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Persian Immortals Nostalgia

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    Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
    it seems you guys enjoyed yourself! There is quota restriction on uploading photos for me that does not let to post file even as large as 30k I don't know who did this ridiculous restriction that stops me from posting photos.
    Oh I'm sorry, does your free website not have these kind of restrictions?
    I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


      Originally posted by AminGP View Post
      We're not gonna name our team with a combination of english words. I love Team Melli
      Yeah right, coz 'team' is not English at all.


        Originally posted by PersianLegion
        No. All forums that I am a member of have a reasonable restriction for a single photo. I can not post picture with 30k here. Now we are talking about diesel systems. Plus you guys have google adds here that can generate around 400$ every month. That is by itself enough to operate this kind of websites if someone is not using the money for personal matters. I have helped operating forum base website with google adds I know how it works.
        So not only do you not offer a free website but also you believe the owner of this website is pocketing the money from ads for personal matters instead of using it for the upkeep of the site.

        Read through this thread to see how far off you are. Feel free to act upon the thread after reading through it.
        I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


          Originally posted by PersianLegion
          Saw the thread, but it does not change the fact we have google adds and a good traffic here. Have you ever work around that? I once was a member of an international forum with less traffic thatn PFDC and it had the same problem. We added google adds and we had more than what we wanted. all upkeep dues were taking care off and we end up with few bucks that decided to keep and had this article award every 3-6 months and the winner could get a small token bought by that extra money. Anyway this is the story from 2 years ago. I am still a member of that forum. You
          So the owner of this site was lying when he said:

          We have two servers and our cost is roughly about $3000 per year and another $1000 per year for software upgrades and maintenance. Another $500-$1000 per year for other costs such as running stuff or to buy new stuff and paying third party companies for their services (This doesn't include down times or technical problems). And some others expenses, it would be more or less 5000-6000 per year.

          Those who know about web know that it is almost not possible to do what we do here because the cost would be really high if I and my dear friends, were not putting time here without getting anything for it.

          But in a perfect world, people just like they pay for their daily newspapers or anything else, would pay their shares, to help these sites before they stop working. because it is impossible to do loss for many many years no matter how great the love for anything is.

          And We recover back around 2000 per year from ads, so there is still a room we could grow to get revenues to break even.
          I guess he just was looking for donations for his personal use and not to cover the monthly fees associated with a site that everyone uses at no charge.
          I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


            Originally posted by PersianLegion
            That amount is like an oversize government. Software upgrades, stuff, third party ... You can operate a website like this with free soft wares if you don't believe me you can do a little research of your own. We can use volunteers here to cut many design and technical issues. That also cut more expenses.

            Anyway I don't want to ruin this thread debating about this issues. I know what I am talking about. If I didn't work around this issue I might have accepted your argument. Btw, those who want to have a high quality website need to pay for it and get the credit while selling the website to potential buyer. Many people do this. Either find good sponsor like footbalitarin or cut the extra expenses deal with google adds.
            If as you claim you know what you were talking about then that implies that the webmaster didn't know what he was talking about when sharing the site's expenses and income.
            I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


              Originally posted by PersianLegion
              whatever dude. The best thing is ask around from other website to see how you can operate a forum or website with least expense and max income. I am not lying to you because I don't gain anything by doing so. I have seen this and worked with people who did that. Sometimes choosing different servers causes to save more money... I have seen all suggestion... we used to donate just like you guys and we saw it was not working for the long run so we came up with a permanent solution and it worked for us. All I can say is good luck! you either believe it or not. I am not here to force you believing me.
              Why don't you pm this info to the webmaster so his monthly expenses can be less.
              I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


                Originally posted by KC McElroy View Post
                Why don't you pm this info to the webmaster so his monthly expenses can be less.
                I just say here what we did.

                1. We switched to a cheaper server
                2. tried free softwares
                3. Google adds
                4. volunteer staffs writing useful articles (attract traffic)
                5. A well and liberal Moderating body (attract traffic)
                6. Active forum and friendly members (attract more traffic)
                7. Made older threads as read only section so no one could add more info to them but read.


                  Sepahe Javidan will always be with us Iranians in our memory and history as the creator of the first truly organized and retained military Organization under Kourosh, the Great, and Dariush, the Great. However, changing the name of Team Melli to other names will back fire under the present regime. They will soon advocate calling it Team Ya Hosein, Team Ya Imam, etc.

                  Team Melli in my opinion is a great unifying name and element we have at the present and we should not jeopardize that.


                    Lol, I love these forums. It seems every thread devolves into an argument about something.

                    I'm actually starting to believe that Iranians just love to argue haha.


                      Whining ill
                      I like the idea! Team melli = National team. having a nick name for Team melli is cool but I don't know where this Immortal came from! it doesn't sound nice, Eternity would be the better word for Garde Javidan perhaps...
                      so come on guys shoot me

