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Dejagah: I have no intention to return to Europe

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    Originally posted by Afat11 View Post
    I think it has already started. We have many players now leaving for Europe at a younger age. That is a great sign. To be honest, Dejagah wasn't going to develop anymore. As a winger, his career will only last 4-5 more years tops. He will likely be retiring from TM in the next 2-3 years. Playing in a competitive league wouldn't matter to a player like him, realistically. He's still a decent player, but his only job now is to just be decent enough for us to finish out his career as a role-player. He will no longer be looked to as the star of the team anymore. That time has passed.

    Guys like Jahanbakhsh, Azmoun, and the other youngsters will be looked to as the star players of the coming years. It is important that they are in Europe, as they need to improve their games.

    In years prior, we had players leaving later in their careers, and having short Euro careers and returning back to Iran. A guy like Ali Karimi was wasted in Arabestan for many of his younger years. Imagine if Karimi had been in Europe since he was 19 like Azmoun. By God, he would have been a top 10 player in the world.

    The attitude has started to shift. Despite everyone thinking this was just organic and random, I'd like to give some credit to CQ, as his focus on calling up Euro-based players has pushed younger players to leave Iran.

    Heck, even Ansarifard finally had to leave his comfort in Iran to try to remain in TM. No more youngsters staying in Iran and getting called up it seems. Only the Azmouns, Ezatollahis, Jahanbakhshs and the likes will be called up, and I love that. Our team will be filled with young legionnaires. Despite everyone saying IPL is as great as Europe, I'd rather have the Azmouns and Jahanbakhsh's in TM than the Payam Sadeghian and Ansarifard's of the world who stayed in Iran too late and are now basically worthless despite their raw talent early on. Ansarifard was supposed to be the star that Azmoun is becoming and he had the talent, but he decided to go to PP instead of abroad, and we see the result.
    Well said, pretty much agree with all of it.


      Correction : Europe has no intention bringing you back!


        Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
        I will say it one more time.

        The level of football in Qatar is low. For a player like Dejagah who played in The Premier League and Bundesliga and is only 28, a move to Al-Arabi is the worst thing he could do in term of footballing aspects. It's not a huge downgrade, but a shocking downwards spiral. He was one of the best Fulham players and he moves to the Qatari League who is equal to the 3.Bundesliga in terms of transfermarkt value (it tells you something about the level of competitiveness). Do we want a player like this in Team Melli? Ironically, all his team mates at least moved to a semi-decent country where they actually can play football. But Dejagah...Al-Arabi, fucking Al-Arabi mate. It couldn't get more embarrassing.

        This is where my problem lies.

        His transfer was all about money as he didn't give a damn about football. As simple as that. If Jahanbakhsh continues his good form and shows himself in Team Melli, I would prefer him as a fixed winger over Cashkan all day. Hence I would take even Ghafouri as a right-winger. Let Cashkan enjoy his money and feed his family in Qatar ''noose joonesh'', while we work with players who do want to make it in Europe and the R16.
        I would still want Ashkan in TM. I say this only based on the sheer performance he has given. He has consistently been our best player, and the move to Qatar, albeit bad, does not seem to have slowed him down at all. Just look at Ashkan's performance in Chile+Sweden matches. He was a level above the rest.


          Originally posted by onebloodfool View Post
          I would still want Ashkan in TM. I say this only based on the sheer performance he has given. He has consistently been our best player, and the move to Qatar, albeit bad, does not seem to have slowed him down at all. Just look at Ashkan's performance in Chile+Sweden matches. He was a level above the rest.
          Against Chile, you are very right but against sweden he wasn't that good. Can't believe i am saying this but Masoud was our best player vs Sweden.
          IRI's politics is no different than handling a pressure cooker ..... As the pressure builds up, you slowly let the steam out just a tad bit so that you don't see overflow, and once the pressure from below is less, you put the lid down again and raise the temperature.


            Originally posted by onebloodfool View Post
            I would still want Ashkan in TM. I say this only based on the sheer performance he has given. He has consistently been our best player, and the move to Qatar, albeit bad, does not seem to have slowed him down at all. Just look at Ashkan's performance in Chile+Sweden matches. He was a level above the rest.
            Lol bro vs Chile he was our best player, vs Sweden he was one of the worst on the pitch.


              مهاجم تیم ملی فوتبال کشورمان گفت: بچه‌ها به یکدیگر و حصور در کنار کی‌روش عادت کرد‌ه‌اند و قطعاً در این راستا از تمدید قرارداد کی روش بسیار خوشحال هستم

              It's hard to tell from an interview but it sounds like Gucci might be going back to Europe.
              He says he still has a contract with charlton and that he has offers from European and iranian teams. There's no mention of Arab teams but I'm sure they're around as well.


                Originally posted by Camran khan View Post
                Lol bro vs Chile he was our best player, vs Sweden he was one of the worst on the pitch.
                Well I mean if we summarize those two matches, he was the best. I did not think he was that bad against Sweden. He fumbled a little with the ball, but then again I dont think the team generally played much better. In Chile match he was on another level.

                Anyway the point is that Askhan is by far one of the better players in our arsenal, imo.


                  Originally posted by onebloodfool View Post
                  Well I mean if we summarize those two matches, he was the best. I did not think he was that bad against Sweden. He fumbled a little with the ball, but then again I dont think the team generally played much better. In Chile match he was on another level.

