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Another questionable act by tractor fans

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    Originally posted by rugs View Post
    Because Tractor Sazi is in Tabriz, and Tabriz is in Azarbayjan.

    Foolad has chants like that about Khouzestan.

    I heard Malavan has chants like that too.

    Essentially any regional team will have chants like that.

    The problem is, you have this idea in your head, and you are trying to string chants and videos you do not understand in an attempt to make this point you already sold yourself on.
    Been to games in Shiraz, Esfahan, Mashad, never heard regional chants. Do you go to PP and SS games and chant "Tehran..."??? I am not stringing anything...but if Ali Daei is saying it, if we are seeing fans hold up anti-iran slogans, and chanting Khalij arabi...I think teams should be sanctioned...if it means Tiraxtur plays in closed stadiums or loses points (even relegation) so be it. And if what you say is true about other teams fans (so long as it is anti-iranian) they should also be sanctioned. In other world class leagues, teams are punished for the actions of even 1 fan (e.g., act of racism, hooliganism so forth)...

    If all goes well, Tractor Sazi will lose, and we can hear the last of their fans thinking 80% of Iranians are Tiraxtur fans. Iran is more than just Azarbaijan, Azarbaijan is part of Iran
    Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


      Originally posted by O-ZoNe View Post
      So how is that cheering for Tiraxtur FC? What other group, region in Iran cheers for their team in such a way? Again sometimes it's what we do not hear that is louder than what we do hear. No I am not an Azari or Turk...
      Are we going to call for banning Foolad now too?

      راه یکی است و آن راستی است


        Originally posted by rugs View Post
        Are we going to call for banning Foolad now too?

        Is it anti Iranian or racist? If yes then they should be penalized. If it results in a ban (i.e., it keeps happening and they keep losing points) then so be it. All I hear is "Foolad"...
        Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


          Originally posted by hzv View Post
          although i agree with most of your post specially in regards to congratulating azaris and not painting all with one brush i do however disagree with the gist of your post. all iranians are bad off why should minorities be seperated than other iranians and handed out apologies and sympathies? who should do this sympathizing the other iranians who have it just as bad? maybe the azari valieh faghih should sympathize more? "aryan persians" (that you so mockingly put) are not stupid and they clearly see that for certain ethnicities (edit:sub cultures) in iran there seems to be a false ethnocentric bagh bagh garbage and i hate to break it to you but azaris are one of those groups. please do tell us where azaris came from? if azaris are not the decedents of the same "aryan persians" that seem to bother you so much i will chop my penis off! where did the azaris come from? please answer me this! where did the kurds come from? how many years do you go back to trace your roots? if you go back long enough you will see these are all tghe same ethnicity with sub cultures stemming from the same tree of cultures and languages.
          you should be allowed to cherish and treasure every culture i believe even the most basic cultures and languages in africa should be cherished and passed on but do not forget that farsi is also your language and culture. in iran there are 3 groups that do lots of bagh bagh and are very ethnocentric and by now it is well known by the rest of iranians. it is time to look inwards read some books and stop bagh baghing. kurds, azaris and arabs need to get out of their village and embrace the greater iran. where did azaris come from?
          If you know Iran you know that most developments are in the central parts and the peripheries are under developed. There is a big gap between Tehran and other provinces. These places are called "manateghe Mahroom". Azeris are discriminated both economically and culturally along with other ethnic minorities in Iran. Let's have a fact sheet before I go on:
          1. Azeris don't seek for your apology and sympathy, They seek to be valued as distinct ethnic group with its own culture and history.
          2. Khamenei has nothing to do with Azeris. This is a common mistake. He was raised in Mashhad, and entered the Shia network of Mulas which is its own world.
          3. I mocked that term because it is false. The whole Arian thing is a false term coined by Pahlavi dynasty to create a nationalistic identity. We along with the rest of the middle east are very mixed group of people and we are much closer to Iraqis than Germans or the French.
          4. Persian is not the language that Azeris spoke, they spoke the Azeri language which was part of the Iranic family of languages which is now extinct. That does not mean Persian is Azeri, or is the language that they spoke.
          I believe for our beloved country to succeed it should respect all of its ethnic groups and stop being so Persian-centric. It should allow every region to control its own education and affairs to some extent. Persian should still be the main language of the country but Turkish, Kurdish Arabic and etc should be officially recognized. I mocked the term because there are lots of people from Tehran who think Tehran means Iran and their Persian is some sort of sacred language that all the others should be so fluent in.
          This bagh bagh that you are so annoyed of is a reality, which is caused by suppression which has occurred in Iran for more than 100 years.
          It shall not stop, ethnic groups are going to be loud and are going to claim their presence. If you're a real Iranian you should come with terms, Iran is multi-ethnic, and Iran is not equal to Persian.


