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Shojaei's and Pooladi's club relegated to the 2nd division of Qatar

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    Originally posted by Dejagah#21 View Post
    Pas ghalt karde to Team melli bazi mikoneh..
    Masoud ghalat mikone? Pouladi Chi? Ashkan? Hosseini? Montazeri? Gucci?

    Hade aghal Masoud to europa bazi kard ta 30 salegi bad raft qatar, baghiye bazikone to oje bazishon raftan qatar

    To qataram Masoud, Hosseini, Montazeri fekre footballeshonan, vali Ashkan, gucci, pouladi fekre ghelyoona biroon raftanan...
    Bookmark the PFDC Calendar for TM & WCQ games
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    Villa + Messi =


      Masoud is done, he can do whatever he wants now as he is old and is not a key figure in TM anymore. The real retards are Gucci, Ashkan and Pouladi


        Originally posted by Z Joon View Post
        Masoud is done, he can do whatever he wants now as he is old and is no more a key figure in TM. The real retards are Gucci, Ashkan and Pouladi
        I am sure they will return back to Europe


          Originally posted by shayan_esteghlali View Post
          Masoud ghalat mikone? Pouladi Chi? Ashkan? Hosseini? Montazeri? Gucci?

          Hade aghal Masoud to europa bazi kard ta 30 salegi bad raft qatar, baghiye bazikone to oje bazishon raftan qatar

          To qataram Masoud, Hosseini, Montazeri fekre footballeshonan, vali Ashkan, gucci, pouladi fekre ghelyoona biroon raftanan...
          This is bullshit.. I liked Ashkan in Fulham. I hate that he plays in arab-deserts.. Team Melli is not for sell-outs. I would wote to throw all PG-arab palyers out from TM.


            Originally posted by Dejagah#21 View Post
            This is bullshit.. I liked Ashkan in Fulham. I hate that he plays in arab-deserts.. Team Melli is not for sell-outs. I would wote to throw all PG-arab palyers out from TM.
            Alright thats good, i thought u were just bashing on shojaie, but i totally agree that we should ban all pg arab players, idc if its dejagah or enayati, if they are playing in PG leagues they shouldnt be in tm
            Bookmark the PFDC Calendar for TM & WCQ games
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            Villa + Messi =




                Shojaei played really well against Sweden. I can imagine Pooladi playing as long as he can in Qatar or UAE and when he's done he'll probably flee to US or Europe, with his new earned millions he can start a life after football anywhere, but i doubt he'll ever set foot in Iran again as long as IR is in power, they'll throw him in jail for a few years at the least.


                  Qatari Brotherhood

                  for some reason I can not post this funny pic I made it is 160k and this site does not allow me to post over 30k files. I have a link to full size photo in bigsoccer forum



                    Except Ashkan non of them are really good enough to play in Europe. Even Reza was a bench warmer in his last two clubs and in fact most of his clubs. Let them make their money there, at least they play every week.

                    Its people Like Sardar and ARJ I am more interested in. The new generation (under 23) those are the ones I like to see in Europe, preferably a club in Pro but weaker leagues like Belgium and Netherlands (over Germany, Spain, England and Italy), Let Gucci and the rest make their millions in Arab Countries, I don't blame them one bit.


                      Shojaei's and Pooladi's club relegated to the 2nd division of Qatar

                      Originally posted by IPG View Post
                      Except Ashkan non of them are really good enough to play in Europe. Even Reza was a bench warmer in his last two clubs and in fact most of his clubs. Let them make their money there, at least they play every week.

                      Its people Like Sardar and ARJ I am more interested in. The new generation (under 23) those are the ones I like to see in Europe, preferably a club in Pro but weaker leagues like Belgium and Netherlands (over Germany, Spain, England and Italy), Let Gucci and the rest make their millions in Arab Countries, I don't blame them one bit.
                      Masoud played 101 games for Osasuna in La Liga, he was not good enough to play in Europe?



                        Who is Ali Jokar? He is Iranian and plays for the same team.


                          Dejagah and Gucci would never have gone to garbage leagues, had they never been playing for Iran. It's part of the arab project.
                          The rest of them: its easy money and having to work less to shine (as if thats possible in gutter leagues and their camel teams).
                          What Gucci and Dejagah have done is just not acceptable. How the F can the best player of Fulham, who have played in two of the best leagues in Europe, for big teams like Hertha Berlin and Wolfsburg, and WON the European Championship with Germany youth team, end up in the gutter?!?!???!!?


                            Who is Ali Jokar? He is Iranian and plays for the same team.



                              Originally posted by clipsport View Post
                              Who is Ali Jokar? He is Iranian and plays for the same team.

                              He used to wrestle for Iran when he was younger, now he plays football for the money. Baghale sare kooche ham gharare bere Qatar contract bebande. Qataris are desperate to import foreign football player. You can give it a shot if you are not over 70 year old.


                                Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
                                He used to wrestle for Iran when he was younger, now he plays football for the money. Baghale sare kooche ham gharare bere Qatar contract bebande. Qataris are desperate to import foreign football player. You can give it a shot if you are not over 70 year old.
                                LOOOOOOOL just shows how much a joooooke those gutter leagues and their teams, their whole thing they call "football" is!!!!!!!