                  Anyway the point is that Askhan is by far one of the better players in our arsenal, imo.
                  Yes but due to the fact that our 2 most promising players weren't there.
                  I am pretty sure that with Jahanbakhsh and Azmoun our game would have been much better.
                  IRI's politics is no different than handling a pressure cooker ..... As the pressure builds up, you slowly let the steam out just a tad bit so that you don't see overflow, and once the pressure from below is less, you put the lid down again and raise the temperature.


                    Originally posted by Camran khan View Post
                    Lol bro vs Chile he was our best player, vs Sweden he was one of the worst on the pitch.
                    He was a clear beast against Chile. However, saying that, I notice usually he is not a so effective players for TM. He scores and assists very few. He choose to go into sexy dribbles and hard choice sometimes, who are very nice and beauful, at the expense of effectiveness (when some of his mate give him better option)


                      Originally posted by ali alipour View Post

                      It's hard to tell from an interview but it sounds like Gucci might be going back to Europe.
                      He says he still has a contract with charlton and that he has offers from European and iranian teams. There's no mention of Arab teams but I'm sure they're around as well.
                      I am praying he will to the right thing and move back to Europe.


                        Originally posted by Ali.Karimi79 View Post
                        Yes but due to the fact that our 2 most promising players weren't there.
                        I am pretty sure that with Jahanbakhsh and Azmoun our game would have been much better.
                        Azmoun would have been a great addition, but imo Ashkan is a better player than Jahanbakhsh. However, Alireza still has time to become even better.
                        Whereas Ashkan has naturally plateaued.


                          Compare Dejagah performance in 2013 and 2014 and now. QSL has its effects on Dejagah. I think if he continues going down this path he can be effective for a year.

                          This is the answer of Korean forumers when I asked them about Korean NT players who left for Qatari clubs. They have experienced something that we are about to taste.

                          1st Quotation: "We need to prevent our players from going to the Gulf or Grease Land period, the money may be too good to be true but it really does them no good. Cho Yong-Hyung and Lee Jung-Soo are two good examples of why you shouldn't go to the Oil Lands, both were perhaps our best CB duo leading up to the 2010 FIFA WC under the guidance of Huh Jung-Moo, but things went to shit when they both decided to make a move to Qatar right after the WC ended."

                          2nd "they become pointless..."

                          3rd "Btw, there was a recent interview with Cho Yong-Hyung on how he's questioned that had he not gone to Qatar, he would've still been playing for the KNT and a better playing career. If I can recall from that interview, he said that he started to lose the enthusiasm of playing football and the weather was just too hot. I'll go look for that interview."

                          More comments were indicating that their good NT players were losing fitness and enthusiasm. They were short in breath and could not run 90 min any more even in AC 2015.


                            Originally posted by onebloodfool View Post
                            Azmoun would have been a great addition, but imo Ashkan is a better player than Jahanbakhsh. However, Alireza still has time to become even better.
                            Whereas Ashkan has naturally plateaued.
                            Yes i agree. Right now, Dejagah is (slightly) better than Jahanbakhash BUT Dejagah had a proper football education in germany unlike Jahanbakhsh. If Jahanbakhash had the oppurtunity Dejagah had in his youth, Jahanbakhash would be a legend by now considering his hunger and attitude.
                            IRI's politics is no different than handling a pressure cooker ..... As the pressure builds up, you slowly let the steam out just a tad bit so that you don't see overflow, and once the pressure from below is less, you put the lid down again and raise the temperature.


                              Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
                              Correction : Europe has no intention bringing you back!
                              i think, the demand for his services in decent teams of Top EU league has plummeted greatly since his move to football's wasteland..!! so it aint like EU clubs were lined up to snatch him up anyways..!!

                              even after Fulham relegation, there werent any serious interest for his services in EPL, and only a german and probably few other b-C grade EU team inquired for his services and even those werent willing to part with good money to attain his services..!!

                              this fool had a great opportunity to become an iranian footballing Legend..! for that to have happened he shoulda tried harder to play his trade in more respectable leagues and give a bit of shit what TM fans thought of his career moves..!!

                              all i gotta say now is that he better Put up (good performances) in TM or there'll be little patience and benefit of doubt afforded to him by fans and CQ, and likely will get benched or dropped all together if struggles with his form..!!


                                Take his performance in Sweden match out and he is still a good RW for us. Joining QSL was a personal decision that he made. It was good financially for a year but disappointing for his football career. Now he needs to face the reality and accept a weaker Bundesliga or other European team with less profitable deal and shows his value to get better contracts or stay in QSL and have a career suicide at 28. He could easily move there after he was 31 or something and make the money. Staying in QSL cost his NT career and more international spot light to get better offers.

                                One wrong greedy decision and waste the rest of your career for ever. If he gets out of form or benched in NT, he will see the effect on his up coming contracts even in QSL. I give our IPL players a break for one or two season playing in Arab leagues since the payment in IPL is garbage now. Esteghlal players have received only 20% of their contracts, and Persepolis less than 50%. We have only two weeks to the end of the season and most of the clubs are struggling to pay their squads. This way you will see many IPL based players rushing to Arab leagues next season.

                                But there is no excuse for the like of Gucci, Dejagah, or Pooladi in Arab leagues. Jalal is at the end of his career so he can grab as much as fat contracts he can to invest for his retirement period.