            I wipe my ASS with the turkish, kurdish and azerbaijaan flags... that's the best use of these rags.


              Originally posted by dash_sina View Post
              If you know Iran you know that most developments are in the central parts and the peripheries are under developed. There is a big gap between Tehran and other provinces. These places are called "manateghe Mahroom". Azeris are discriminated both economically and culturally along with other ethnic minorities in Iran. Let's have a fact sheet before I go on:
              1. Azeris don't seek for your apology and sympathy, They seek to be valued as distinct ethnic group with its own culture and history.
              2. Khamenei has nothing to do with Azeris. This is a common mistake. He was raised in Mashhad, and entered the Shia network of Mulas which is its own world.
              3. I mocked that term because it is false. The whole Arian thing is a false term coined by Pahlavi dynasty to create a nationalistic identity. We along with the rest of the middle east are very mixed group of people and we are much closer to Iraqis than Germans or the French.
              4. Persian is not the language that Azeris spoke, they spoke the Azeri language which was part of the Iranic family of languages which is now extinct. That does not mean Persian is Azeri, or is the language that they spoke.
              I believe for our beloved country to succeed it should respect all of its ethnic groups and stop being so Persian-centric. It should allow every region to control its own education and affairs to some extent. Persian should still be the main language of the country but Turkish, Kurdish Arabic and etc should be officially recognized. I mocked the term because there are lots of people from Tehran who think Tehran means Iran and their Persian is some sort of sacred language that all the others should be so fluent in.
              This bagh bagh that you are so annoyed of is a reality, which is caused by suppression which has occurred in Iran for more than 100 years.
              It shall not stop, ethnic groups are going to be loud and are going to claim their presence. If you're a real Iranian you should come with terms, Iran is multi-ethnic, and Iran is not equal to Persian.
              Azaris run the country, the government, the economy, the intelligence apparatus, ... they run the country and have disproportionately high amounts of funds sent to their areas through all their MPs, cabinet ministers and the like. Azerbaijane sharghi, gharbi, ardabil and other azari majority provinces are not considered manateghe mahroom by any means and never have been.
              I can't believe that some would be so porroo to deny this.


                Originally posted by PersianLegion
                I appreciate you wipe your ass with Al Ahwaz terrorist group flag instead of Kurdish or Azerbaijan flags.
                I wipe my dogs ass with those filthy rags...


                  Lol al ahvaz dg chiye


                    Originally posted by dash_sina View Post
                    If you know Iran you know that most developments are in the central parts and the peripheries are under developed. There is a big gap between Tehran and other provinces. These places are called "manateghe Mahroom". Azeris are discriminated both economically and culturally along with other ethnic minorities in Iran. Let's have a fact sheet before I go on:
                    1. Azeris don't seek for your apology and sympathy, They seek to be valued as distinct ethnic group with its own culture and history.
                    2. Khamenei has nothing to do with Azeris. This is a common mistake. He was raised in Mashhad, and entered the Shia network of Mulas which is its own world.
                    3. I mocked that term because it is false. The whole Arian thing is a false term coined by Pahlavi dynasty to create a nationalistic identity. We along with the rest of the middle east are very mixed group of people and we are much closer to Iraqis than Germans or the French.
                    4. Persian is not the language that Azeris spoke, they spoke the Azeri language which was part of the Iranic family of languages which is now extinct. That does not mean Persian is Azeri, or is the language that they spoke.
                    I believe for our beloved country to succeed it should respect all of its ethnic groups and stop being so Persian-centric. It should allow every region to control its own education and affairs to some extent. Persian should still be the main language of the country but Turkish, Kurdish Arabic and etc should be officially recognized. I mocked the term because there are lots of people from Tehran who think Tehran means Iran and their Persian is some sort of sacred language that all the others should be so fluent in.
                    This bagh bagh that you are so annoyed of is a reality, which is caused by suppression which has occurred in Iran for more than 100 years.
                    It shall not stop, ethnic groups are going to be loud and are going to claim their presence. If you're a real Iranian you should come with terms, Iran is multi-ethnic, and Iran is not equal to Persian.
                    Ey val well said! Shoma ke shagerede avalli chera ta alan on posht to kelas neshasti hichi nagofti!


