Originally posted by O-ZoNe
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As far as I knew, they either want to separate completely and be their own country or join Azerbaijan. In that sense, would it have been any different if some Brazilian dude showed up to the stadium waving a Brazilian flag?
Have you never taken an Iranian or Canadian flag and waived them in a game where neither country had any representation just to say Iran/Canada was there? I know I have. Does that automatically make me a separatist?
And we also have to consider the possibility IMHO that someone (rather than a group) did this just to be inflammatory. What better way for someone to make their case against separatism by doing an act that would be considered an inflammatory move by separatists?
I mean there are no shortage of possibilities here, not all of which point to an organized separatist agenda being displayed. I think assuming the worst of those possibilities is a little presumptuous on our part - at least in this one particular instant. I have no issues with cases where there was clear separatist agenda and of course there's no room for that in a sporting arena.