I'm talking as a whole footballing culture from the ground up. This is also a reason (with economical, scouting, etc. aspects) why top teams usually rather go for a for example Swede or a Bosnian than a Iranian or Chinese player, even if the raw talent level is higher here.

          Now I've stressed this before and I know some offended person will defend his native Iran to the death, but that's what's holding our football back. We're too fucking proud to give constructive criticism a chance. We all love Iranian football and wants it to flourish, why not explore our knacks and try to correct them rather than putting on blindfolds and raising a stupid flag.

          End of rant."
          The regime has downgraded Iranians to money-loving people. It's all about getting richer the easiest way possible. Nothing else matters.


            Originally posted by littlepersia17 View Post
            The regime has downgraded Iranians to money-loving people. It's all about getting richer the easiest way possible. Nothing else matters.
            It's somewhat a mentality installed through capitalism the previous regime were all about, but has morphed in to a theocratic capitalism now. I recently was in Iran after a visit to the US and it struck me how the foundations are quite similar. Both countries are built on money, arms and a so called holy book. The core is basically the same, but they preach it in different ways + the US has a lot more capital to cover the ugly with make up and entertainment and run a smoother operation.

            It's all about the hustle to make ends meet. And that type of "getting mine, by any means neccesary" has made people to use deceit, lies and corruption to reach the goal. Basically the opposite of what our civilization was built on:

            "Herodotus, in his mid-5th century BC account of Persian residents of the Pontus, reports that Persian youths, from their fifth year to their twentieth year, were instructed in three things – to ride a horse, to draw a bow, and to speak the Truth.[134]

            He further notes that: the most disgraceful thing in the world [the Persians] think, is to tell a lie
            ; the next worst, to owe a debt: because, among other reasons, the debtor is obliged to tell lies."


              Mehrdad Bayrami has offers from Naft and Persepolis


                I read the PFDC article on cheshmi and the german/russian offers, I want to break his head on a wall if it is true. If it is not true I also want to break his head.


                  Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
                  I read the PFDC article on cheshmi and the german/russian offers, I want to break his head on a wall if it is true. If it is not true I also want to break his head.
                  He is very stupid if these offers are true and he chooses to stay.

                  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


                    He's not a free agent even if the offers were true it would be up to esteghlal to let him go


                      Dige az in be pas bazikonhaaye lige iran dahaneshono bebandan va tanha baazi konan. Az bass jigaremono baa in bazargarmihaa leh kardan ke har vaght yekishon mige pisnahaad az Europa daaram adam haalesh be ham mikhore.
                      DROOD BAR AHMAD KASRAVI.


                        Originally posted by naderb94 View Post
                        Isn't Bakhtiar a sarbaz?
                        he really fucked up, they actually forced him to go to the "padeghan" to service his last 6 month of services LOL. he deserves it. for gods sake you are serving your military service as a football player,how sweet is that!!, just keep your month shout, serve out your duty and get out!! But no!!, he had to go out of his way to negotiate with SS for an early transfare out of tracktor and the tracktor management rightfully so felt betrayed and forced him to go to "padeghan". unfucking believable with these low IQ players.
                        IRI = FAILED


                          ^^you tell me you would rather go to padeghan for 6 month instead of putting up with GN for 6 month? he could have at least practice with the team but not he will be out of form.
                          IRI = FAILED


                            I just read an interview of marco Verratti about his transfer from Pescara (Serie B) to PSG at 17 years old (gazzetta dello sport). Translation: 'I didn't want to go to PSG at the beginning, i didn't want to leave Italy when Pescara just promoted to Serie A, but I understood that some trains just pass once in a lifetime. It could be an injury or a bad season for the opportunity not to come again. That's why I advice my son to leave the house to grow up. I made some mistakes but I became more mature".
                            If our bache naneh could read and understand that...


                              If Roozbeh Cheshmi wants to progress as a football player and have a better chance to be a regular invitee to Team Melli, then he needs to go to Europe.


                                Originally posted by PersianLegion
                                Just transferring to any European team is not the solution. Look at HajiSafi, JB, even Karim now or other Iranian players in Europe
                                1. Rajabali Fardi Bundesliga.3
                                2. Shapurzadeh Bundesliga.3
                                4. Tafazoli League Two
                                5. William Atashkadeh Division 1 Sodra
                                6. Saman Ghodos Supperettan
                                Not all European teams are worthy enough to help the development of our future generation of talented players. Iranians should pay more attention to their transfer to any other leagues for example PAG could go to a better team if he had stayed in Naft and helped them to promote to higher levels in ACL. Many Japanese and Korean football players who are not even as good as some of our guys are in top leagues and doing nothing other than bench warming. Our new generation should be smart enough like Sardar or Saeed.
                                Dude, what are you talking about.. First of all get your facts right: Saman Ghoddos plays in Allsvenskan now and not Superettan and Atashkadeh plays in Superettan and not Division 1.

                                Secondly, all of the players you mentioned weren't transfered from IPL to Europe. They're all bred in their respective country they play in and weren't developed by Iranian football? And they all currently playing at a lower level except Ghoddos, so how are you even comparing? Are you comparing IPL to the 4th tier in England and 3rd tier in Germany? Nobody is even talking about these leagues?

                                Third, I would argue that Ansarifard, Jahanbakhsh and Haji Safi definitely are better off in their current teams rather than returning back to IPL. I applaud Jahanbakhsh for taking the route he did, Haji Safi had already achieved everything you can in the IPL and went on to compete in a new environment and footballing culture where tactics and professionalism are much higher than Iran (even if the talent level isn't necessarily better) to climb the ladder of European football and Ansarifard is actually putting a little mark in the Greek league after the dismal season at Osasuna.

                                Also, you use Pouraliganji to China as an example when you're whole argument was transfers to Europe. Doesn't make any sense?

                                And finally, you claim that players should be smart like Ezatolahi. Yes, he choose Rostov for whatever reason, but smart wouldn't necessarily be the word to describe that particular move. How is turning down an extension at Atletico Madrid to play in their B team and/or Getafe to sign with Rostov when they've already got to many non-EU players and not get registered and able to play a single game for 6 months a smart move?

                                You sir, make absolutely no sense.