                      Originally posted by dash_sina View Post
                      If you know Iran you know that most developments are in the central parts and the peripheries are under developed. There is a big gap between Tehran and other provinces. These places are called "manateghe Mahroom". Azeris are discriminated both economically and culturally along with other ethnic minorities in Iran. Let's have a fact sheet before I go on:
                      1. Azeris don't seek for your apology and sympathy, They seek to be valued as distinct ethnic group with its own culture and history.
                      2. Khamenei has nothing to do with Azeris. This is a common mistake. He was raised in Mashhad, and entered the Shia network of Mulas which is its own world.
                      3. I mocked that term because it is false. The whole Arian thing is a false term coined by Pahlavi dynasty to create a nationalistic identity. We along with the rest of the middle east are very mixed group of people and we are much closer to Iraqis than Germans or the French.
                      4. Persian is not the language that Azeris spoke, they spoke the Azeri language which was part of the Iranic family of languages which is now extinct. That does not mean Persian is Azeri, or is the language that they spoke.
                      I believe for our beloved country to succeed it should respect all of its ethnic groups and stop being so Persian-centric. It should allow every region to control its own education and affairs to some extent. Persian should still be the main language of the country but Turkish, Kurdish Arabic and etc should be officially recognized. I mocked the term because there are lots of people from Tehran who think Tehran means Iran and their Persian is some sort of sacred language that all the others should be so fluent in.
                      This bagh bagh that you are so annoyed of is a reality, which is caused by suppression which has occurred in Iran for more than 100 years.
                      It shall not stop, ethnic groups are going to be loud and are going to claim their presence. If you're a real Iranian you should come with terms, Iran is multi-ethnic, and Iran is not equal to Persian.
                      Um, what? (did I catch on to that right???....)
                      Who said that the Germans or the French were ever Aryans in the first place? Doesn't Iran itself mean 'land of the Aryans'? The word Iranian itself is the modern equivalent of Aryan. More correctly, it is the Germans and Hitler who had been misusing our term to further the Nazi agenda of the superior blond-haired, blue-eyed race. The word 'Aryan' by no means is referring to either the French or Germans. It existed long before the Pahlavi dynasty (regardless of the propaganda it was used for), and is definitely not a false term.
                      But yes, Iran is definitely multi-ethnic, and does not equal Persian. Of course. To disagree would be ridiculous.
                      Last edited by persianpopinjay; 05-11-2015, 03:53 AM. Reason: revision
                      Proud 2b part of #TrotsRabbleDogs as a working class dog, Oz Corbynite & jaded republican.

                      "I'll always walk around like a Persian popinjay, and no one's gonna stop me, honey!"―Freddie Mercury.


                        Originally posted by rugs View Post
                        The only disgusting thing I heard at either of those two matches was an entire section of Esteghlal fans chanting "Eshak, eshak" which in my opinion, is worse than a few separatists sneaking in a picture with a stupid sign.
                        What does that mean?


                          I like how we are ignoring who caused all of these problems in the first place. The mullahs. Instead of forming a united front against them, we are fighting amongst ourselves and this is what mullahs want. Iran is a country that has been standing for thousands of years, some red rag is not going to do anything to it. Our enemy is the mullahs. They will destroy Iran.

                          It was stupid to bring that rag to Tehran and Azadi but we should focus on the more important things.

                          also, we can always go to a Neftchi baku game and wave a Tat flag

                          Last edited by TheBoss; 05-11-2015, 12:46 AM.


                            But seriously though, I can't wait for the TM squad list to be revealed (it's supposed to be revealed today) so we can end this thread.


                              Originally posted by persepolisfan View Post
                              Tractor once again proves that they are a disgrace to Iran. The club does nothing to try to suppress these propagates as far as I know.
                              I hope Tractor fail to win anything. Ridan
                              Agha ki rid? look at the IPL table? You almost risked relegation at one point

                              I'm not even going to try to make you talk sense. Good luck to Perspolis next season :-)
                              Team Melli - Traxtor - Barcelona


                                Originally posted by Camran khan View Post
                                What does that mean?
                                Khar, khar on azari
                                Team Melli - Traxtor - Barcelona

